151. Why do you hate me?

Alexander lowered his head and smiled when his father approved him to take Ming Xia to her house. He didn't believe that his father would let him but he tried and he didn't fail.

When Ming Xia and Alexander walked out of the building through a massive gate, Ming Xia's stomach suddenly growled, causing Alexander to narrow his eyes at Ming Xia's stomach.

Ming Xia held her stomach and looked up at Mr Alex. "It's nothing. I'm sure that when I get home, I'll be served food to eat. You don't need to worry," she explained because she felt awkward.

"I know. I was just wondering how empty your stomach is," Alexander said and took Ming Xia's hand so they could cross the street.

"I've eaten. I just love to eat," she responded.

"I love that but next time, Ming Xia, always check the road carefully before planning to cross. Who knows what would have happened to you earlier?" He faced her with a frown.