I also feel the same Drake, I said and he kept count of my words, After a few minutes of holding back, Drake pulled me close and hug me tightly. "Thank you, Alyssa". He whispered, embracing me with his manly scent.
Afterward, the day seemed to have run so fast, I was seated In my room when a knock gained my attention. I turned back and found Drake standing behind me.
"Hey, stranger!! What's going on?". I asked and he says with a warm smile, "noting Alyssa!! I only came to watch you a good night".
A shy smile smudge on my face, "Thanks Drake?". I said as he walked away still maintaining the exact look on his face.
The second Drake left, I tucked myself in bed, hovering a blanket over my head.
Calmness was in the atmosphere until suddenly a hand weaves me up by force.
I unlocked my eyes and found myself, standing at a crossroads, "What the hell?" My eyes spared round, and from afar I took a slight sight of someone ambling from the shadows, it had the form of a lady but transformed into a demon.
And while trying to move, it rushed past and nudged me to the ground.
"What the hell?" I turned and ran after it, just to find it attacking the villagers, everyone there rushed to find shelter, and my eyes fell on a little girl who tripped over a stone, trying to get away from the strange demon.
Thus without hesitation, I ran to the scene and transformed into a werewolf, whiskering the little girl away from the demon's clutches.
It took notice of me and for some strange reason, rephrased its steps and disappeared to the shadows, it larked out from me, and that's when I gasped back to reality, trembling with a scared look on my face.
8:00 pm)
It was eight in the morning, birds chirping and I left my room, going to Drake's, I pushed the door to his room and found no one there, his bed was as if, he didn't sleep on it at all, or I'm I mistaking?.
"Where is Drake?" For the second time in a roll, I keep on asking this question, not long the same person my eyes linseed to see, walked and met me inside his bedroom.
"Good morning Drake!!" I said waiting to hear his response, rather he walks past and head on to the bathroom.
After a while stroll out and left me waiting for my response, but this time, a shocking expression wears on when Sara walks into the room as well.
"What's going on?" That's my head talking, and upon seeing Sara's presence there, Drake finally spoke out.
He turns to me and said, "Alyssa, who are you?".
The shocked expression, transformed into a wary one, how and what does he mean by that?". Drake maintained his eyes and yelled the second my mouth became heavy to speak, giving in to my words.
So I said, "Erm!! I'm Alyssa, your Alyssa, what's going on?".
Somehow it felt like I was being interrogated, Has my secret been exposed!! Does he know the truth of my real identity? And what role does Sara hold in this drama? What the hell is happening?".
( Eye locked to his)
"So, you're oblivious to everything?" After a few headcounts, he asked me ( Drake)
"Yes, I'm clueless?" I answered and he fills up the distance between us.
( Intense gaze on as he spat out to my hearing) "Why did you lie to me?".
( Drake's words to me)
"How I don't understand?". I said and he goes, "What's there to understand!! Why didn't you tell me you were using me, so to become a Luna!! I'm your ticket to becoming a Luna!! Since being with alpha can help a wash down wannabe Luna-seeking freak like you?".
(The Chapter ends heeding to had hurtful statement)