139. The word 'boyfriend'

The night breeze made the atmosphere more relaxing as they stood beside each other, watching their reflection in the pool.

It had been quiet between Calvin and Wei Yan because they were both restrained from starting a conversation.

Wei Yan thought that her questions might annoy the man standing with her and she didn't know if she should let him know that she had a two-year-old daughter.

Calvin on the other hand did not know Wei Yan too well to know what kind of conversation she would prefer or like.

Calvin was the man, he knew he was supposed to be the one to start a conversation.

Wei Yan felt like she should start a conversation too but she didn't know how or what to say.

"Wei Yan," Calvin abruptly called her name and felt like he said the wrong thing so he looked at Wei Yan because he knew her beautiful eyes must be on his face.