Nilsa Walker

It was a beautiful morning with people walking around the city and basking in the early morning sun , people ranging from young to old were moving back and forth, doing their daily activities, you could see students going to school, cars were passing through out the city, meaning people were busy going to work, the morning breeze was calming making some passersby smile and giggled happily, others are chatting happily about their previous day activities, beautiful flowers were being blown around the city, making it look like a fairy city.

The warm morning sun was on the rise which means a new beginning and a new era was about to commence, what is more beautiful than a morning full of happiness...?

That's exactly what people enjoy, peace is what most people yearn for, most people like the peace they feel when they watch the sunrise of a new day, to mankind... the sunrise means a new beginning whiles the sunset signifies that what ever happened at sunrise was now a part of the past.

Is like closing the chapter of the book you read because you've seen the contents of it already, so going back to the same chapter doesn't change anything at all, rather than dwelling on unanswered questions of the previous chapter.... close it and move on to the next chapter which might hold your answers, so whiles everything was peaceful and perfect for some people that doesn't mean things are perfect for the Walker family.

In a big Manor located at the east coast of the city, the dinning table was perfectly set up with breakfast, a middle age man who has brown hair and deep blue eyes he

was wearing a black suit with a sea blue tie, his brown hair was styled perfectly with a little gel, he was sitting at the head of the table signifying his position and power in the family, even though he's aging as time goes by....he wasn't loosing his gracefulness.

The cold aura surrounding him makes him looks all business in the early hours of the morning, on his left side sat a young lady around the age of twenty four. she has the same deep blue eyes and brown hair, her lips were painted red, she has thick eyebrows and long lashes that are slightly curly at the end , her fingers are long and slender, in total she's the exact replica of the man sitting at the head of the table, she's the first daughter of the Walker family, she was wearing a beautiful but simple white dress with a jacket over it, her wrists were adorned with beautiful diamond watch, at first glance, she is very beautiful and her beauty will make anyman want to protect and shield her from the cruel world, these people are called the Walker's.

The man's name is Raymond and the young lady sitting beside him who's his first daughter is called Kathrine Walker , she's in the movie industry, she has worn many awards and many men vies for her attention, they would like to make her their wife and his father is really proud that her first daughter has made a name for herself, who wouldn't want to marry a beautiful woman who's a famous actress and from an influential family....?

She's got everything a man needs in a woman, this not only makes her father proud of her but the Walker family as a whole, her carrier carries the Walker family name worldwide.

Raymond Walker has three children but one is an illegitimate daughter and a son who's on a business trip at the moment, these three children have different opinions, characters and are even treated differently in the Walker family Manor.

He's very proud of his son who will he be handing down their family business to soon, to be on a safer side he's proud of only his legitimate children but not the illegitimate daughter who's not considered part of the Walker family.

Since they came down for breakfast about ten minutes ago..... Kathrine has caught her father throwing her complicated look many times, letting out a heavy sigh she look at her father in the eyes saying "all right spill it father, what do you want to say, say it fast because I've a movie to shoot,"Kathrine said checking the time on her iPhone.

Raymond released a frustrated sigh.

"I need a contract from the Walker family to boast our company's reputation in the business industry but they asked something in return, that's.... to give them your hand in marriage to their son Lucian," Raymond replied not beating around the bush or funning the fire.

Kathrine almost choked on the water she was swallowing after hearing her father's words, after coughing vigrously for sometime she finally calmed down and looked at her father before saying word by word.

"No way. There's no way I will get married to a crippled and blind man and be reduced to nothing but a baby sitter for the Black family's eldest son, that isn't happening,"

Raymond massaged his slightly aching head before asking a question quietly, what do we do now.

Suddenly a mischievous smile crept on his daughter's beautiful lips which made him feel a little uncomfortable in his place.

"Why don't we let Nilsa get married to him....?They'll make a perfect match and that way we could kill two birds with one stone, bingo..... so what do think about my suggestion dear father..?" Kathrine ask Raymond her father with stars twinkling in her beautiful blue eyes which were filled with pure glee whiles Raymond Walker looked at his daughter with a gaping mouth.

"Elder brother isn't around so we must make it fast before he gets back," Kathrine added before her father could even reply to her first suggestion.

Kathrine giggled which snapped her father out of his trance.

"Dad you should've seen your expression, you really are stunned by my perfect idea aren't you....?" Kathrine continue to ask playfully.

Clearing his throat... Raymond really didn't know what to say to Kathrine about her crazy suggestion.

"Kathrine know how protective your brother is towards her, he will literally be furious when he finds out about what we did in his absence, he loves your younger sister very much and you know he's a principled man, he is not a fun of Injustice so I think your suggestion is a bad idea," Raymond told his daughter his concern but Kathrine is not ready to here any of it.

" What's wrong with my suggestion...? She should pay you for accepting her, educating her, feeding her, clothing her as well as providing shelter for her for fifteen good years when she has no one so this is her chance to pay you back, weather she likes it or not and I know even mother will say the same thing if she was here" Kathrine said with annoyance coating her tone.

"Don't worry about elder brother because Nilsa would let him know that it was she who decided to help you willing, problem solved," she added yet again before sipping her wine in a relaxed manner as if she was discussing the weather with her father.

Raymond looked at his daughter with disbelief written all over his face, hearing his daughter's suggestion makes his heart tighten with guilt because even though he is Nilsa father he has never shown her any affection or whatsoever, making her get married to Lucian will totally crush her , that will be like throwing her under the bus or into a lions den.

"Kathrine the Blacks will be furious if we were to do such a thing like swapping out the woman they wanted for their son to another one who's not only illegitimate but also a mute who's identity even we her family members are unaware of. I'm afraid they might cause our company a damage for fooling them and your grandparents will be very unhappy if we send Nilsa there without their permission, you know that they're just like your elder brother, they are equally protective of her and they also will not support our decision," he tried reasoning with his daughter again.

Kathrine let out a sigh of frustration before speaking; "Father you know what my carrier is, I can't marry a man who's blind and have been confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life, what will the entertainment industry or my fans say about me...? The world will criticize me for marrying such a man whiles other good men are out there waiting for a chance to get me, think about my suggestion because it doesn't matter weather is me or Nilsa," Kathrine said picking up her handbag.

"She should help us because this is the first time we're requesting something very important from her," she told her father before getting up from her seat and walking out of the dining room whiles Raymond sat there looking at her disappearing figure with complicated emotions.

Letting out a sigh of his own he made his way out of the dining room as well. He just couldn't do that to Nilsa Walker. That will be too cruel of him as a father.