Chapter 21

[Yumi'S P.O.V]

With a huff and a thrilled smile, I twisted my key and closed the door to my flat. I take my belongings to the elevator and ride down to the ground floor.

I'd always wanted to put my linguistic skills to good use. Learning new languages and assisting others with them has always been a dream of mine. But I've been self-conscious and doubtful of my knowledge.

However, after a few efforts and interviews, I've finally landed a position with a company in Seoul, South Korea.

The quiet environment within the elevator made me reflect on my new life in a different country.

Because this is my first trip to South Korea, I am really worried but also full of excitement.

I arrived at the bottom floor seconds later and walked out to depart the building. Stepping outside, I found Reina and Akari waiting for me with a car in front of them.

My friends were overjoyed when I told them the great news and volunteered to drop me off at the airport. Seeing them in front of me helped to calm my nerves.

"You look nervous," Reina commented.

"I mean, I would be nervous as well if I got to work for THE YJM Entertainment," Akari continued.

As she stated, I will be working for YJM Entertainment as a graphic designer and make-up artist, but primarily as a translator.

They assisted me in carrying my stuff and placing it in the trunk before we hopped inside and proceeded to the airport.

Despite the fact that these two continued saying their goodbyes when we arrived, this will not be our last meeting. And, while it may be a little lonely without them, I'm hoping to make new friends with the other employees there.

As I sat in my designated airport seat, I realized I hadn't done any research on the company I'd be working for.

Akari and Reina recommended that I apply to whatever prominent entertainment company exists, and YJM was the only South Korean company that accepted me.

The only biography I am aware of is that of the CEO, but the artists and whole history of the company have yet to be investigated.

It might be unprofessional of me to do so; therefore, I've decided to do my homework thoroughly when I arrive at my apartment unit.


I landed at Incheon International Airport a few hours later. I strolled out of the lobby after retrieving my luggage to be met by the blue sky and cold weather of Seoul, South Korea.

As I stepped outside, the cool breeze brushed over my skin and hair, making me quiver slightly.

It was a good thing I was wearing my jacket; otherwise, it would have been chilly without it.

Looking to my left, I noticed a woman carrying a card with my name inscribed on it. I approached the woman and bowed. "Hi, my name is Yumi Mizukasa!" I said.

"Hello there! May I see your passport, please?" she inquired, and I quickly handed her my passport.

She unlocked the door for me to get inside the car when she established that Yumi was me, and she drove straight to my apartment unit.

The car was in motion, and I was taking in the view outside the window. It was my first time visiting another country, and it was fascinating to me.

Although there were a few similarities between Seoul and Tokyo, there were also some noticeable distinctions, ranging from the words and letter use to the netizens' atmosphere and attire.

It was interesting to witness.

The trip took longer than planned due to minor traffic, and we arrived at the apartment where I'll be residing from now on in an hour.

The interior of the hallways was quite simple but clean, with all white walls. It also smelled unexpectedly fresh, as if someone had sprayed a refresher all over.

With a cheerful smile, the woman welcomed me inside the unit. I was anticipating something simple and minimal but the flat selected for me was bigger than I expected, even bigger than the unit apartment I was staying in in Tokyo.

As we walked in, the lady discussed the layout of the establishment.

This property has two rooms on the top, and I can choose which one I want, with the other reserved for any guests who opt to reside here with me.

I have my own bathroom in my chosen room, but there is also a guest bathroom in the middle of the stairs. The living area is an open space, and the kitchen is adjacent.

While listening, my mouth gaped as I appreciated the entire place. Despite the fact that I live alone, this apartment is quite large.

"This is a pretty big unit for one person to stay in, but I'm sure you'll be just fine living alone," said the woman.

"Will I be paying for this?" I inquired.

"You'll pay half, and the other half will be paid by the company because this unit will also be used for guests," she added as I nodded in understanding.

"Well then, welcome to YJM Entertainment and welcome to Seoul! I'm looking forward to working with you," she said as she extended her hand to shake mine.

I gave it a quick glance before shaking it as I bowed.

"After you're done unpacking, please head to the main office. You'll be meeting with the CEO, and he will explain further what your job is and what you'll have to do in the company."

"Understood, thank you so much!" I said as she went out of the unit, bowing.

After she left, I huffed in exhaustion. I hadn't worked at a company in a long time, and the environment was suddenly too professional for me to handle, and for some reason, I wasn't acclimated to it.

Nonetheless, I have high hopes for this company, even though I shouldn't.

The working environment at the company I used to work at, before I started working at the café, was quite toxic.

I quit in an instant because of power and sexual harassment from male employees. This company, hopefully, will be different.

I rush to my bedroom, dragging my bag with me, and hurriedly unpack my belongings.

Despite the fact that I had just recently arrived, I had other obligations, and I didn't want to disappoint my boss on the first day.


It's been a few hours since my arrival in this country, and I've finally arrived at the company's headquarters.

The structure was daunting, and coming face to face with it made me much more anxious.

Even though the head of YGS Entertainment was reputed to be very nice, I was frightened to meet them.

Nonetheless, I had to put my anxiety aside. I walked inside with a loud huff and a little self-encouragement.

However, the entry was not as simple as I had anticipated. This place was extensively guarded by facial recognition technology.

I was able to pass through the entrance gate, but when I tried to access another gate inside, it failed to recognize me.

It forced me to retry three times before prompting me to enter my ID card number.

Life and people have been testing my patience lately, and now a machine has joined the fray. I sighed in annoyance once I was able to enter.

I asked one of the staff members I rode in the elevator with for directions as soon as I entered the building.

There were two more people who appeared to be quite familiar to me, and then it hit me. These two ladies I was with were Yuka and Sun from Twistle.

It was incredible to be able to see them in person. Then it dawned on me. I'll be interacting with artists on a daily basis, including some who are well-known.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to adjust to this work, but it was exciting!

Thanks to the employee, who generously escorted me in front of the chairman's room, I was able to arrive at my destination without complications.

I bowed and thanked her before turning to face the door with an anxious huff.

Before being allowed to enter, I knocked on the door and introduced myself.

As I walked in, the chairman smiled and enthusiastically greeted me. "Welcome! You must be Yumi Mizukasa? Am I right?"

"Yes, sir!" I said. "It's nice to meet you in person, and it's an honor to work here."

Yak Jangmi, the chairman, spent twenty minutes explaining what I'll be doing for my position, and it's exactly what I wanted.

Although I will be in charge of one group's makeup, I will also be the translator for all of them.

After a few minutes, I'm walking with Soo Haejin, a fellow graphic design division staff member.

The chairman assigned her the task of taking me on as her responsibility for a month, as new students do at school. The teacher would enlist the help of an old student to show the new student around.

"Since you're a new staff member in this company, it is vital to introduce yourself to the artist you're assigned to."

As I listened, I nodded in answer. To be honest, I have no idea who I was assigned to. All I knew was that it was one of the company's boy bands.

They were considered to be highly successful both internationally and domestically, and they even won multiple awards and were dubbed the most synchronized group and a self-made idol by the majority.

We boarded the elevator to the third story, and she led me through the corridors to the final room, where the group I was assigned to was busy practicing.

"Oh, look, they're resting! Perfect timing!" said Haejin Sunbae, opening the door as I followed her inside.

She excused herself inside, which drew the boys' attention. It seemed extremely familiar when I heard their voices and when I looked up, there stood the members of the K-pop group, Arkane.

They froze the moment they laid eyes on mine. We were both stunned.

"We came here to introduce to you our new staff member that will be in charge of your group." She told the boys and then turned to me, "Yumi, this is Arkane, and Arkane, this is Yumi Mizukasa! She will be in charge of your make-up as well as be the translator for all groups in the company."

The boys bowed reluctantly, still stunned, and I did the same. Even though we'd seen each other a lot in the gaming world, seeing each other in real life was a whole different experience for me.

"Good to see you again, Yumi!" Seungjae smiled.

I stammer my greeting, "Same here."

"Well, since you both seem to know each other personally, I'll leave you two alone. I'll send their schedules to you via email, and you can take a look once you arrive home," Haejin stated before leaving.

I stuttered my words, attempting to persuade her not to leave but failing as the door closed in front of me. I flusteredly closed my eyes and slowly turned to face the boys.

"Just a disclaimer: I didn't mean to look as if I'm a stalker. I had no clue Arkane was an artist for YJM Entertainment."

"I mean, we don't mind it at all," Milton remarked.

"It's just that we weren't expecting to see you or even get the chance to work with you in this realm," Joseph continued.

I smiled. "Although this is my first time working with an artist, it is an honor and a pleasure to be working with you all. I'm looking forward to having good relations with you." I then bowed, and they returned in kind.

I had a great time hunting with them in G.A.M.E.S., and I'm sure this work experience will be even better.

Even though we are close, there are still aspects of them that I struggle to comprehend.

Therefore, I’m looking forward to how our relationship will deepen and become even closer than it already is.

"Well, I'll get going."

But before I could bow, Sujin inquired, "Do you have your own studio to work in?"

I shook my head. "I don't; that's why I'm going back to my place."

"Can we visit?" Seungjae asked, but I immediately turned him down.

Even though I wanted to get closer to them, I needed my privacy just as much as they did, and if they wanted to see me or hang out, we'd be seeing each other at work or G.A.M.E.S. anyhow.

"If you need anything from me, I'm just one message away, but I won't promise anything." I then bowed and exited the studio.