Unraveling Secrets - Second Meeting with Eris

It has been 4 weeks since Zephyrus burned down Arm's headquarters, and even though she was happy that she destroyed the "heart" of the organization, she knew this wasn't the end. There are a lot of branches of the arm spread across different nations, and some of the sins are still alive, mainly Wrath, Gluttony,, and Envy. "Lust was killed with my hands; Sloth died because of too many injuries, Greed was decapitated at my hand and well, my alter ego was also seen as 'killed"

Zephyrus shook her head, thinking that it's better to think of the remaining sins at another time, as she has more important things to do. She traveled quite far, as Gaia was at the edge of the maps, so Zephyrus had to cross multiple nations just to go back to the Cyberpunk metropolis and meet Eris once again.

(Gaia is the country where the headquarters of Arm were, while the cyberpunk city is just called Metropolis or just Cyberpunk.)

"I'm here," Zephyrus nervously murmured while she was standing at the entrance of Eris cottage. It has been a year or so since she last saw Eris, when she asked for more information about Arm. Gulping her saliva, Zephyrus slowly opens the door and calls out "Eris? Eris?". For a moment, all Zephyrus could hear was silence before Eris magically appeared in front of her.

"BOO!" Eris tragically tries to surprise Zephyrus but fails, seeing as she is unfazed by Eris' actions. "You're no fun." Eris stuck her tongue out at Zephyrus, acting like a child.

"I did it," Zephyrus said. "Oh yeah, congrats on your little arson shenanigans; you really shook the nation, you know? Some governments are on high alert, especially because a very well-known organization was burned to the ground." Eris' eyes twinkled as she continued talking about Zephyrus exploits. "But that's not enough; you get that Zephyr? We had a deal, and that was to erase all Arm."

"And I would say that after this, I'm going to start my hunt for some escapees," Zephyrus stiffly said. "Mhmm," Eris narrowed her eyes at Zephyrus before continuing, "Well, since you did such a great job in designing their headquarters, I'll let you in on a little secret."

"What secret?" Zephyrus asked. "C'mon on, I'm sure you're curious." "Curious of what exactly?" Well, what else, dear Zephyrus? I'm sure you are curious about my reason for wanting Arm to be destroyed."

"That—I won't deny it because it is the truth. Why would a witch like you help me? Even if you do help people for a price, it seems like you are helping me too much. At first, I thought maybe my wings were just valuable enough to warrant such massive inside information and a powerful ability. I could only come to the conclusion that you also wish for Arm's demise." Zephyrus spoke out loud about her suspicions.

"DING DING DING, and the winner is Zephyrus," Eris announced like a game show host. "I indeed also hoped for Arm's demise, but my main hatred with them is with their so-called God." Eris spat out the words with eminent disgust.

"You see, Polaris and I go way back. Me and Her were the duo of the century. She could control all metal and had the ability to control electricity. I, on the other hand, had the ability to change reality. I know I am so great." Eris winked at Zephyrus. "And like all cliches, THERE WAS betrayal." Zephyrus clenched her fists, thinking how despicable it could be to betray their friend.

"Uhh, sorry to disappoint you, gurl, but it was me." "It was you?? " "I betrayed Polaris," Eris said with a poker face. "Oh." "Anyway, LET ME continue. I betrayed her, but with GOOD reason. After all, what kind of sane person would ally themselves with someone who wants to commit genocidal acts? I mean, I admit I may be crazy, but she is on a different wavelength. But in short, I simply want to stop my ex-friend. She may sound like Thanos from what I'm describing her to be, but she was something." Eris smiled.

"That is why I gave you a lot of help to take down Arm." Eris finished

"So let me get this right: your girlfriend wants to become a god, and then you were all like, HELL NAH, and then you recruited me to destroy said girlfriend's hundred-year-old organization that is alive for the sole purpose of ascending your girlfriend to godhood," Zephyrus said.

"Yes, but first and foremost, she is not my GIRLFRIEND," Eris objected.

"Uh huh, like I'll believe that," Zephyrus whispered under her breath. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" "Nothing, nothing."

"My question is, why didn't you, I dunno, stop your friend from sowing chaos? I mean, aren't you powerful? You said it yourself; you have the ability to change reality." Zephyrus prodded Eris.

"I did try, but Polaris was in too deep with her philosophies, and all I did was push her away. I made everything worse for us, and she left me, Eris recalled sadly.

Oh, so bad breakup, "Zephyrus asked.

"WHAT NO GEEZ WE ARE FRIENDS - F.R.I.E.N.D.S., and I know I said I can change reality, but there are restrictions in my power."

"What kind of restrictions?" Zephyrus urged Eris to continue. "I can't just change reality like POOF; I need a medium, so to speak." "You're sounding more and more like a witch," Zephyrus grimaced.

"I AM A WITCH—urgh, you are really frustrating. To give you an example, hmm, my powers are a bit complicated, so I have the power of making "vows" or promises, so if I declare that I shall kill you and I need power, I'll be able to do that, but I have a time limit. Like an addition to my vow, for example, if I fail to kill you, I would undergo a hellish torture and I would lose my sight. Get it?" Eris explained and asked Zephyrus.

"I don't get it AT all," Zephyrus groaned, not understanding the complexities of Eris' powers.

"Agh, you're stupid," Eris retorted.