Chapter 3 "The Price of Arrogance"

The boy took another step forward while looking at the newly spawned Warden.

Using the fact the area around the shrine is filled with rocks and stalagmites, he maneuvered around nimbly.

The developers seem generous enough to grant the player a safe space before fighting this Special Boss in front of him.

The boy observes for quite some time only to see The Warden playing with the skull on his hand while whipping his weapon occasionally.

"Heh," The Warden smiled.

The boy was surprised that every time he tried to focus on The Warden, he would find his eyes tailing him, eyeing him between the rocks.

As if The Warden fully knows the boy's existence with his location, but seeing how he didn't move till now, the Warden probably needs to adhere to a certain rule.

"Okay... Considering his stats are probably above 300 up to 400% above mine, what can I possibly do against him?" The boy pondered.

"He is using the whip as a weapon, so that would mean his range of attacking is far itself... But even if I try to get close to negate his range of attacking, I'm pretty sure his strength is not for show..." The boy murmured.

If anyone could listen to the beat of his heart right now, the boy's heartbeat would be enough to raise the morale of an entire army.

That's how loud his heart is beating now; even with such things happening and his hand feeling cold, he simply smiled, knowing this fight would hurt like Hell.

"My hands are getting cold. Is this what 100% sensitivity is all about? Then isn't this supposed to be how to fully play this game? Got my nerves grinds, my body turning cold, and it's not even the 7th circle of Hell." The boy smiled as he took a step forward.

He exited his hiding spot, approaching The Warden before dead-stopping on his steps...

"What if..." The boy seems like he suddenly had a sudden enlightenment.

He circled around the place, observing The Warden from afar once again from every single position he could.

The boy confirmed his suspicions... The Warden definitely had his eyes on him.

As if saying, "No matter what you plan to do, you won't leave Hell alive."

The boy didn't give up; he finally picked a place right behind The Warden.

He crouched and tried to approach The Warden.


The whip went in the boy's direction, but the boy dodged it.

"You truly are something else... You know where I am and where I will go because you keep your eyes on me even though you keep staring in front, huh?" The boy remarked.

The Warden suddenly turned his body to the boy; the boy was shocked looking at his expression... Suddenly the boy just smiled as if he had gone insane.

"You! You could make that impression as well, huh?" The boy inquired The Warden.

With a wide, creepy grin, revealing his sharp yellow teeth beneath his lips, he simply motioned the boy to make the first move.

"If you want me to make the first move, then drop your whip to make it fair." The boy tried to negotiate.

The Warden glared at the boy still with the creepy smile.

The boy then does something unexpected. He throws his axe right in front of him... Letting go of his only chance of defeating The Warden.

"You are a mob, but you are different. I'm sure you know what I mean when I do this, don't you?" The boy pointed at the axe and raised his fist.

The Warden unexpectedly smiled even wider; he threw his whip to the side and then motioned again for the boy to make the first move.

"Just like what my old man said, no matter where you go, fist always conveys everything!" The boy charged forward.

While the boy charged forward, The Warden simply stayed there with his uncanny smile.

Closer to the target, the boy slides under The Warden, trying to punch him in the groin.

"Take th---"

Before reaching the part, The Warden welcomed the boy with his massive leg. Kicking him back a few meters.

"Ackh!" The boy groaned in pain.

"Warning! An enormous amount of HP dropped suddenly; your body is now in a state of shock!"

"Just my luck and discovering these stupid debuffs" The boy barely stands.

"Ah... God... Feels like my body just got shattered to pieces..." The boy held onto the rock near him to support him standing.

The boy suddenly turned back and went into the area around the stalagmites again; he sat there while looking back, seeing The Warden simply smile while staring at him.

"I knew it... I will exploit this knowing fully well how he acts... You arrogant bastard, I'll have the last laugh." The boy muttered.

The boy rested there for quite some time while occasionally moving his body; he checked his HP to see it almost reached full again because of the natural regeneration.

He stands up once again; this time, he simply walks.

He walked till he could see The Warden clearly once again.

The Warden stands there, still smiling from cheek to cheek.

The boy motioned for The Warden to make the move this time around. Falling for the provocation, The Warden charged right in.

With each of his steps making loud sounds enough to shake Hell itself, the boy swore he could even feel vibrations while he charged toward him.

The boy then ran back to the stalagmites as The Warden charged on. Seeing how the boy maneuvered around the rocks and how The Warden simply charged through like a bulldozer is truly a sight to behold.

The Warden suffers damage here and there as well, but he simply doesn't care and keeps charging toward the boy before he simply comes to a sudden halt.

He stepped back and then returned; the boy chased him this time around. He jumped and landed a kick on The Warden's back.

It dealt some damage, although it's only chipping like 1%, but still, it dealt damage.

The Warden turned around and charged the boy again, only for the boy to run again.

The Warden gave up on chasing the boy after they reached a certain point once again.

"I knew it! You can only act around a certain part of the area, you bastard! I'll have the last laugh!" As the boy charged once again.

The Warden took another damage; this thing repeated almost 100 times. Annoyance could be seen on The Warden's face...

Who would've guessed the once wide grin on his face would change...

"Where is your ugly smile now, you bastard!" The boy is fully proficient at this point, exploiting the bug he discovered.

He charged toward The Warden again, hitting another one, chipping another HP.

After he ran back, he suddenly found The Warden didn't chase him around...

"What happened?" The boy thought to himself, "HEY, I'M HERE YOU UGLY BAS---"

Suddenly a fierce wind could be felt around The Warden.

The Warden picked one of the debris and then suddenly threw it to the boy.

The boy neatly dodged it somehow.

"That's cheating now..." The boy said.

Knowing fully well he had been exploiting the fact The Warden could only him to a certain point and then retreat.

Now? He can't do anything because he isn't chasing him and keeps throwing debris here and there.

The boy ran around and eventually found himself near the shrine. Pondering whether he should touch the shrine or keep on fighting The Warden.

"Now, wouldn't it be sad if I just ran away? Even if my body was torn in half, I'd get the last laugh!" The boy smiled and then charged The Warden once again.

The Warden seeing this stopped throwing debris and welcomed the boy with a huge lariat swing.

The boy knowing fully well he can't win in a contest of strength, rolled away.

He ran till he finally reached one thing he had been targetting, The Warden's whip.

o   The Executioner

o   Grade: Unique

o   Lvl: 20

o   Req: Str 20 | Dex 15

o   Atk: 55

o   +6 Str

o   +5 Atk

o   Effect: Every attack has a 15% chance of inflicting bleed. If the target suffered bleed status, damage received would be +20%

o   Description: Even the strong sinner heed the command of The Warden.

"Warning! Equipping equipment above your level with low status would ---"

Without heeding the warning, the boy simply scrambled the newly popped window, trying to put it away.

He picked up the whip while running once again, "Ah, darn! I'm starting to have trouble breathing... Even though I jog and cycle regularly, running while fighting is different."

The expression on The Warden's changed into a more sour expression as he saw the boy picked his weapon...

The Warden let out a hellish scream, "ROAAAARGH!"

"Where did your smile go, you bastard? This is where the fun began!" The boy charged with his newly equipped whip.

The boy saw him throwing a punch in his direction; the boy rolled once again and then whipped The Warden.

Even though with the penalty applied, the damage dealt to The Warden is way more significant than kicking or punching with his limbs.

"God, all I wish is for you to allow me to apply bleeding status. Please, for the love of God!" The boy swings again.

The whip land on The Warden's foot.

*Bleed Inflicted*

The Warden's foot suddenly bleeds out dark blue blood. The Warden feels more enraged and screams once again while stomping his feet.

A shockwave was created from his enraged stomping; the shockwave was strong enough to make the boy lose his footing.

He picked himself back up again.

He charged The Warden with a smile, knowing fully well The Warden was at Death's door.

The boy suddenly saw his expression change again to the first time he saw The Warden... The creepy wide grin returned.

The boy knows something is wrong... But he could do nothing; he charged again, taking a full swing of the whip.


In the blink of an eye, the boy's left arm flew away...

Because of the adrenaline surge, the boy didn't feel anything nor notice whether his arm was already torn apart if it was not for the notification.


"AAAAGHGGHHHH!" The boy screamed in pain.

The Warden took the hit of the whip with a smile, knowing fully well he had already won.

*Bleed Inflicted*

*Critical Hit!*

The whip landed on The Warden's thigh and made a big noise; a chunk of his flesh was torn apart. He fell on his butt.

While the boy screamed in pain, "It---It hurts!"

He still swings his right arm to make another attack, and it hits.

The Warden, a respected entity in Hell. He had never known any pain till this day, surprised to find himself sitting on the ground bleeding.

The Warden tried to guard the attacks from the whip, but because the whip's movement is fluid. It would never reach the same place twice if it were swung by an amateur, especially a boy running with pure adrenaline.

While The Warden's HP depletes, the bleeding status keeps stacking. The once red floor of Hell is now an execution ground for The Warden by a boy with one arm.

"I TOLD YOU, YOU BASTARD! I'LL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH!" The boy keeps on whipping and whipping even though his right arm feels heavy.

He keeps on whipping through, enduring the burning sensation on his right arm.

Before he finally realizes, the HP of his adversary is finally reaching 0.

He took a big swing before he finally dealt the finishing blow.


A sudden notification popped up.

The boy looked at the massive corpse filled with whipping wounds and torn chunks of flesh before him; the red floor of Hell is now painted in blue with The Warden's blood.

The boy screamed, "AAAAAAAGGGHHHH!"

Finally feeling all the pain and burn struck at once, the boy could only take tattered steps.

One step closer to the shrine, he could feel he started losing consciousness...

He gripped the whip tightly on his right hand before he sprinted, making the final spurt to the shrine.

"Congratulations! You've cleared The Tutorial with a satisfactory result! You've fulfilled a secret requirement of The Tutorial! You will be rewarded once you've gotten out of The Tutorial Level."

As the boy read the window that just popped out, he could feel all his body rejuvenated. His arm grows back again.

The fiery red scenery of Hell suddenly transitioned into a blue sky with creatures flying, mountains on the horizon, sights of people entering and leaving the nearby town, and the sound of people chattering.

The boy looked around, and not long after, a few players appeared with the same getup as him; he could only assume they had just finished tutorial as well.

The boy laughed, "What a ****** tutorial."