Sandra's file

Log #1

'It's been 1 month since the organization took in a survivor from the massacred elves. "Sandra" the name of the dark elf was assigned to the training ground to learn the essential skills that an operative of Arm should have.

So far she is excelling in the classes. I take it it's because she was an adventurer before everything happened and as an elf she is much superior than humans. Which interests me greatly I wonder what would happen if we were to upgrade her so to say"


Log # 7

'Sandra is to be taken in the field. Pretty earlier than I would prefer but orders are orders. She is to be assigned a platoon and given a mission that I am sure she'd like. It is a renaissance mission to find the exact location of the World Tree.


Log # 21

'It's only now that there have been results to Sandra's mission. It has been approximately 13 years since this operation started. It was disappointing but well at least there are results. It's a good thing Sandra got information if not. I'm afraid I almost gave her away to Murphy to do some adjustments.


Log # 35

'We found it'
