Painful wedding


Soon after, the priest arrived, trembling with fear. It was clear from his pale face and shaky hands that he didn't want to be there, but he had no other choice.

Moments later, the bride, Rina, made her entrance.....

Unlike the typical joyous scene of a bride walking down the aisle, overflowing with joy to marry the person she loves, Rina was the complete opposite. Tears streamed down her face, her eyes devoid of any light or hope.

Each step she took was filled with dread, her gaze locked onto Daniel with pure hatred.

She paused, taking a deep breath as if to gather the last bit of strength she had left. With trembling legs, she forced herself to walk down the aisle.

The cold, steely eyes of Daniel's men followed her every move. The atmosphere was suffocating and thick with tension, making the scene feel more like a funeral than a wedding.