Chapter Six

Choon-Hee chewed on her bottom lip as she hid behind a pillar and looked around the campus. Christopher had been popping up everywhere with flowers or small presents. He even came into her class and just sat beside her like he actually went to her university and the professor didn't even question it! Possibly because it was the one that sexually harassed her and thought Choon-Hee had brought some back up. After all, Christopher was pretty fit. Not as big as Bin but just about there.

She quickly bolted out from behind the pillar to the next one and paused to look again.

"Really?" Obi asked from behind her with a snicker. She jumped with a screech and glared at her friend and coworker.

"You jerk!" She hissed.

"Let me guess, he's being persistent?" Obi asked.

"Persistent?! At this point it might be stalking! Obi, he literally came into my Music Production class!" Choon-Hee whispered as she stood up and stopped hiding behind the pillar.

"Wow, that's some serious dedication. How long has he been trying now?"

"Three days! He has gotten me a lot of expensive gifts too! He's bought me a necklace with a sunflower charm and the initials of my birth name and Korean name. And it's real gold! It doesn't leave any marks. Look!" Choon-Hee said, showing her neck. Obi pointed at it.

"You're - you're wearing it?" Choon-Hee sighed with a roll of her eyes.

"That's not the point! Look, no green marks. He buys me expensive bouquets from this flower shop and has them delivered every morning at exactly 9:10 am. Then he's got sweet nothings written on the little cards and sticky notes. Saying my eyes are beautiful or how he thinks about me before he goes to sleep. Or how my hair is like a silk wave of cocoa butter. I used cocoa butter conditioner. Mi-Sun is telling him everything!" Choon-Hee exclaimed as she walked with Obi, still shifting her eyes around her surroundings.

"I don't understand. This guy seems like he's really into you. He's even going as far as talking to Mi-Sun to figure out things about you."

"Technically, no. It's his friend Bin that's in contact with Mi-Sun. And he is hitting on Mi-Sun too, the same way, might I add." Choon-Hee said as they entered the building. Obi laughed and Choon-Hee stopped and threw a mini temper tantrum by stomping her feet on the ground and making a whining noise. "It's not funny! I'm struggling!" She whined as she leaned her head on his shoulder while he laughed at her.

Suddenly, Choon-Hee was yanked away from Obi and forced behind whoever pulled her away. "Hey what the hell–?!" It was Christopher in his usual outside get up. His bottom half of his face is covered with a black mask, some basic make up and the hood of his hoodie up and shadowing his eyes. Not covering up how handsome he was one bit.

"Stay away from her." Christopher said to Obi who stood there with a stupid grin.

"Why should I? Are you guys a couple?"

"Yes!" Christopher shouted as a bigger crowd gathered around, joining the crowd that were previously gawking at the handsome Christopher.

"Really? Does she know that?" Obi said provoking Chris as he pointed to Choon-Hee.

'What the fuck are you doing?! Shut your gay ass up!' Choon-Hee mouthed to Obi.

"Well, are you two a couple, beautiful? I'll back off if you are." Obi said.

"No—" Choon-Hee went to say before Christopher quickly shut her up. He moved incredibly fast as he pulled his mask down and crashed his lips against Choon-Hee's. She heard a round of 'oohhhs' and 'ahhhhhh' and squeals from girls saying he was hot. She could hear Obi clapping his hands and letting out an excited shriek. Her eyes were wide in surprise before they fluttered close. She didn't move to touch him in any way other than their lips that were brushing against each other. Even though she wanted to place her hands on his cheeks and pull him closer. Christopher pulled away, pulled his mask back up, and gave Obi a jealous glare. He lifted his arms in surrender.

"Hey, I was just messing around! I don't swing that way, pal." Obi said with a smirk.

"Wait, what?" Christopher asked with slightly wide eyes. Choon-Hee looked down, trying to hide her face as everyone stared at them and she was horrified to see the professor that sexually harassed her had also just witnessed this. But she couldn't help smirk a little bit now because it would also make the professor even more horrified with the fact that this buff dude has something going on with Choon-Hee and in fact came in her class to protect her.

"Yeah, I'm… you know… gay?" Obi said, bending his hand at the wrist. The universal sign of being in the LGBTQ community, according to TikTok anyways. "Choon-Hee is my friend and coworker."

"Oh! Oh my god." Christopher said, muffled by his hand that was now over his masked mouth. "I'm so sorry. I thought you were flirting with Choon-Hee—"

"Wait, so are you all not a couple then?!" Someone shouted from the crowd and Choon-Hee desperately hid behind Christopher. Shrinking her shoulders in, trying to make herself smaller and wishing for the world to swallow her.

"Um, well…" He looked over his shoulder at Choon-Hee who buried her face into his sweater, gripping it for dear life. "Um. Yessss." Christopher said as he slowly grabbed Choon-Hee's hand, tangled their fingers together, and guided her beside him. She buried her face into the oversized sleeves of the hoodie she wore. "Choon-Hee…" Chris chuckled nervously. "Tell them." Choon-Hee didn't want to say they weren't a couple because not only would embarrass him, it would embarrass her too. But also, what if they did actually end up being a real couple?

"Um, yeah. We are dating." Choon-Hee said, almost a whisper.

"Ahaha. Choon-Hee, You're gonna need to say that a little louder. I could hardly hear you. And I'm right next to you!" Christopher whispered out the corner of his mouth as he gave a tight smile to the crowd.

"Well, I'm not that one who lied about being a couple, now am I?!" Choon-Hee whispered back as she hid behind her sleeve still. Christopher looked at her, his eyebrows furrowed telling Choon-Hee was frowning. He turned back forward.

"I'm not planning to give up anytime soon, sooner or later you'll be my girlfriend."

"Bold words for a stalker!" Choon-Hee jabbed.

"What!? Ahem." He cleared his throat. "I am NOT a stalker!" Chris whispered back.

"Dude, you literally came into my class that you're not in at a university you aren't even enrolled in!" Choon-Hee pointed out to him.

"Can we finish talking about this later?! Please?!" Christopher begged.

"Fine!" Choon-Hee cleared her throat as she slowly pulled her sleeved hand away from her mouth. "Um, yes. We are a couple." Choon-Hee said a bit louder and then dragged Christopher to her class, this whole thing might make her late.

Choon-Hee and Christopher settled in her row of pews. She slowly looked at him with a glare. She slapped him on the back of the shoulder, jolting his upper body forward.

"Why would you do that?!" She hissed.

"I'm sorry. I was just…. A little bit jealous…"

"A little?! You kissed me in front of my classmates! And yelled at my friend. Chris! We aren't even together." Choon-Hee said with a frown as the professor came in.

"I know that! But you also know I like you. I know you feel the same."

"Can you, just, shut up?!" She asked as she covered her face with her hand from his view. He let out a soft laugh as he gently grabbed her hand and lowered her it to the table while still holding it. Choon-Hee's face flushed as he smiled at her. She looked at their hands on the table as she bit her bottom lip gently.

"Oh, by the way.. I got you something else." He said reaching in his pocket and handing Choon-Hee a jewelry box.

"Chris. Stop getting me expensive things!" Choon-Hee said, grabbing the box and shoving it into her bag because she knew he wouldn't take it back.

"But I want to. I want to spoil you." Christopher said.

"Do I look like a sugar baby or something?" Choon-Hee asked in English.

"No, of course not." Christopher replied. "I just really like you. I want to give you presents."

"Well then get me cheap things. I don't want you to spend all your money on me!" Choon-Hee said.

"Oh trust me, money isn't a problem." Christopher said.


"Um, I mean—"

"Are you from a rich family or something?"

"Oh no, nothing like that…" Christopher said with a nervous laugh. Choon-Hee arched a brow in question. "Um, I have a well paying job." Christopher said. "Oh look, your class is starting." He said pointing to the front. Choon-Hee gave him one last look before turning her attention to the front of the class. She almost forgot they were holding hands until he shifted his fingers a little.

Choon-Hee, despite her denial, purposely did her best not to let go of Chris' hand. She loaded everything back in her bag with one hand and they walked out of the class holding hands. At least if this was considering holding hands, with her sweater paws in the way. Their palms weren't touching, the only thing touching were their fingers that were entwined. She couldn't help but look at their fingers entwined. She just found her pale slender fingers against his slightly tanned fingers so attractive.

"Choon-Hee!?" Eun-Young called and Choon-Hee panicked. She tried to yank her hand from Chris' but he held on tight.

"Let go!" She hissed as she took a hold of his wrist and pulled their hands apart. "Heyy, Eun-Young. I forgot you had class today." Choon-Hee chuckled nervously. Eun-Young eyed her knowing she was acting strange and already suspecting the two.

"Flower boy, right?" Eun-Young asked point at Chris.

"Sorry?" Christopher asked as Eun-Young let out a sigh.

"Flower boy? Rich boy? Choon-Hee's boyfriend? Secret admirer?"

"Oh, haha, it's not a secret." Choon-Hee said. "I very much know who he is."

"Oh, yeah. That's me I guess. Unless someone else is sending them."

"Well, not to Choon-Hee, no." Eun-Young replied.


"Mi-Sun has been getting flowers too. From some guy named Bin. Except Mi-Sun is the only one not trying to throw them away everytime."

"Oh really?" Chris said looking at Choon-Hee who flushed in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, we don't let her." Eun-Young teased. To be honest, the only reason she tries to throw them away was because she knew that her roommates would interfere everytime. If she lived alone, she wouldn't even bother to pretend she doesn't care. She would put them in their respectable places with zero thought.

"You really need to stop with the flowers though. It's taking up too much counter space that my roommates could be using for their assignments and things." Eun-Young told Christopher.

"Oh I didn't even think of that.." Chris said and Choon-Hee was slightly surprised that Eun-Young was actually trying to help her out here.

"So try to send one every week instead. That way the old bouquet is dead and ready to be replaced." Eun-Young suggested and Choon-Hee facepalmed. She spoke too soon.

"Oh okay, I definitely do that then. What's today?" Christopher asked as he pulled his phone out to check.

"What's with the get up?" Eun-Young asked, gesturing to Christopher's outfit. "You look like a celebrity."

"Oh, well. I just don't want people to know who I am here. Keep my life quiet. Don't let photos or such spread of me." Christopher explained.

"How come? Wouldn't that give you more exposure for your band? Attractive leader of a self made boy band!" Choon-Hee said, imagining the headlines.

"Nah, we don't need exposure. In fact, I'd rather not have a scandal for my career." Christopher said.

"Okay, then don't make a huge scene in a crowded University again, yeah?" Choon-Hee whispered in Chris' ear, clasping Chris' shoulder.


"OH! Speaking of. I heard that some girl's boyfriend got jealous and kissed her right in front of everyone this morning!"

"Oh really?" Choon-Hee asked as she shot a glare at Christopher. "How'd you hear about that so fast?"

"Please. You know I live for drama." Eun-Young said. "Did you see it?"

"You can say that." Choon-Hee replied.

"Really?! Do you know the couple?"

"Yeah, actually the girl told me they aren't actually a couple."

"Whaaaaat? I heard that she confirmed they are a couple!" Choon-Hee shrugged.

"I dunno, but I better head home." Choon-Hee said as she waved goodbye to Eun-Young. Christopher tried to take her hand again but she quickly swished her arm. "Don't touch my hand." Choon-Hee huffed, remembering why she was mad at him after the conversation with Eun-Young. "I can't believe you kissed me in front of the whole school! Now everyone thinks I'm dating you and it's not even true!" She groaned.

"Let's make it true."


"Go out with me, Choon-Hee." Christopher her sleeve pawed hand in his.

"No." She said as she slipped her hand from his.

"Why not?!" He asked, throwing a fit with his feet. "We feel the same about each other."

"Because I said no."

"Fine, but I'm not giving up!" He said with determination. 'I hope you don't, flower boy.' Choon-Hee thought as she held the strap of her bag and shifted the strap up farther on her shoulder anxiously.

"Whatever." Choon-Hee said as she shrugged her shoulders in response.


Choon-Hee had finally come out of her room after spending a majority of the day in her room blasting tracks through her headphones. Her hair was thrown up into a rainbow bun with baby hairs flowing around her face. She wore some high waisted gray sweats and a pastel yellow crop top covered with a gray knitted cardigan that went all the way to her knees.

She looked to find it rather empty. Only Mi-Sun sat in the living room at the coffee table. Choon-Hee looked around in the bathroom and kitchen before she went and sat on the couch.

"Kaehi and Eun-Young at classes?" Choon-Hee asked and Mi-Sun forced herself to look away from her work at Choon-Hee.

"Yeah." She said turning back to her work. There was a knock on the door and Choon-Hee arched her brow. She looked at Mi-Sun who made no moves to get it. So Choon-Hee shrugged and decided to ignore it as she sank onto the couch. But there was another knock. She huffed in annoyance and got up.

She opened the door and gasped in surprise when she saw Christopher standing in the doorway with a bouquet. Mi-Sun looks up with a smirk before back down at her work.

"Christopher, what are you doing here?" Choon-Hee asked as she stepped back for him and then Bin followed in behind. "Oh, and Bin." Mi-Sun's head shot up and he gave her a wave and went over to her, handing her her own bouquet of flowers.

"Oh thank you!" She smiled sweetly and Choon-Hee almost gagged. She turned her attention back to Christopher who handed her the bouquet. Choon-Hee gave an annoyed smile and sighed. She gently took them from his hands.

"You still haven't answered my question, Chris."

"Oh right. I'm here to take you on a date."

"A date!?" Mi-Sun squealed loudly.

"Are you available?" Mi-Sun shoved Bin aside as she came over.

"Of course she is!"

"Actually, no, I'm not." Choon-Hee said as she crossed her arms, still holding the flowers. She decided to distract herself and find a vase to put the new bouquet in.

"Don't be ridiculous. She is completely available, Christopher."

"Are you available, Beautiful?" Bin asked.

"Hmm? Well, I'm working on some assignments right now…" Mi-Sun said with a slight frown.

"Oh what a shame. I was going to ask you to go on a date too." Bin gave a pout. "I guess I could stay here—"

"Oh, suddenly I'm available!" Mi-Sun grinned. "Let's go Choon-Hee." Mi-Sun said, dragging Choon-Hee out of the flat. Choon-Hee fought hard.

"Mi-Sun! I'm not even in proper attire for a date! Look at what I'm wearing!"

"Look at what I'm wearing!" Mi-Sun exclaimed as she shut the door after Christopher and Bin came out. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a blouse.

"At least you are wearing a blouse and jeans! I'm in sweats and a mom carnigan!" Choon-Hee bitched.

"There's no need to worry about that." Bin said as he wrapped his arm around Mi-Sun.

"Huh?" Choon-Hee said, looking at Bin as she slid Christopher's attempt at wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"We have to stop by a store real quick." Christopher said as he shot a glare at Bin.

"You can't keep secrets very well, can you?" Mi-Sun teased Bin as she gave him a flirtatious smack on his muscular chest. Choon-Hee wanted to do that to Chris but wanted to actually hurt him. Why he'd, not only drag her out for a date when she doesn't look half decent, but two also bring her best friend who's already openly romantic with her guy. Christopher opens the passenger side door for Choon-Hee and she flops in the seat making it clear she wasn't happy with him. Bin and Mi-Sun climb into the back and Choon-Hee sighs loudly.

"Oh my god! Choon-Hee isn't this fun? Our first dates with these guys and it's a double date!" Mi-Sun said excitedly as she stuck her head out between the two front seats from the back.

"Yeah. I'm thrilled." Choon-Hee said half heartedly. To be honest, this WASN'T at all how their first date went in her head at all. For starters, they were alone in her mind and she was actually dressed cutely in a dress. That alone tells you a lot, Choon-Hee wasn't much of a dress girl. She was thinking maybe eating at a street vendor and a walk around a park. Perfect date to get to know each other. Or maybe a picnic at a park.

Christopher got in the car and Choon-Hee watched him. When he looked at her she completely replaced her awestruck face with a frown. She couldn't help her awestruck face whenever she was reminded how truly attractive this Korean Aussie man was and for some reason he's into her to this extent. His gorgeous brown eyes sparkled when he looked at her and he gave her a heart dropping, knee weakening, ice heart melting, dimpled smile. How could a grown man make her want to giggle and kick her feet at how cute he was and just want to squeeze his cheeks even though he's a muscular guy!?

His teeth were straight in a beautiful and heartwarming smile. Choon-Hee's eyes went to his Adams apple as he swallowed nervously, his smile still genuine and shy. Choon-Hee slowly looked back in his eyes and his smile became a little crooked, a smirk. His dimples were just as attractive, HE was just as attractive with a smirk. Choon-Hee looked away with a huff as she stared out the window of the passenger door.

Christopher cleared his throat as he powered the car on. Choon-Hee watched as buildings began to pass her vision. She lost herself in her mind as she imagined the date she would have preferred to play out in her head. She didn't even realize when the car came to a stop and was put in park.

"Choon-Hee, we're here."

"Huh?" She asked confused as she looked at him and out the window, unbuckling her seatbelt. It was a store. "Oh, I'll just wait out here."

"No, you need to come in."

"Excuse me!?" Choon-Hee said, stunned by his demanding voice.

"Please." Choon-Hee opened her mouth to argue when her door was opened and she was yanked out by her friend. Damn, she should have stayed buckled in.

"I don't even like normal shopping for myself! What makes you think I want to shop with him?!" Choon-Hee fussed and Mi-Sun. "Why aren't you on my side?! Who's best friend are you!?"

"Oh chill out. They said we are just picking up some things. In and out."

"So why can't they just in and out by themselves!?" Choon-Hee demanded as she was pulled by her friend and Chris shut the passenger door behind them. Choon-Hee quickly fell silent when they entered the store. "ᴼʰ, ˢᵒ ᵗʰⁱˢ ⁱˢ ᵃⁿ ᴱˣᴾᴱᴺˢᴵⱽᴱ ˢʰᵒᵖ." Choon-Hee mumbled as she saw the sparkling jewelry, dresses, and suits.

"Wow!" Mi-Sun exclaimed as she ran up to the glass shamelessly to look at the jewels. Bin smiled as he watched her, showing his own dimples in his round cheeks. Choon-Hee did her best not to show the intense feeling of wanting to look at the rings. She loved rings, any kind really. It could be a silver band, or one with a jew placed in the center, as long as it was simple and not big and tacky.

"Okay, come on you guys." Chris said as he guided Choon-Hee by her elbow to the back. "Just go in there." He said pointing at a dressing room.

"Uhm, I thought you said in and out. Why do I need to go in a fitting room?" Mi-Sun sighed with an eye roll. She shoved Choon-Hee in.

"This would be SO MUCH quicker if you just listened!" Mi-Sun lectured. "Just stay in here."

"Wait! Where are you going?!"

"I'm going wherever Bin is taking me." Mi-Sun said. Choon-Hee's mouth gaped open as Mi-Sun hooked her arm with Bin and walked away as she waved bye to Choon-Hee. Choon-Hee looked at Christopher as if he could do something.

"I'll be right back."

"Wait! Where are you going?!" Choon-Hee said not wanting to be abandoned again.

"Well, I gotta change too."

"Change? Too? Huh?" A woman suddenly came up with a hanger with a dress covered and jewelry dangling off of it. "Chri—" She went to say but he disappeared.

"He requested you change into this. Don't worry, it's already paid for."

"Ahahaha. Right. Um.." Choon-Hee hesitated as she took the hanger from the woman. "Um, thanks." She said awkwardly before quickly shutting the door. She hung the hanger from the hook. There was no way she was about to wear a dress. She sat on the bench as she looked at the dress. She hasn't even seen what it looked like. Choon-Hee sighed as she stood up and slowly unzipped the black cover.

She gasped as the dress revealed itself. It was a beautiful sunset yellow satin dress. The sleeves were off the shoulder ruffles. The dress was pretty slender with a very little amount of skirts. Choon-Hee took some of the skirts in her hand and cooed at how soft it was in her hands. She fully pulls it out of the cover and her jaw was slack at how beautiful it was. She spotted the tag and curiously picked it up from the dress. When she saw the price she nearly passed out. 3,149,226 Won!? That's around $2,000 in the USD. And yes, around. She isn't gonna do the exact math in her head!

Choon-Hee sat back on the bench, crossing her shaking arms and legs. There was no way she was going to wear that expensive ass dress. Wait…. If he got her something this expensive obviously they aren't going to no picnic at the park. Are they going somewhere really expensive?! Choon-Hee slowly looked down at her outfit. Does she really want to embarrass herself? She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. It's not that bad! She should be fine… right? She tried convincing herself that her outfit was fine even though earlier she was bitching about how horrible it was.

She threw a mini tantrum again as she made whining noises before stripping her outfit off. She only left her underwear on as she walked back to the dress. She removed it off the hanger with shaking hands. This dress was beautiful, was it really okay for her to wear it? She didn't even feel worthy of so much as TOUCHING it like she was right now. She tucked the price tag into the dress before unlacing the corset styled back. She slowly pulled it on and her body shivered as she felt the cool satin fabric run over her bare legs. Choon-Hee panicked when there was a knock on the door.

"WhAt?! Ahem, yess?" Choon-Hee said she felt like she was robbing the place. Mi-Sun peeked her head in.

"Heyyy, Christopher said you might need help with the dress. When Mi-Sun stepped into full view and shut the door Choon-Hee nearly passed out for the second time.

"Lord have mercy!" Choon-Hee mumbled as she tried to regulate her staggering breaths. Mi-Sun wore a beautiful midnight blue dress with yellow stars speckled across it with a slit in one side of the skirt. Her chest sparkled with a bejeweled with sapphires that matched the color of her dress. Her wrist and fingers a matching bracelet and ring to her necklace.

"Cute?" Mi-Sun asked as she gave a slight twirl and stopped when she faced Choon-Hee again. They stared at each other as they pressed their lips in thin lines, desperately trying not to laugh. But they failed miserably. They both bust into laughter as they smacked each other as they laughed. Choon-Hee gripped her stomach as she bent over, hanging onto Mi-Sun's shoulder. Both girls weren't huge on dresses.

"Okay, but all our preferences thrown out the window… damn you look good!" Choon-Hee said as she recovered from the laughter and stood up.

"Thank you, now turn around so I can lace you up." Mi-Sun instructed. Choon-Hee obeyed and turned her back to her friend who placed her foot on her lower back and took a hold of the lace.

"Wait a minute—!" Choon-Hee shouted as Mi-Sun pulled with all her might.

"How's that?" Mi-Sun asked with a smile as she tied the bow.

"Can't… breathe…" Choon-Hee gasped as her stomach was forced in by the fabric.

"Perfect." Mi-Sun said. "Hmm? What's this?" Mi-Sun said as she spotted the price tag sticking out.

"What's what? Oh that's– what are you doing!" Choon-Hee screeched as Mi-Sun ripped off the tag.

"What do you mean? The dresses and everything are already bought."

"Ahaha. Mi-Sunnn, hehe. Did you see the prices of these things?! What if they plan to return these afterwards?" Choon-Hee exclaimed, having a damn near heart attack just thinking about it.

"Well, I know mine isn't being returned." Mi-Sun rolled her eyes. "Now hurry up and put your shoes and jewelry on." Mi-Sun said, leaving the fitting room. Choon-Hee sighed as she kneeled down to grab the shoes. Luckily, just some yellow flats to match her dress. She sat on the bench and slid then on her feet. Soft and cool against her warm body.

She stared at the jewelry before looking down at the sunflower necklace she was wearing that Christopher had already gifted her. She wears it everyday since he gave it to her. She gently touched the charms that rested on her collarbone. It was the first gift he gave her and she had worn it ever since then.

"Mi-Sun, send that woman back please." Choon-Hee requested as she slid on the bracelet and ring on her right hand's ring finger. "No! You're already in the dress! Don't change your mind now!" Mi-Sun whined.

"Oh, Jesus criminy. I'm not changing out of the dress! I just need her for a min— just bring her here!" Choon-Hee demanded.

"Okay! Okay!" Mi-Sun said as she raised her hands in surrender and Choon-Hee heard her footsteps departure. Few seconds later the woman knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Choon-Hee said and the employee entered. "Okay, listen. Take these necklaces and tell him he can return them. I don't want to wear these ones." Choon-Hee said. "That's it. Thank you." The woman nodded and left the dressing room with the necklaces dangling from her arm.

She looked in the mirror and she looked much better, except… her hair was still in a rainbow bun on top of her head. She thanked past self for cleaning up her room a bit and finding one of her missing brushes. It had made her randomly brush her hair with it. Choon-Hee grabbed her clothes and shoes, putting them in a bag. She stepped out of the dressing room and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Christopher.

"You didn't like the necklace? Why?"

"Um.. well." Choon-Hee said, hesitating to tell him. She sighs and lifts up the charmed necklace he got her. "I haven't taken this necklace since you gave it to me." Christopher's face softened as he listened to Choon-Hee's explanation.

"Oh okay." He said, sounding much less insulted and hurt.


Choon-Hee nearly fainted as he took them to the center of Seoul where everything was expensive. He pulled up to the front of the restaurant and they got out. Choon-Hee passed out almost a second time. It was a huge building with beautifully decorated windows and neon signs with at least 5 stories.

"I don't think you can park—" She watches Christopher drop the keys to the car into a doorman's hand. "Oh! Okay then…" He takes Choon-Hee's hand and tucks it in the crook of his arm. She grew more nervous as they walked on the red carpet leading them to the doors. They were opened by workers and they entered the restaurant. Choon-Hee looked behind her looking at her friend Mi-Sun. They had a conversation with their eyes before Choon-Hee sighed and turned back to face forwards.

Choon-Hee was too busy looking at all the people with beautiful dresses and jewels and others in fancy tuxedos with fancy and unique designs. The air smelled rich and of food, obviously. Choon-Hee hadn't even realized they had started walking again until they were sitting in private booths. Choon-Hee and Christopher sat alone in a booth, a red wine curtain blocking them from sight of others.

"Wait, where's Mi-Sun and Bin?" Choon-Hee asked, confused.

"They got their own private booth right next to us." Chris smiled. "Did I go a bit overboard? Do you think this is too much?"

"Um, yeah. I don't want you spending so much money on me! Are you digging in your life savings? Damn." He laughed at Choon-Hee, which startled her at first but a small smile spread on her lips. His laugh and smile were so nice, so infectious. She couldn't help the good mood she felt when he was around. Chris took Choon-Hee's hands in his.

"Do you like the dress?" He asked and Choon-Hee's face faltered.

"I do, it's beautiful but I'm not really a dress person."

"I'm glad that you approve. I had the dress custom made just for you. You're more than worthy of such luxury. Now let me have a dance?" Choon-Hee took a second to consume the information she just heard.

"Wait, did you say this dress is custom made? Like one of a kind?" Choon-Hee said, flabbergasted. "And there's a dance floor at this restaurant?!"

"Of course! And we are going to make it the most memorable dance of your life! Come on, let's go." He takes Choon-Hee's hand and heads out of the booth.

"Oh no. No, no, no! wait a minute! I don't dance! I'm terrible at dancing!" Choon-Hee quickly told him as she dug her heels into the ground.

"Don't worry about that, I won't let you fall. Just follow my lead." He said as he led Choon-Hee up a flight of stairs. As they got closer to the second floor the sound of waltz music got louder. Choon-Hee gasped in awe when her head finally peeked over the staircase and she saw men and women dressed elegantly. Swirling around in spurs of color and fabrics. There were others just sitting as an audience and watching the dancers. The second floor looked like a fancy ballroom.

Choon-Hee felt Christopher tug her to the dance floor by her hand. She fought every second and step of the way. She really was clumsy. She tripped over her foot and sprained her ankle once for heaven sakes!

"You're fine! I've got you!"

"But—" To her dismay he still pulled her onto the dance floor that wasn't very crowded. Choon-Hee doesn't know if she should be grateful about that or not. On one hand, she won't stumble on anyone. On the other hand, everyone will see it when she humiliates herself. He wraps his arms around Choon-Hee gingerly and begins swaying to the music, making sure she was not going to step on anyone else's feet or break anything. "Chris, I really don't dance."

"It doesn't matter. I just want to hold you close and show you how much I care." Chris gently and suddenly lifts Choon-Hee off the ground, spinning her around effortlessly. Choon-Hee let out an ungodly sound as he picked her up and spun her around. Her face flushed in embarrassment as he set her back down. Choon-Hee let out nervous giggles as he continued to have them sway to the music.

"Why though? Why are you trying so hard to pursue me specifically?" Choon-Hee asked as she rested her hands on his shoulders.

"Because you're worth it. I have never met someone as beautiful and captivating as you before. You make me feel like I can do anything, like I can conquer the world. That's why I want to hold onto you, and never let you go. To have someone as amazing as you to share my life with would be the greatest gift of all." Chris said as his cheeks flushed brightly from the confession and Choon-Hee's eyes were as big as saucers. Her face also flushed red and she quickly buried her face in his chest.

"How can you say something like that on our first date? I don't understand. I mean. You met me at a cafe. There's nothing really special about me. I guess we both do music production but.. is that really enough?"

"It's not just that. Your voice, your personality, everything about you makes me fall for you. The fact that you're being so humble and modest also endears me."

"But I'm not being humble or modest." Choon-Hee denied.

"Choon-Hee, you're different from the rest. You have this aura about you that tells people you'll always be there for them. It's like you're a ray of sunshine on cloudy days. When I think about having you by my side, I get butterflies in my stomach." Choon-Hee's heart fluttered at the confession. She didn't even think guys felt things like that.

"I don't know what to say, Chris." Choon-Hee said as they rotated around.

"Then don't say anything." Chris whispered as his eyes flickered to Choon-Hee's lips and then back to her eyes. Choon-Hee and his face inches closer and closer until her eyes flutter shut. She felt his warm hands gently rest on her face. This is the best first date ever. And she hoped that they would only keep getting better and better together. His lips softly brushed hers as her heart pounded in her chest. Her eyes flickered back open as she looked at him from under her lashes, shy. She pressed her lips together as he avoided her eyes.

There was clapping and Choon-Hee was reminded they were in public and had an audience to their first actual kiss. Her face flamed even more. Seeing how red her cheeks were, he gently grabbed her chin and brought her head back towards his.

"I love it when you blush. You look adorable." He teased Choon-Hee, despite the very red flames on his cheeks as well. Choon-Hee buries her head in the crook of his neck as she smacks him with a fist on his shoulders, utterly embarrassed. He wraps his arms around her sweetly as they continue to sway a bit to the music. "Are you hungry now? Would you like to order our food?"

"Yes, please!" Choon-Hee nod vigorously. Maybe once she eats, the butterflies in her stomach will go away. He laughed and smiled widely.

After placing their orders, he turned to her and asked, "How about we make a promise to each other?"

"What kind of promise?" Choon-Hee asked as she sipped on the soda delivered to them.

"Let's promise to always live life to the fullest." He said with a grin.

"Oh my god, that's so cringy." Choon-Hee laughed. "Okay, yeah I promise. To living life to the fullest." Choon-Hee said, holding her glass of soda out to him. He grinned as he clinked them together.

The server serves the food and Choon-Hee and Christopher dig into the food. "So Christopher. You obviously know a lot about me because of somebody. So let me ask you some questions." Choon-Hee said.

"I wouldn't say I know everything though! That's not fair." Christopher whined.

"You even know yellow is one of my favorite colors!"

"Actually, I guess that's because sunflowers are your favorite flower."

"Oh well.."

"Yeah, so can't I ask questions too?"

"Okay, first question." Choon-Hee said, completely ignoring him. "If you could live in any part of the world, where would it be?"

"Oh, that's tough…" He said as he bit his lip in thought. "Honestly, Australia. Because that is where my family is."

"Oh, right. Australia. Do you have siblings?"

"Two sisters, one brother."

"Nice. Almost like me." Choon-Hee slipped.

"You, you have siblings?" He asked and Choon-Hee sighed as she knew she didn't want to get into her whole family trauma.

"Yeah. Three. Two brothers, one sister." Choon-Hee said. "So, Christopher is your birth name right?" Choon-Hee said, trying to change the subject. Christopher can tell she didn't want to get into it.

"My full name is Christopher Chan Lee. In Korean that would be put as Lee Christopher Chan."

"Wait, so does anyone call you Chan?" Choon-Hee asked.

"Yeah. My members do call me by it sometimes."

"Do you prefer Christopher?" Choon-Hee asked.

"No. I don't really favor anything. They call me Chan, Chris, Christopher, Channie, so on." He shrugged and Choon-Hee nodded as they finished up their food.

"This was a really nice date… but I was thinking of something more like a picnic date."

"Well, we can do that next time."

"What makes you think there's gonna be a next time?" Choon-Hee teased.

"Well you said it was a good date."

"Haha. True. I want to plan the next date though. I can probably return the dress and jewelry to you too." Chan frowned slightly.

"Why?" He asked.

"Hm? Well, aren't you going to return them? They are hella expensive." Choon-Hee said, as if it were obvious.

"No, they are for you to keep." Christopher said, shaking his head. Choon-Hee's eyes nearly popped out of her eye sockets.

"T-to k-keep!? I couldn't! These are way too expensive! Surely you can use the money for better things! I'm not much of a dress person and I'll never have another opportunity to wear it." Choon-Hee quickly tried to argue.

"That's alright. It can hang in your closet and look pretty."

"Or stand out! Have you SEEN my closet? Let me give you some pointers. Graphic design oversize T-shirt, stained cut off sleeve tank tops, anime merch, kpop band merch, IT Pennywise shirts and sweaters, oversized hoodies, pastel colored sweaters. Get the picture?" Choon-Hee asked. Chan laughed heartily at her description. "Not to mention! Messy. There are things just shoved in there that I don't want to dig out. I have no idea what I'll find." Choon-Hee said as she gave a shiver. Chan laughed a little harder as she did so. "It's not funny! I'm serious!"

"Well, sell it if you don't want it then I guess. But like I said it's custom made so.."

"I cannot believe Mi-Sun gave you my measurements! I don't even know how she knows that! I don't even know! ...Wait a minute.. EUN-YOUNG!" Choon-Hee groaned in annoyance. Mi-Sun and Bin popped over.

"Are you guys ready to leave?" Bin asked with an arm wrapped around Mi-Sun's waist.

"Well, I finished eating. We also danced so I'd say we are ready. Chan?" Bin raised his eyebrow slightly at Choon-Hee calling Chris Chan. Mi-Sun doesn't really react.

When the car arrived at their flat, Choon-Hee realized they were about to walk into their apartment in fancy dresses that cost almost as much as their rent. She felt her face flamed as she timidly stepped out of the car. It was night so most likely no one would see them.That's what she's hoping anyways.

She was sneaking up the stairs to their floor while everyone was walking casually as if it's normal to be wearing outfits that cost over 662,770 Won ($500 USD). Choon-Hee was sure their suits were around 662,770 Won. She nearly tripped on her face, accidently catching the tip of her toe on the step. Welp, you know that one sound? 'At this moment he knew…. He fucked up.' If she hadn't been so focused on being sneaky she wouldn't be falling towards the doom of hitting her face on a step pretty hard. She squeezed her eyes shut until she felt her waist being grabbed and stopped her from getting a gnarly bruise.

She looked back already knowing who it was that caught her. One, because if Mi-Sun tried that they would have both would have earned a trip to the hospital. Two, she doesn't think Bin would even dare because of Chan AND Mi-Sun. That girl is possessive. Chris gave a charming smile as he lifted her away from the floor a bit so that she could get her feet back on the stairs properly. Her face flushed embarrassed as he didn't remove his hand from her waist as they went up the stairs. She did say she was clumsy.

He removed his hands respectfully as we arrived on our floor and Choon-Hee doesn't think Bin got the memo. His arm still tightly wrapped around Mi-Sun's waist. Mi-Sun quickly unlocked the door and they clambered into the common area.

"Sh. Shhh." Choon-Hee hissed as she realized Kaehi had fallen asleep at her desk again. Choon-Hee slowly walked over to her and shook her gently. "Kaehi."

"Mm?" Kaehi replied, still basically asleep.

"You fell asleep again at your desk. Do you want me to carry you to bed again?" Choon-Hee asked softly and Kaehi nodded as she slowly sat up and held her arms up. Choon-Hee wrapped her arms around Kaehi's waist and lifted her up. Kaehi wrapped her legs around Choon-Hee's waist and wrapped her arms around her neck. Choon-Hee quickly disappeared down the hall.

"I did not know she was that strong.." Chris said to no one in particular.

"Oh, did I not tell you that she works out? She doesn't go to a gym though. She does it at home." Mi-Sun said as Bin's arm moved to her shoulders now. "But Kaehi is also pretty light too." Choon-Hee came back out from the dark hall.

"I think I'm going to go ahead and change real quick." She said as she took the bag of her clothes and the hanger with the dress cover on it from Chan. "Thanks." She shot a bright smile as she disappeared down the hall again.

"I think I will too." She said and gave a kiss on Bin's cheek before also disappearing too. Christopher and Bin stood there a bit awkward since they've never really hung out in the girls' flat. They just kinda lingered until the girls appeared again. Chan's face flushed red when he saw Choon-Hee only wearing a long sleeve oversized lavender sweater. He quickly looked away and Choon-Hee let out a laugh.

"Chris, it's alright. Look." Choon-Hee said and when he looked he almost had a heart attack as her shirt was lifted but then he relaxed he realized she was wearing black sport shorts underneath.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie or something?" Mi-Sun suggested. "Oh wait you guys are wearing tuxs."

"Oh I'm fine. I can't just take the coat and tie off." Bin said quickly as he pulled it off.

"Yeah me too. What kind of movie are you thinking?" Chan asked and Choon-Hee and Mi-Sun grinned.

"Um, a horror movie. Obviously." Choon-Hee grinned.

"Duh!" Mi-Sun agreed.

"H-Horror movie?" Chan asked with a forced smile.

"Yeah, come on." Choon-Hee grinned as she pulled him to the couch. Mi-Sun went and got blankets and pillows from the hall closet and handed them out as Choon-Hee searched for a horror movie on the tv. She found one that really interested her. "Oh! Isn't this the one trending in TikTok saying that it's the most scary horror movie and a lot of people can barely get through half?"

"What?!" Bin squeaked out, already holding a pillow to his chest with his legs drawn up.

"Oh, you mean Veronica? Yeah it's based on a true story too." Mi-Sun said in response.

"True story?!" It was Chan's turn to squeak. He held some of the blanket in his fist, his knuckles white.

"Should we watch it?"

"Yeah, I bet we could make it to the end. Right, men?" The guys jumped and plastered a smile and gave enthusiastic nods.

"Oh yeah!" Bin said with a weak pump of fist.

"Totally, not scary at all." Chan said with a strained laugh. Choon-Hee played the trailer and Chan sunk deeper and deeper under the blanket until it was just under his eyes. Bin held the pillow tightly as he peeked over the pillow. Mi-Sun came and sat down.

"Alright! Let's watch this!" Mi-Sun cheered quietly.

"Yeah!" Choon-Hee said as she clicked play. Making it all the way through didn't end up happening. Choon-Hee passed out on Chris' shoulder and Mi-Sun and Bin went to her room after Choon-Hee fell asleep. Leaving a very scared Chan alone in a very dark room other than the tv. He quickly searched for the remote and clocked on a cartoon. Eventually, he relaxed and fell asleep with his head on top of Choon-Hee's.