Dark Magic

Nilsa looked around the large room, there were no doors or anything except paintings, portraits and bookshelves.

"Where did the hid the boy" Nilsa asked herself inwardly as she looked.

"Where did the bastard his my son?" Chris asked coldly. Lucian and the others looked at Chris with wide eyes as the aura he was emitting was very dark. It seems like, Nilsa made a good choice by bringing Chris here.

"He is here but I can sense a lot of dark magic here and that's making it difficult to point his actual location" Nilsa muttered as she crouched down with her palm flatly placed on the floor. She willed her soul forward to interact with nature.

As Nilsa connected with the energy of the surroundings, she could feel the immense power of the dark magic enveloping the room. It was as if an invisible force was suffocating every corner, making it challenging to discern the location of Chris's missing son.