110. I wanted it

Anna washed up and wore a nice comfortable gown for the night. She was going to share her room with George and it might be that way until Monday so she must look good.

While Anna was cleaning her face, she remembered how George treated her at the party. He treated her with so much respect and honor. He made everyone know that Anna was the woman he wanted.

George hailed Anna so much as if they were married and it made Anna even more prioritized. It made her happy and special and then he ended the day with that lovely kiss.

Anna hated herself for liking and hating everything George was doing to her. She wanted it and at the same time was pushing him away.

Anna looked into the mirror and remembered the look George had on his face when he kissed her and after he had kissed her.


Anna's heart probably skipped a beat when she heard George's voice. He was already in her room and his presence suddenly made Anna nervous.