113. Bidding goodbye

Alexander forced a smile and stood by Ming Xia's side. He stood there silently, feeling a bit off because of what Ming Xia said.

He felt attacked by Ming Xia's words. Alexander glanced at Ming Xia to see that she was watching him. He chuckled, feeling awkward. "You are staring at me again, Ming Xia," Alex wanted an explanation.

Ming Xia shook her head. "You…I don't know, you suddenly became quiet and I feel like you still have much to say. Is anything wrong?"

Alexander turned to Ming Xia fully. "Sitting on this wall is very dangerous because you never know what might happen," Alex warned Ming Xia first before proceeding to what he planned to say.

Ming Xia, hearing this, climbed down and continued crocheting. "Tell me, Mr. Alex," Ming Xia requested.

"You said that it's not normal to be attracted to me," Alex uttered. "Why so?" He asked, facing Ming Xia.