Another exhausting day at work. I just have one hour till I go home. In this snowy, freezing weather, I was waiting for customers to place their orders.
People who work as cashiers must have certain abilities, which include more than simply the ability to add and subtract money and operate a cash machine. But it is to grin every time a customer comes in, which is exhausting.
Even if you're having a bad day or serving an entitled jerk, you must serve with a smile or risk losing your job the next day.
My boss called out to me while I was dozing off with my eyes closed and my chin resting on my hand.
"Hey Mizukasa-san, can you take care of the menu board outside?" she inquired.
"What if a client comes in? I don't want to leave them alone," I shrugged.
"If I were you, I wouldn't want to disobey the boss," one of the employees replied.
I huffed, "I'd rather remain inside than go out in that snow."
"I'll deal with the cashier; now go."
I sighed once more and followed their orders. My boss gave me a special menu list and some colored chalk to decorate the board.
"You're the only artist we have, and we can't afford a basic looking menu board for customers to look at," my manager remarked.
"I never expected this to be one of my duties from working here," I grumbled.
"Just put up with it; you'll get paid more."
"I hope so," I murmured as I brought the chalk and menu outside.
Before writing and scribbling on the board, I knelt in front of it and wiped it clean. I can't wait to get home and play G.A.M.E.S., I thought as I kept scribbling.
—Seoul, South Korea—
The boys got home after a long day of work, coming back from their Japan tour.
Yejoon, Jaeseong, and Seungjae sat down on the couch, relieved to be back home in Seoul.
"I'm heading to my room; I can hear my bed beckoning to me to lie down," Jeongmin stated as he went exhaustedly towards his room.
"Just remember to change your clothes before going to bed," Jaeseong advised him.
"Does everyone want some ice cream?" Sujin said as he approached the kitchen.
"How about a cup of tea?" Yuto suggested.
"I got some bubble tea ice cream a while ago, and I was curious what it tasted like," Sujin said.
"Of course, it tastes like bubble tea," Seongho winced, as if the answer was already evident.
"You constantly make me sound like a moron, hyung."
"It's called common sense."
During the conversation, Jeongmin returned to the living room in his pajamas, still a bit weary.
"What happened to sleeping, Jeongmin hyung?" Yuto inquired.
"I came because I heard you talking about eating ice cream."
"And I'm assuming you'd want one," Jun said.
"Yes, please."
"Right on it," Sujin responded as he picked up the box containing the ice cream and opened it on his way back to the living room.
He gave one to each of them, and they all enjoyed a little dessert before going to bed.
"There goes my diet," Seungjae said, unhappy in himself as he continued to eat.
"You ate a huge amount of pizza just a while ago. There was no diet to begin with," Yejoon responded savagely. As Seungjae pouted and whined at his hyung, everyone chuckled.
Jiwoo, on the other hand, was preoccupied with his phone, trying to figure out how to get rid of this one app that doesn't appear to be deletable.
He wrinkled his brows as he tried again and again to erase the annoying software. Minjoon noticed his friend becoming agitated and decided to talk to him.
"Are you okay?" he questioned, "you seem a bit frustrated there?" When the boys heard that one of their members was troubled by something, all eyes turned to him. In exasperation, the cat sneered.
"I recently received an app on my phone that I don't remember installing, so I tried to erase it, but it keeps coming back no matter how many times I delete it."
"Why did you download it in the first place?" Joseph said, his brow wrinkled in confusion.
"I didn't; it just showed up when I was using my phone before our journey back here."
"Let me look at it," Minjoon responded.
Jiwoo handed the puppy his phone, and began investigating the app.
"What's the name of the app?" Jiho inquired.
Jiwoo responded, "GAMES with dots between each letter."
Minjoon was busy studying the phone as they were talking. He opened the program without hesitation, and a log-in cover appeared in front of him. "Oh, it's a gaming app!" He exclaimed, surprised.
"Gaming app—wait—Minjoon!" exclaimed Jiwoo.
"Did you open it without my permission?" He asked as he glared at the puppy in disbelief.
"I just wanted to inspect it and see what it was!" he said.
"That wasn't a smart idea. It could've been a virus. " Yejoon said as he shook his head in disappointment.
"Or someone trying to hack into Jiwoo Hyung's phone." Milton added.
"You know how the world has recently become full of distrustful people," Seongho said.
Despite the members' warnings and reprimands, Minjoon continued to inspect the app before pressing the login button, causing the phone to go black.
The puppy let out a soft gasp that Jiho could hear. And when the maknae saw the phone was completely black, he knew Minjoon had messed up.
"Ah! Minjoon hyung broke the phone!" Jiho exclaimed as the others began to complain and scolded the boy.
"I told you not to mess with it!" yelled Jaeseong.
"Sorry! I thought it was just a game, so I pressed log in," Minjoon apologized, as everyone suddenly received a phone notification.
When everyone had their phones in their hands, they all had this intro for the app game, G.A.M.E.S. It was strange because they had never downloaded the app, but it now appeared on their phone.
"Welcome to G.A.M.E.S! Your goal is to have fun while also surviving! Good luck!"
Everyone was shocked as the app spoke. It was just so out of the ordinary and something they never expected to see.
"What the—?" Just as Jiwoo was about to say anything else, their surroundings changed abruptly as their phone sucked them all into the realm of the app.
Everyone was taken aback when their once-cold, comfortable living room was suddenly flooded with the aroma and sound of nature.
They were formerly sitting on a couch, but now they're standing in the middle of the wilderness, clutching their phone.
"What the hell is this?" Jun exclaimed, looking around fearfully. He could only find trees, branches, grass, and more trees no matter where he looked.
"And where the hell are we?" Seongho wondered.
"We're definitely not in our dorm," Jeongmin stated.
"It's clear, we're outside," Jiho remarked, pointing around.
"This doesn't appear like we're in Seoul," Minjoon observed as he took a cautious look around.
"What the hell have you gotten us into, Minjoon?" Jaeseong shouted, his eyes widening anxiously at the puppy.
"I didn't do anything! I wasn't expecting some stupid app to bring us here!" he cried back.
Seungjae was terrified when he saw his members in a state of terror. This was the first time something odd had happened to him, and it made him uneasy. "Remain cool and don't panic!" he cried.
Milton spotted Seungjae making an effort to appear brave. He saw his hands shaking and slightly ventilating. "Seungjae-," Milton exclaimed.
"I said be calm!" panicked Seungjae. As he confronted him, Milton clasped Jae's shoulders.
"Jae-ah! Relax. Stay cool. We're all here right with you. Breathe," he whispered calmly to the boy, breathing with him while maintaining eye contact.
While everything was going on, Yuto realized their pajama suit had morphed into something new.
Except for Seungjae and Sujin, they were all wearing different outfits. They were the only members who wore the same clothing. How come?
Yuto notified the others about their unnoticed clothing change. They were all so surprised that they didn't notice their clothes had changed. Adding to the perplexity.
Jiwoo tried to think where they might be while everyone else scanned their costumes and surroundings. But when he realized where they were, he exhaled in amazement.
He didn't want to believe such a thing could happen, but there was no other explanation.
Everyone in his group was shocked when he told them about his theory. His theory of them being sucked inside the gaming app.
"Hyung, do you expect us to believe that?" Yejoon asked, staring at the boy as if he was done with his BS.
"Yeah, it only happens in anime or movies!" Joseph agreed.
"And I'm very sure this isn't Jumanji, because no one here became Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart, or Jack Black," Seungjae explained.
"And Nick Jonas." Sujin added.
Jiwoo had anticipated their reactions after hearing their responses, but everything seemed too good to be true.
Maybe it was all a dream, and they were all dreaming the same thing. They were all so fatigued from their tour that their dreams became intertwined.
Yuto huffed, his mind weary by what was going on, but when he turned his head behind him, he became aware of a presence around them. It wasn't just one or two, but more than that.
"Guys...I believe we're not alone."
The bushes behind them began to shake as soon as he alerted the others. It terrified them greatly. And as they remained watchful, Jaeseong kept his sight fixed on the bush, and what he saw terrified him.
"Aliens!" shouted Jaeseong, pointing to the shrub he was keeping an eye on. Then one of the so-called "aliens" appeared as three of them leapt from their hiding place and dashed towards them.
Seongho, who was beside Jaeseong, instantly sought to protect him by obscuring his view with his back towards the monster, as the monster had their swords raised, preparing to slice his back.
Just as they believed they were finished, another player stepped in to save them. Three wind-powered arrows flew into the monster's head, hitting the target!
They were all relieved when the creatures were dead, but a tint of horror lingered around their bodies as their breath trembled when they huffed.
When the person who had saved them arrived, everyone glanced up and saw a girl. The girl was taken aback when she saw thirteen boys she knew inside the game. And as a result of the shock, all she could say was, "What are you all doing here?"
When Arkane realized she recognized them, they were as surprised as she was.
"Do you know who we are?" Seongho inquired.
"I do. I'm not sure how you got in here, but I'll reserve the questions for later because we have some goblins to deal with right now," the girl answered.
"You mean those alien-like creatures were goblins?" Yejoon inquired.
"Goblins exist?" Jiho exclaimed, stunned.
"Yes. If you have any other questions, please reserve them for later, but I'll do ask this: do you guys know how to fight?" she asked.
"Some of us have black belts in Taekwondo and Karate, and I believe we can handle them," Jeongmin replied nervously.
"Well, everyone get ready, for we're surrounded by a pack of them," she remarked, as all the goblins emerged from their hiding places, revealing their wicked appearance to them.
Some were terrified, while others prepared for their attack, taking up positions and utilizing whatever weapon they had with them. They also fight back when the goblins attack.
Everyone was launching their own attacks, slicing, punching, stabbing, suffocating—whatever it took to survive and destroy these monsters, and they were all a little separated from one another as they defended themselves.
Jeongmin hit one of the Goblins, and when the blood splattered all over and onto his forearm, a sudden searing sensation caused him to yell and grunt in pain.
Yuto, who was nearby, was shocked to see what had transpired. When he saw his good friend in anguish as a result of those monsters, he felt enraged.
The world around him slowed as his eyes became more technical. He immediately dashed in to help his comrade, chopping the five goblins in front of the tiger in the blink of an eye.
Yuto suddenly paused, staring at his hands, having defeated five goblins in less than a second.
He was taken aback, but the cry of suffering produced by Jeongmin drew him back to reality, and when he saw his companion in pain, he warned everyone else.
"Shoot, there are too many of them! We have to bail out or we might lose the battle!" cried the lady, and Yuto promptly brought Jeongmin to the woman in bridal style as they all escaped the battle as quickly as they could.
The woman was the last to leave as her iris turned rainbow, then she stomped on the ground as hard as she could, building a wall between their foes to slow down the goblins before fleeing for her life.
I swiftly let the members into my home as Yuto settled Jeongmin on the couch.
As his wound grew worse, he squirmed in discomfort. His entire forearm was burned, resulting in 2nd degree burns.
When they saw the disastrous burns, they all gasped in terror as dread took over their bodies.
"What the hell happened to him?" Joseph wondered.
"Will he be okay?" Seongho inquired.
As they surrounded the injured, the members were concerned for their groupmate.
"Please, everyone, be calm," I tried to soothe them.
"How can we keep calm when Jeongmin is hurt?" Jaeseong exclaimed.
I sighed, realizing that using words wouldn't be of any use. I don't want them to see what I'm about to do, but I'd rather not see another person in agony.
I approached the injured boy and kneeled in front of him. I immediately placed my palm on top of Jeongmin's wound, but Yejoon grabbed my hand and stopped me as he glared at me intimidatingly.
"What are you doing?" he inquired.
"I'm going to cure him," I said.
"This isn't the movies; what are you doing?" he said once more.
I sighed, without flinching as I stared him in the eyes. "Just trust me," I said.
He let go of my hand as he sighed, seeing how serious and earnest I was.
I went on with my plan, putting my palm back on top of Jeongmin's wound while Jun calmed the scared boy and everyone watched.
Before chanting a spell, the color of my pupils changed into rainbows. "Heal," I said, and a ball of light appeared beneath my hand, healing and soothing Jeongmin's wound.
When that was done, Jeongmin opened his eyes to see all of us staring at him as if they'd witnessed a miracle, which they had.
"What the—I survived?" Jeongmin said, perplexed.
"Yes, you lived, and we survived," Joseph replied, relieved.
"My arm—!" He sat up as he checked his forearm, expecting it to be burned, but it was all healed up. "...Is healed?" He continued.
"This woman helped heal it magically!" Seungjae said.
"How?" Jeongmin questioned.
I sighed, knowing that it was time to answer some of their many many questions.
"Now that we're at a safe place, can you tell us where we are?" Jaeseong said.
"We're not inside a game, are we?" Milton asked.
"We are inside a game." I answered whilst still sitting on my knees.
All eyes widened, as everyone felt mixed emotions. Some were shocked, some were confused, some were even surprised.
"But that's impossible! I mean, how can that happen when magic doesn't exist in real life?" Jiho questioned.
"It doesn't, and I'm not sure how this happened," I sighed as I stood up.
"What do you mean you don't know?" asked Sujin.
I sat down on the wooden table behind me and said, "When you initially entered this realm, you received some sort of application called G.A.M.E.S, right?"
"Jiwoo had it, but when Minjoon logged in, it just showed on all of our phones." Joseph replied.
"That happened to me as well; I suddenly received this app on my phone that I didn't download, and if I removed it, it just came back as if I never deleted it at all!" I stated.
"That has happened to me as well!" Jiwoo exclaimed.
"I thought, 'Why not check what this app is all about?' I tapped the login button, thinking I had to join in with my Gmail account like any other app game, but it didn't, and instead it took me right to the forest where you guys stood," I explained.
"Does that mean you're also a victim?" Jeongmin inquired.
I agreed by nodding. "That's correct."
"Can you tell me what this game is about?" Seongho inquired.
"It's a game of survival."
Seungjae panicked a little when I stated that. "Are we going to be killing each other to survive? Because I'm not up to that," he inquired.
"NO!" I exclaimed, and Seungjae sighed in relief. "This game is like Genshin Impact. Kill monsters or do missions and get paid for completing them, then live a so-called normal life in the game. That's how I've been living here so far."
"Living here? You mean you haven't left yet?" Yuto inquired worried.
"I just log in anytime I'm bored; this game got me addicted, so I keep coming back for more," I explained as I anxiously caressed the nape of my neck and chuckled, while the others nodded and hummed in response.
"So... how are we going to get out of here?" Yuto inquired.
"By accomplishing a mission," I explained.
"Where can we get this mission?" Jiwoo inquired.
"At the Poffice Guild, that's where all the missions are and where we sell stuff to make money," I explained.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Seungjae exclaimed impatiently.
"But, can we even accomplish it?" Milton questioned himself.
"What do you mean?" Yejoon said, his face flushed with confusion.
"I mean, witnessing what can happen if we get harmed; we're not skilled enough to battle whatever monsters lurk out there."
"So you're suggesting we should just stay in this game forever?" Seungjae exclaimed.
"I agree with Milton, cause it's not like we have the power that this woman has here," Jeongmin grumbled.
"Oh, no, you do have powers," I said, and the boys all glanced up in surprise.
"We do?" Jiho inquired.
"Yeah! Have you noticed the outfit you're wearing yet? It displays what power you guys have, whether you're from the Medicine Clan, the Wizard Clan, or the Warrior Clan," I stated.
"What kind of power did you get?" Yejoon questioned.
"I'm The Imaginator from the Wizard clan; I can't explain my power, but—ah! How about this?"
I tapped my left chest twice, showing my information box. They were taken aback when a floating box appeared in front of them.
They can't believe they're witnessing something so magical, something that can only happen in movies, anime, and fantasy novels.
Name: Mizukasa Yumi
Power: IMAGINATOR (wizard clan)
Weapon: Mind / Magic
(1) Imaginary - ATTACK and CREATE with their imagination.
(2) Scent - Able to see people’s scent whenever.
(3) Artistic - CREATIVE with everything they do.
Weakness: Goblin Blood
Vehicle: -
Familiar: -
"W-what is that?" Jun wondered.
"It's my character information; you can see my whole name, which clan I belong to, and what power I have. My weapon, familiar, and the optional, which is a vehicle. Only a few people have, and I'm not one of those few." I replied.
Yuto saw a component of my information box that puzzled him when the boys scanned it. "What is familiar?" he inquired. It's his first encounter with the term, and he has no notion what it means or how it appears.
"It's your companion," I continued, "and it can take the form of a human, an animal, or anything from a fable."
"It's blank in your data," Jaeseong pointed out.
"Yeah, I haven't found my familiar yet; you have to go to a specific location to receive your familiar, and you'll be tested extensively, which I am not prepared for," I replied.
Seongho read your name and immediately recognized it, his brow furrowed as he tried to recall where he had heard it. He then suddenly remembered, which caused his brows to twitch.
"Ah! You're the fan at the fan conference in Tokyo!" he exclaimed abruptly.
I wasn't expecting him to remember me after so many days had passed. I'm not going to lie, I was stunned, but the fact that he remembered me made me feel moved.
"I'm shocked you remember me," I said, tapping twice on my chest to clear the information board behind me.
In their Japan meet & greet, the guys recalled their memorable meeting with me.
Some remembered me as the carat who could speak five languages, others as the carat who gave them free pizza coupons, and others by my appearance.
It made me pleased to see them remember me one by one, but having everyone call me carat made me feel guilty.
I don't want people to know that I'm not a true fan, but rather a semi-fan, as k-pop fans refer to me. I chose to keep the truth to myself and go with the flow.
"So, how did you do that thing that makes your information pop up?" Jiwoo inquired, and I gladly demonstrated. Once everyone understood, we went through each person's information box one by one.
It's thrilling to find out what powers these boys have, and based on their clothes, they all appear to have different ones.
Only 13 powers exist in this realm: Herbalist, Zoologist, Musician, Hunter, Chef, Songist, Clown, Knight, Imaginator, Ele-nder, Samurai, Artist, and Gamer.
Starting off with Yejoon, he obtained the Musician power.
Name: Lee Yejoon
Power: MUSICIAN (wizard clan)
Weapon: Violin Stick / Prod.
(1) Clay Engineer - Can make anything out of clay and is functional.
(2) Hearing of a Bat - Keen hearing and can hear sound from the past and present
(3) Instrument Master - Mastered all types of Instruments that exist.
Weakness: Screech
Vehicle: -
Familiar: -
This man is a musician from our realm and seeing him being one from this realm, It made me believe he was really born to be a musician.
As everyone carefully studied Yejoon's information box, the initial feeling of terror was rapidly replaced by excitement.
"What is a screech?" Jun inquired.
"Isn't that the sound you make when you scrape the blackboard with your nails?" Sujin inquired.
"Yes, that's exactly it!" I said, nodding.
"Can we test it and see?" Yejoon inquired, but I swiftly declined, surprising the lads with a protective yell.
You can die easily in this game, like in any other, by being struck by something you're weak to. Even if you reincarnate, experiencing death is the most terrible and agonizing thing I have ever felt. As someone who has experienced death, I can attest to the fact that I have become far more mindful about my actions and surroundings.
Yejoon changed his mind after hearing the repercussions and decided to keep his curiosity hidden.
Sujin and Seungjae come next, both wearing the same outfit but with different design colors.
Sujin had black in and white out, while Seungjae had white in and black out. A simple design that made me wonder if they were partners or shared powers. And seeing their character info board clarified everything.
Name: Hong Seungjae
Power: SONGIST (wizard clan)
Weapon: Musical Notes / Voice
(1) Vocals - Uses his voice to MANIPULATE and SLUMBER the enemy.
(2) Blue Fire - Produce Cold Heat.
(3) Ying - Composes of two elements: See through darkness & Protect.
Weakness: Sweets
Vehicle: Ying
Familiar: -
Name: Yang Sujin
Power: SONGIST (wizard clan)
Weapon: Musical Notes / Voice
(1) Vocals - Uses his voice to ATTACK and SLUMBER the enemy.
(2) Red Fire - Produce Hot heat.
(3) Yang - Composes of two elements: Light and Heal.
Weakness: Sweets
Vehicle: Yang
Familiar: -
We observed that they both have vehicles! Which is fortunate for us since if our quest requires us to travel outside of Houndlet Kingdom, we won't have to walk or use the cart! Flying through the sky has been on my bucket list since I arrived, and I am very thrilled to test out the vehicles!
Another thing we noticed is that yin and yang are both written in their info boxes. This game software appears to pair them as partners, and being the yin and yang songist pair is actually quite rare.
Seungjae and Sujin were flustered and amazed when I told them that they had been handed something so powerful. It made them feel unique, they remarked.
The only thing they both dislike about their given power is their weakness. Unfortunately, they have a sweets allergy, which is unfortunate. There are a number of delicious desserts in this domain that I would recommend the lads try. It's a shame Seungjae and Sujin won't be able to taste them.
Then the next person we checked was Jaeseong.
Name: Bae Jaeseong
Power: CLOWN (wizard clan)
Weapon: Balloon / Mind
(1) Manipulation - Can Manipulate or Control stuffed toys.
(2) Illusion - Can Multiply himself.
(3) Controller - Can mess with people and monsters with their shadows and strings.
Weakness: Non-Drinking Water
Vehicle: Dog Balloon
Familiar: -
When we saw his power and identity, the lads laughed at how appropriate his power is for him. The Clown.
Fortunately, he possesses a balloon dog, which is ideal for a clown. It's interesting that when the game provides you a vehicle, it always gives you something related to your power.
Aside from the jokes, the boys and I agreed that Jaeseong's power wasn't all that horrible. In fact, it appeared to be incredibly powerful. A great ability for a clown.
Jaeseong has the ability to manipulate dolls, shadows, and the strings that make him look like Spider-Man. The clown was overjoyed with his newfound abilities.
Next up is Minjoon, who is a chef.
Name: Seo Minjoon
Power: CHEF (warrior clan)
Weapon: Knife / Vision
(1) Vision - Has the X-ray Vision of the enemies body and can visualize anything if it’s poisonous or safe.
(2) Lung Capacity - Great speed and Great Stamina.
(3) Gluttony - Can suck anything with the power of wind into his hand and be fine.
Weakness: Seafood
Vehicle: -
Familiar: -
"I knew you'd have something you're already interested in!" Milton yelled happily after reading the information box and I was thinking exactly the same thing; we were all thinking the same thing. Minjoon being the chef was such a perfect fit for him, and it excited Minjoon a lot.
Everything was fine, until he saw his weakness. He was allergic to seafood. On one hand, Minjoon was sad, but on the other hand, Jiwoo laughed teasingly.
The cat, ironically, has the same allergy as Minjoon, but in the real world. It's unusual to see another person suffer from the allergy, but in this virtual realm, it made Jiwoo delighted.
"Shouldn't chefs not be allergic to food? And, of all foods, seafood is the preferred one."
As you can see, Minjoon was taken aback and refused to acknowledge that his weakness was caused by food. He liked food, especially seafood, so learning he couldn't consume seafood cuisine from this dimension shattered his heart.
"At the very least, you can still eat meat; just be happy it's the only food you can easily avoid," I shrugged.
"Unless someone despises you, they could put seafood seasonings in your dish," Sujin mentioned.
That scenario is extremely unlikely to happen, and the reason for this is because Minjoon possesses the Vision Power.
Next is Milton, who has the Hunter's power.
Name: Hans Milton Choi
Power: HUNTER (warrior clan)
Weapon: Bow-Arrow / Magic
(1) Human Compas - He knows the map to every places with his vision.
(2) Poison-Proof - Posion has no affect on him, hence h has great speed.
(3) Storage - Has unlimited backpack storage.
Weakness: Snake Bite
Vehicle: -
Familiar: -
"Now we know who to call when we need someone to transport our stuff," quips Jaeseong. When he spotted the 'Storage' power, he couldn't help but chuckle and take advantage of the situation.
"As for the compass, we'll need your assistance if we get lost," Joseph continued.
Milton understood they were joking, but he also knew he'd be needed in those scenarios. He wasn't delighted, but he had no choice but to assist if he wanted to make it out alive with the rest of them.
Seongho is up next! When they saw his power, everyone was astounded.
Name: Choi Seongho
Power: KNIGHT (warrior clan)
Weapon: Sword / Magic
(1) Slow - Attack with Fire / Uses left eye to slow the enemies attack down.
(2) Lung Capacity - Has Great Speed and Great Stamina.
(3) Protection - Can summon a Magic Circle to protect him and his Ally.
Weakness: Cheese
Vehicle: -
Familiar: -
He was our beautiful knight in shining armor! As a result, he was heavily teased by the members, making Seongho blush with humiliation.
They teased him even more when Seungjae told the others about his 'Protection' power, which made him look even more like a knight from a fable.
"Oh my, save me, my knight in shining armor!" teasingly exclaimed Sujin.
"Oh, shut up!" Seongho tried hard not to smile, but the boys picked up on his shyness.
His timidity rapidly gave way to glee as he crouched behind Jaeseong, pretending to bite his shoulder. Everyone in the room burst out laughing at the boy.
Next up, Joseph.
Name: Kang Joseph
Power: ZOOLOGIST (medicine clan)
Weapon: Medicine / Animals
(1) Scientist - Can create MEDICINE for ally and POISON for enemies.
(2) Linguistic - Can talk to animals.
Weakness: Blood
Vehicle: –
Familiar: –
"Oh, you're our Zoologist!" I said, taken aback.
"Is it good?" Joseph inquired, a little nervously.
"Yes! We're fortunate to have someone who specializes in medicine and animals. You can talk to animals, which can help us use them to assist us. You can also produce medication! The Medicine Clan can make a 100% cure for individuals who are wounded by an animal and on the edge of dying," I explained.
The only concern the members had was Joseph's sensitivity to blood. We didn't know what kind of blood he was allergic to.
I urged Joseph to always thoroughly cover his body and stay away from the blood of the creature he kills, just in case. I also instructed the other members to always protect him.
If they do not want Joseph to die, we must do what I said. It is always preferable to be safe rather than sorry.
Minjoon was touched that I was doing all of this to safeguard his dearest member, having noticed my overprotective disposition. It also made him wonder whether I had encountered something horrific in the past that caused me to react in this manner.
"Have you ever perished in this game?" Minjoon inquired.
"Yes, just once," I said, "I'm allergic to goblin blood, and I didn't realize it until it was too late; it was a really terrible experience!"
"How come you weren't impacted by their blood a while ago?" Milton wondered.
"I attacked from afar, or at least from a safe distance."
Next, comes Jun, who is the Ele-nder of the group.
Name: Zhang Jun
Power: ELE-NDER (warrior clan)
Weapon: Elements
(1) Control - Can MANIPULATE and ATTACK in elements.
(2) Trickster - Can CONTROL enemies with their shadow.
(3) Teleport - Can Teleport to places the holder has been.
Weakness: Dust
Vehicle: —
Familiar: —
Please allow me to define an Ele-nder. Ele-nder is an abbreviation for Element Bender. The person who possesses that power has the ability to use all of the elements! They can use Ice when all the elements are combined, including Fire, Water, Earth, and Air.
When the brothers realized what that meant, they freaked out and declared Jun to be the future Avatar of this realm. Jun was surprised by the unexpected nickname and laughed along with the others.
And, once again, Jun's weakness is extremely risky to avoid. So the only suggestion I could give him was to cover his entire body and cover his face with a scarf while wearing gloves on his hands.
Jeongmin comes next, who surprisingly possesses the same power as I have. The Imaginator.
Name: Ahn Jeongmin
Power: IMAGINATOR (wizard clan)
Weapon: Mind / Magic
(1) Imaginary - ATTACK and CREATE with their imagination.
(2) Scent - Able to see people’s scent whenever.
(3) Artistic - CREATIVE with everything they do.
Weakness: Goblin Blood
Vehicle: —
Familiar: —
And, as the information box reveals, it helped the lads understand why Jeongmin's body behaved the way it had before. He was allergic to the blood of goblins.
Jeongmin must have been negligent and got squirted with Goblin blood, causing the tragedy.
I suggested that he cover his arm with a cloth or scarf.
"Rodger... but I don't have anything to cover me up, nor the money to buy one," Jeongmin realized, hissing.
"Won money isn't worth anything here," Yejoon remarked.
"Don't worry, I'll provide for everything until you have your own money, but make sure you don't spend anything needlessly," I responded.
Next is Jiwoo. He has the Gamer power.
Name: Jeon Jiwoo
Power: GAMER (wizard clan)
Weapon: Controller / Magic
(1) Manipulate - Can MANIPULATE enemy with controller and Stickers.
(2) Genius -An expert at Puzzle Solving.
(3) Video Games - Can summon characters from one game they know.
Weakness: Goblin Blood
Vehicle: —
Familiar: —
This is the most rare and strong of all the powers. Hence the expression of shock on my face. I couldn't say anything. It feels like a blessing from God's realm to believe that one of the Arkane boys was given such powerful power.
Jiwoo, judging by my look, believed the power bestowed upon him was ineffective and was concerned.
"Should I be concerned?" Jiwoo wondered.
"No! Your power is extremely rare; you may be the only person in this realm who possesses it."
"Does that imply we have to look after Jiwoo hyung?" Jiho inquired.
Jiho has a valid argument. People from this dimension are known to hunt down those with such uncommon power. Selfish hunters, like those rare beasts, would go to any length to capture them, even if it meant breaking the law.
"There is still a chance he will be kidnapped, so we must continue to defend him," I stated, simply to make sure everyone in this game is safe.
Second to last, Jiho. Who has been given the artist's power.
Name: Lee Jiho
Power: ARTIST (wizard clan)
Weapon: E-Pen / Magic
(1) Creator - Holders creation can come to life and is usable.
(2) Creative - Think creatively.
(3) Circle-Cross - Write the circle-cross symbol to CREATE bombs in a sport or traps for enemy(s).
Weakness: Smoke and Dust
Vehicle: Paint Brush
Familiar: —
"Oh wow, I'm really amazed that someone as poor at painting as I am has become an artist in this dimension," Jiho laughed.
And, fortunately for us, another person was granted a vehicle! What a cute board, Paintbrush. Unfortunately, we have another member with a weakness that is easily infected.
Fabrics are pricey here, and I'm not sure I'll be able to afford them all. Heric and Angela might be able to assist me.
And lastly, Yuto, who is the Samurai in the group.
Name: Xu Yutong
Power: SAMURAI (warrior clan)
Weapon: Katana / Magic
(1) Wind - Can MANIPULATE, USE, ATTACK by wind.
(2) Ninja - Stealthy 100%.
(3) Time - Can slow time to kill enemy’s fast as lightning without getting hurt.
Weakness: Insects
Vehicle: —
Familiar: —
"Well, your costume makes your power evident," Jaeseong stated, referring to the samurai's outfit.
"It looks good and it's comfortable," Yuto stated while twirling.
"However, it stinks that you're allergic to insects," Milton pointed out.
And he was right. Damn, I should absolutely request Heric and Angela's assistance in protecting these youngsters.
We will be working outside a lot, so they must wear long sleeves to protect their skin if they do not want to die in a terrible way.
Now that we've discovered all of their abilities, it's time to put them to use! It will be a challenging effort to assist in their training, but I am willing to volunteer to assist these lads in their return to the Earth realm.
I excitedly clasped my hands. "We'll be evaluating your abilities in the fight arena tomorrow morning, but for now, you boys relax."
"But what about the earth realm? Will time be affected?" Joseph wondered.
"We have recordings planned to do tomorrow," Yejoon explained.
"Don't worry, the actual world will freeze time for you when you enter this dimension," I reassured them.
"Oh, thank God, that's one less thing to worry about," Seungjae exclaimed, huffing in relief.
"I can create more beds for you folks to sleep on, and then we can continue our adventure tomorrow," I explained.
Everyone nodded as they listened to what I had to say. I felt a little like a leader there, knowing that it was now up to me to keep these boys alive.
I'm not sure why the G.A.M.E.S Master is bringing these idols into the game, but I have to defend them for whatever reason he or she has.