58. Smelly piglet

Anna stayed quiet for a minute, glaring at George, while George's heart beat rapidly because he knew that he shouldn't have spoken to Anna that way.

She was a woman. She wasn't supposed to be treated in that manner even though she treated him that way. She should be treated like a queen.

"I'm sorry," George said when her glare made him even more uneasy.

"Why would you call me a piglet? Is it because I'm small?" Anna asked with a pout.

"To be honest, you are small but that doesn't give me the right to call you a smelly piglet," George released Anna. "How dare I treat a woman like this?" George took Anna's hand and brought her to sit up.

Anna glared at him until she felt dizzy then she walked out of the room, tapping her feet hard on the ground.

She was upset, George could see that. So he hurried and wore shorts. George paired the shorts with a sleeveless oversized shirt and then he grabbed the jacket mainly because of Anna.