147. Alexander's crush

When Alex saw that Ming Xia frowned at him, he felt like he had done something wrong. Although his mother wasn't at home, he still felt a bit uncomfortable bringing a girl into his house.

Should he perhaps go to Ming Xia's house instead after going in to change his clothes? He'd inform his father that he had a friend in the neighborhood he wanted to see.

Alex shook his head at that thought because even with that explanation, his father still wouldn't allow him to leave.

Alex left the house but his father knew that he was in front of the building. Were his parents wicked to stop him from living his life?

Perhaps there was a reason they didn't want him to know about. But what could be so serious for them not to trust their twenty-six-year-old son?

Alex felt a little shattered when he saw that he couldn't satisfy, comfort, or impress Ming Xia. And when he saw her turn away, his shoulders fell. He failed again.