Before the wedding..


(A scene before the wedding...)

"Is this really where my sister is?" Jeffrey asked, unable to hide his concern as they surveyed the area.

They were investigating the location Daniel's father had mentioned, but they still weren't certain if this was where Daniel was hiding.

They couldn't afford any mistakes, so they were meticulously planning each step, knowing that Daniel could easily catch on and escape before they had a chance to rescue Rina.

"We're not sure yet, especially with Daniel's men scattered all over. He's trying to throw us off by spreading his forces across different locations. If we fail this time, Daniel might catch on and slip away again." Zendrick replied.

Dressed in civilian clothes and disguised as Daniel's men, they had ambushed a few of his subordinates who were guarding the area as they made their way toward the main hideout. They were still at an outer guard post, not yet at the main gate.