31. If only he could kiss her

George's eyes fell on Anna who was lying on her bed and sleeping. He felt so guilty and kept on blaming himself. 

However, before he knew it, he was already sitting next to her in bed and apologizing to her as if his apologies would heal her immediately. 

George then found himself laying himself to rest next to Anna. He tucked himself under the bedsheets and brought Anna to sleep on her side. 

Momentarily, he successfully lay next to her and began to say some things to her even when he knew that she wouldn't hear him. 

However, Anna woke up soon but was too lazy to open her eyes immediately. When she heard a voice, she decided to listen and realized that George was lying next to her in bed. 

Was he being desperate again? 

Anna, of course, wondered what happened to Zhu Jia but she was more concerned about George at the moment. She saw him walk into the house earlier but she, unfortunately, went unconscious so she wasn't able to…