Chapter 18

[Yumi'S P.O.V]

We were at a café and sat outdoors on an empty seat while waiting for our orders.

During her lunch break, Angela joined us. We came here for a snack after completing another mission.

The boys, especially team one, couldn't forget about the mission they'd completed a few weeks before.

It was one of their most memorable memories from the game because they assisted not just living people but also those who had passed away.

Although not everything was peaches and cream, it was nevertheless exhausting and distressing for some, particularly Yejoon.

But, because of his abilities, he was able to find evidence to convict the perpetrator.

"By the way, I've been curious about this since the ghost mission," Jaeseong said, shifting his gaze to Angela and asking, "What power do you have?"

As soon as he asked, Angela tapped and then swiped her left shoulder, showing her info board above her.

It became clear that the power she was given was different from the others.

Name: Angela York

Power: HERBALIST (medicine clan)

Weapon: Magic


(1)PHYSIC - Can create both a cure and poison and is knowledgeable with all plants that exist.

(2)PSYCHOKINESIS - Can control things with her mind.

(3)PARANORMAL - Can see, unsee, and touch the Paranormal

Weakness: —

Vehicle: —

Familiar: —

According to her information board, she is an herbalist, another member of the medicinal clan.

The woman's expression suggests that her power is insignificant.

It wasn't as powerful as the other clans, and she considered it a coincidence that she was able to use her abilities on her previous mission.

And because she wasn't granted anything powerful, she decided to work at an ordinary job that anyone with no power could apply for. Hence, she works at the Poffice Guild.

But I don't blame her for thinking that way, given that society in this dimension places individuals with this type of power at the bottom of the list.

That, to me, is just nonsense.

Although her combat abilities are limited, her capacity to manufacture remedies for known and undiscovered diseases is invaluable not only to the hunting community but also to the entire kingdom and planet.

And putting a potential lifesaver at the bottom of the list is simply downright foolish.

While we were eating, Heric decided to share with us another exciting mission he wanted us to take.

He places the poster in the center of the table, drawing us all in closer to see the large title on it.

"Medicine cure?" Seongho read, intrigued.

It was a big deal that required a team to accept the mission because we had four ingredients to find and bring back.

The cure consists of Patulala fruit, Jinopri herb, Holi flower, and ginseng oil, all located on Aspidochelone Island.

"I'll pass on this one," I responded hesitantly.

"Why? You never pass a mission," Seungjae pointed out.

"I went there once before, and you'll need to cross the rivers to get to the island."

Turtle islands are referred to as aspidochelone. The island is made out of the shells of two enormous turtles.

They are alive, yet they do not move.

However, ancient stories from this realm claim that these turtles used to wander around freely.

They were chastised by the gods and are now crippled since they became a nuisance and stole the fish of these fishermen.

"Yumi here has thalassophobia, and I had to go rescue her once because she was so afraid of returning home without swimming," Angela explained.

"I knew you'd say that," Heric said as he rotated the poster, exposing its price. The amount written widened all of our eyes.

The members who assisted in obtaining all of the ingredients would receive three diamond coins.

Suddenly, everyone seemed ecstatic and eagerly accepted the mission. It even made me think twice about it.

If I accepted this mission, even if only for a short time, I could become a millionaire.

If I was concerned about coming into contact with the ocean, I could always request that the boys use their vehicles. There will always be a solution in exchange for a reward that large.

We accepted the mission and started the following morning.

Angela was the only one who passed up such wealth; her reason was that she was still employed by the Poffice Guild.

Which was understandable.

We boarded the Yin Yang Vehicle and formulated a strategy for the route to our destination. Therefore, we are dividing ourselves into two groups to make the job easier and faster.

Seungjae, Sujin, Jun, Milton, Minjoon, and Yejoon makeup Heric's team. My team is made up of Jiho, Jeongmin, Joseph, Jiwoo, Seongho, Yuto, and Jaeseong.

Each team will retrieve two of the essential ingredients, presumably as many as we can carry. And once we've gathered everything, we'll reconvene near the island.

The journey was loaded with anxiety. Visiting the island where I nearly died from is not a good idea. But I know everything will be alright if I'm with these boys.

We finally arrived at our location a few minutes later.

The Arkane members, who were seeing the island for the first time, gasped and stared in amazement.

Two large islands sat next to each other beneath us. The monsters' heads could be seen below, quietly resting with their eyes closed.

There were two Aspidochelone islands, each with its own colors and shades. The Aspido island is darker green, whereas the Chelone island is paler green. Both contained distinct fruits and living beings.

Heric's team dropped us off beside a crystal-clear lake on Chelone Island and wished us luck before flying off to Aspedo Island.

Without further ado, we began heading further into the forest in search of the first item on our list. The Patulala Fruit.

According to our phones, the fruit has the body shape of a guitar and a hue as deep as the night sky.

The flavor is similar to that of fine wine and can only be found at the top of the tallest tree on the tinted island of Aspidochelone.

The boys looked around as I read the description from my phone, but they couldn't search well because the trees were blocking their vision.

I summoned Art and Moon and asked them if they could soar above the trees and find the highest tree on this island.

They both cheerfully complied and flew above the trees. It didn't take long because the bark of the tallest tree was right in front of them as soon as they reached the top.

They returned to report what they had seen, and they guided us through the tropical forest. They had to be cautious, however.

The Aspidochelone Islands are also famous for their terrifying monsters and unique, deadly plants.

They weren't in a hurry, and they had to keep other members in mind. Yuto in particular, because he is allergic to insects in the game, and I don't want him to die because of it.

We finally arrived at our destination as we continued our journey through the forest, led by the fairies. The large tree stood tall in an open area.

The tree's top peaked through the clouds because it was so large and tall. And all you could see from a distance was its bark.

It was the only tree in the middle of the meadows, as if nature was telling us it was the main attraction. I was having conflicted feelings as I faced it.

"Holy moly, that is one tall tree!" Joseph said in astonishment as he looked up at the summit.

"How tall is this tree, anyway?" Jaeseong inquired.

We were all intrigued, so I quickly checked my phone for the information. There it said: The Chelone Island tree, measuring 379 feet and 115 in meters for its length.

It was taller than General Sherman, which is considered the world's largest tree on earth.

With that knowledge, how were we supposed to climb something that tall?

"Use vehicles," Jaeseong urged as he magically drew out and climbed on his dog balloon vehicle. He then took off as the others looked on nervously.

"Well, isn't that cheating?" Seongho asked, causing the others to laugh as we watched the clown rise to the top.

Jaeseong is well known for being a master at cheating in games. Because of his cheeky personality, his fans refer to him as the devil disguised as an angel.

Even if he were known for it, his fans would adore that aspect of him. After all, Jaeseong wouldn't be Jaeseong if he didn't cheat in games, and it distinguished him from the other members.

That same cocky boy was almost at the top of the tree when he sensed that gravity was becoming increasingly heavy. As if there was something dragging or pushing him down.

The unknown force wouldn't let him speed his powers to their pinnacle, no matter how hard he tried.

This caused his ride to vanish unexpectedly, causing the clown to fall high over the ground.

We, the members, couldn't see his fall at first. However, as he passed through the clouds, we could see him clearly.

The clown had his eyes clamped tight, having given up all hope and bracing himself for a bone-breaking fall.

We became concerned when we saw him lose hope. The lads were brainstorming ways for Jaeseong to safely fall to the ground while his partner, Oreo, was anxiously stretching his arms in the air, hoping to catch him.

"Tornado!" I yelled, and a little tornado formed beneath the clown, causing the young man to float mid-fall.

Everyone, including Oreo, sighed in relief as the problem was fixed. I brought him down gently and cautiously with my creation.

Jiwoo pulled the boy up as the clown was breathing heavily from the fright that was still lingering in his chest.

"You scared the living hell out of me, Bae Jaeseong!" shouted Seongho, softly punching his friend on the chest.

"I also scared the living hell out of myself!" he exclaimed, shakily breathing. "Phew, that was a close call! Thanks, Yumi!"

To avoid repeating that situation, we needed to find another route to get there. Jeongmin recommended we climb our way up, but that would take a long time and would tire us out quickly.

Jaeseong then disclosed that the accident occurred just after he passed through those clouds. His vehicle appeared to be in good condition before passing it.

As a result, we designed a strategy using the vehicle he possessed. The chosen member would fly up until they reached the cloud and then begin climbing halfway up.

I offered to volunteer as a tribute, but the boys refused. It was risky, and if one became fatigued easily, they could fall to their death.

I then assured them that they had nothing to be concerned about. If experience were a necessity to be able to volunteer, I'm qualified because, since high school, I've been free climbing.

Even still, they were concerned. But they didn't have any other options because none of them had any expertise in rock climbing.

So I had Jeongmin and Jiho make climbing equipment to help me as I ascended the tree. It was done to ensure my safety.

Jaeseong escorted me halfway, and I was handed a portable basket for the fruits as I prepared myself with the gear they had prepared for me.

There was one thing I wasn't quite honest about. True, I used to do free climbing in high school, but I quit after my parents died.

I'm not sure if I still have the strength or expertise, but nevertheless, I must continue to try.

As I peered up at the top of the tree, I let out a deep, anxious huff. I then shook my entire arm to warm up before beginning to climb.

I got closer and closer to the top. I hadn't done this in a long time; my arms were getting sore, and I was getting tired.

I decided to take a break on the branches, and as I peered down, my heart fell as I realized how far I'd climbed.

There was a small hole in the cloud where I could see straight down, and the boys below appeared like ants. They were tiny.

My stomach instantly churned, but I quickly glanced up and took a deep breath to calm myself down before I vomited my meal.

Who would have guessed that following my parents' deaths, I'd start climbing again?

As I rested, I began to regret my actions and gradually broke down. A tear streamed down my cheeks. I felt like giving up all of a sudden.

"Yumi!" the boys yelled from below.

The unexpected shout of my name surprised me. I was high above the ground, yet I could still hear their yells.

"You can do it, Yumi!"

"We'll treat you to some food after this!"

"Fighting!" they exclaimed.

Hearing remnants of their faint cheers made me grin. I couldn't just give up. People were waiting for my success down below.

I sighed again as I wiped my cheeks dry before gathering the courage to continue climbing. I only have a couple more inches to climb; I can do it.

"Are you okay, Master? If you want, I can help you get it," Art remarked. I know her strength is tied to nature, but I just wanted to believe in myself.

"It's fine; I can do it; I want to try at least once to put my utmost effort into these missions," I said before continuing my ascent.

In a flash, I could see the fruit on top of me. It was exactly what my phone's description claimed.

It was circular, but its body was shaped like a guitar, and it was dark blue with four stems on top.

I pulled my hand away, attempting to grab it. However, because I applied weight to my foot, it slipped slightly, leading me to lose my grip on the tree.

As I dropped, I cursed loudly and quickly grabbed a branch I could hold on to, twirled around, and landed safely on it.

The boys were terrified by the sound of my distressed curse. Because of the clouds above them, they couldn't see what was going on, which added to their anxiety.

"What was that noise? Are you okay?" Jaeseong screamed as I took a deep inhale and spoke, my voice shaking slightly.

"Yep, I'm fine!"

"Thank goodness, oh my god, you got us worried there for a second!" Jiho exclaimed, placing his palm on his chest.

The fear of what had transpired lingered in my chest, and I became apprehensive once more.

I took a little break, initially slowing my heart rate, before starting my ascent. I continued until the fruits were a few inches below me. But when I extended my hand, it was too far away.

I turned to my side and noticed a little branch. 'It could be risky to step on it, but it's worth a shot,' I reasoned as I hauled myself up and did so. With my foot secured, I attempted to reach for the Patulala Fruit for the third time, and this time I succeeded!

"I got it!" I shouted, and the boys breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now take as much as you can and carefully get down from there!" Yuto yelled.

"Roger that!"

I drew the folded basket from my pocket and opened it quickly. It was quite large, and I wasn't expecting so much space inside.

There will always be a negative situation following a pleasant occasion, because slowly, the branch I was standing on was about to snap.

I was almost finished grabbing the Patulala fruits one by one, and after grabbing the final piece of fruit, I gently descended as swiftly as I could.

But before I could step down on a fresh branch, the one I was still standing on snapped.

And before I knew it, I was falling once again. But I didn't want the fruits to fall out of the basket this time.

As I fell, I hugged it tightly, unconcerned about what would happen to me.

Jeongmin's frightened tap as he watched me fall interrupted these boys resting below. They were once again unsure of what to do and began to panic.

"Someone do something!" shouted Yuto.

"I don't know what to do!" exclaimed Jiho.

"I'm going to catch you, Yumi!" Jeongmin cried, raising his arm, but Jaeseong objected.

"No, you'll get hurt as well!" he cautioned.

"Well, we don't have much of a choice, do we?"

I knew I wouldn't be saved when I heard their frantic voices below. Everyone was so caught up in their own distress that they forgot they had the ability to aid in my rescue.

So, rather than relying on them, I prepared myself for one of the most excruciating deaths I would ever face.

I was falling faster than Jaeseong until a vine sprang out of nowhere and grabbed hold of my ankles, preventing me from striking the ground just meters away.

When someone came to my aid, everyone was relieved. I slowly opened my eyes and glanced up to see my familiar using her nature ability to save me.

"Art!" I shakily exclaimed as she gently lowered me to the ground.

"Phew, that was a close call!" Art said as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

Moon consoled and complimented his friend as the boys gathered around me to see if I was okay after what had happened.

While the lads were concerned about me, I was more concerned about the fruits I sacrificed my life to get. When I realized it wasn't squeezed from my hug during the fall, I was relieved.

"The Patulala fruits are okay!" I said.

"Forget about the fruits; are you okay?" Jiho inquired.

I was so intent on gathering the fruits that I didn't notice them all staring at me. Their faces were filled with worry.

It warmed my heart that they were more concerned with me than with the mission and the fruits I was carrying. I cracked a smile.

"Yes, I am. A little traumatized, but I'll be fine!" I told them.

They all breathed a sigh of relief as Jiwoo extended his hand to assist me in standing. I gratefully accepted it as he slowly pulled me up.

But the aftermath of what happened left my knees weak, and I was still shaken by it. So he generously lent me his body to lean on.


Heric's crew was in charge of Jinopri Herb.

They landed on Aspido Island and are currently on their way to the exact location where they can find the herb assigned to them.

Their first step was to locate Rainbow Meadow, a flower field. The herb is combined with the red blossoms among the many flowers.

It is difficult to identify one without an expert or a specific appraisal skill. Furthermore, the Jinopri herb is known to have smaller blossoms than other flowers, and there were red flowers that looked identical to the herb they were looking for.

Seungjae suddenly felt the urge to sneeze and let out a couple in a sequence, which resonated throughout the forest as they resumed their journey into the woods.

"Are you okay, bro?" Sujin inquired as he caressed the boy's back to comfort him.

"Yeah, just—a…a…aaaaAAAAAAAACHOO!" Seungjae sniffed in annoyance as he rubbed his nose furiously.

Geomjeong emerged from the shadows when he heard his master's sneeze, and the panther whimpered worriedly, "Don't worry, Geomjeong; this is just an allergic reaction to…a…a…aaaaAAAAAAAACHOO!"

"Allergic reaction?" Heric questioned.

"Wait, if you're having an allergic reaction, that means we're almost there!" Jun eagerly said as he called out his partner, Huo.

He ordered him to search for the rainbow meadow in the sky and direct them in the right direction.

Huo saluted before flying up where they could still see him then led them to the meadow. Jun swiftly followed his buddy, while the rest trailed him.

The ele-nder was so intent on keeping up with his partner that he didn't notice he was moving too swiftly for the others to catch up. This prompted them to quicken the pace.

Jun came to a halt in his tracks within a few seconds. This caused the musician, who was behind him, to accidentally smack his face against the boy's back.

"Don't stop so suddenly, bro," Yejoon murmured, rubbing his nose to relieve his pain.

"Look at this!" Jun softly said in amazement.

As Minjoon moved the leaves that were blocking his gaze, the light flashed strongly in their eyes.

In front of them were what the people of this planet call rainbow meadows. It had the appearance of what it was named after.

There were several flowers that were coordinated by hue, creating the illusion of a rainbow.

If this existed on Earth, it would have been quite popular due to its picturesque view. Their breath was taken away. They couldn't believe such a beautiful location existed.

However, for Seungjae, this environment was a living nightmare. He couldn't stop sneezing because the pollen was unbearable.

"Let's start looking for that herb!" exclaimed Heric.

However, before they could begin the hunt, Milton presented everyone with a face mask. Jun received a whole scarf to hide his face.

Pollen is still considered a component of dust, and the boy was allergic to it. It's better to keep him secure now than regret it later on.


Heric's team had been hunting for the herb for half an hour and still hadn't found it. They all assumed it would be a simple assignment, but they underestimated it.

Minjoon noticed Seungjae slacking off in the shade and instead watched them put in all the effort.

"Seungjae, are you done with your break? It's been 20 minutes since you asked for one," the chef grumbled, staring irritably at the Diva.

"I'm not going to stay in that nightmare bed, thank you very much; it'll just aggravate my allergy," he responded bluntly.

"Could you at least try for a few minutes?" Sujin begged, since everyone was fatigued.

Seungjae stood up with a sigh. "Fine," he said, sluggishly entering the flower bed.

As they continued their hunt, Milton noticed a red-like leaf beside a purple tulip blossom. He had no idea what the Jinopri herb looked like, so when he looked it up on his phone, his eyes widen.

"GUYS! I think I just found the herb!" he exclaimed, and they all rushed over to where he was to examine what he had discovered. Heric's eyes expanded with delight when he spotted the leaf-like plant.

"That's it! The Jinopri herb! You found it, Milton!"

Everyone then cheered. Minjoon went to hunt for more of the herbs near the location Milton discovered, and to his amazement, he discovered another one.

"Hey guys! There's another one here!" he said to the others as everyone gathered around him screamed in surprise at the sight of another one.

"You're right!" Jun exclaimed joyfully.

"The herb must be near the tulip section," Sujin speculated.

"Get everything you find and put it in this basket; we have a lot to pluck!" Heric exclaimed enthusiastically.

Everyone did what they were told, and the mood immediately shifted to something bright and exciting.

Their hard labor was completed a few minutes later. The Jinopri herb was placed in the basket.

It was a relief they found so many because the meadow was infested with pollen, and being near it any further wasn't a smart idea.