136. An uncomfortable party

George stood beside Wei Yan as they both watched the person coming to Wei Yan after calling her name with a tone of disbelief.

Soon, the person arrived and he seemed to be a guest at the party. "Wei Yan?" He asked as if he still wasn't sure that he was staring at Wei Yan.

"Do you know who he is?" George silently asked Wei Yan who was standing right beside him.

"We attended the same high school," Wei Yan answered quietly.

"I see," George nodded his head and watched as the man called someone by her name and she came running after being called.

"Wei Yan," the lady said when she sighted Wei Yan. "What are you doing here?" She asked and because of her curiosity, she looked at the person standing next to Wei Yan.

"Are you not George Liu?" She asked.

"Is he George Liu?" The man who called her asked.

"Do you know me?" George asked after using his eyes to scan both of them.