Chapter 6 "100 Percent Sensitivity"

The chat responded after Ioki asked that question; most of them chose to stay under 35%, while Mr. Turtle admitted he almost chose 50% before sliding it down to 40%.

"You guys are bunch of pussies! I went ahead and slid mine till it reached halfway!" DarkFlame typed.

"Oh, then tell me, what do you feel DarkFlame? How is the sensation of their sword piercing through your flesh? How would you describe the feeling of getting your limb maimed by an axe? How would you describe the pain of losing your limb? How would you describe what you are feeling when you are fighting against the mobs?" Ioki asked relentlessly.

"It stung more than you know! I got my chest pierced once by a Sand Spear... One of the worst feelings besides getting yourself burned alive." DarkFlame typed.

After looking at the chat and seeing how the others described how they felt about their sensitivity respectively, Ioki smiled...

No one knows the meaning of his smile at the moment; he suddenly clapped, "Okay, that's enough. Take a guess how much my sensitivity setting is, and I will tell you everything you want to know about my titles."

The chat started guessing from the lowest number, then they started guessing higher and higher. Strangely no one ever typed above 50%...

As if they doubted Ioki could handle anything above that, Ioki could only smile as they kept guessing while he strolled through the forest.

"Ah, you never intended to give away the answer, huh?" Soa766 typed.

"I would give you the answer if any of you guessed right, but none did... To be honest, I am quite disappointed..." Ioki said with a smile.

"Well, the time for guessing is over, and none of you were correct! So I won't be telling much about my titles, besides the fact they gave me +23 bonus to stats."

The chat went wild once again after hearing Ioki's answer.


"Brother, you are not lying, aren't you?" Mr. Turtle typed.

"Even the top rankers titles merely added a few stat points, not to count it only added certain stats instead of all stats like yours. What did you do in Hell?" Absusbsj typed.

"Hihi~ who knows whether or not I'm telling the truth." Ioki looked at the sphere and then put out his tongue.

"This brat! (⁠╬⁠☉⁠д⁠⊙⁠)" Ms. Maria typed.

While the chat discussed the possibilities of what kind of titles Ioki obtained, suddenly, the air pressure around him changed...

Howls could be heard through the forest; it's closing in... Cracks of leaves and branches getting stepped could be heard closer and closer.

Suddenly a gray wolf came out; a short green figure was riding on top of it, holding a sabre.

·        Goblin Raider

·        Lv: 17

·        Str: 14

·        Dex: 21

·        Con: 11

·        Int: 12

·        Wis: 9

·        Cha: 5

Another followed, then another appeared not long before... They started circling around Ioki, trapping him inside.

The wolves are baring their fangs with saliva drooling from their jaws, ready to gnaw upon Ioki.

"Tough luck. Why are you outside Ruina in the first place, brother? All newbies should go inside the city and do tutorial quests; no matter how strong you are, there is no way you'll be coming out of this alive." Mr. Turtle typed.

Ioki paid no attention to the chat window; he could barely keep up with his limited vision of how these mobs circled around him. By the time he slipped up, one of them would launch an attack from behind.

Sure enough, after thinking of that, the Raider behind him jumped straight to Ioki.

Ioki rolled sideways and managed to dodge the Raider's leap.

Not long after, another Raider followed, swinging its sabre while the wolf tried to bite Ioki's shoulder.

Ioki raised his fist, stepped to the right, and landed a hook on the wolf's neck.


*Critical Hit!*

A loud snap could be heard as the wolf's body was thrown in the direction of Ioki's hook.

As the wolf's body flew, the Goblin Raider's body stayed in the air for a few seconds. The impact of Ioki's critical hit generated a massive force to throw the wolf away while leaving the Raider's body mid-air.

Ioki raised his fists once again while stepping closer to the Raider's body; he bent over a little as if trying to pick something from the ground while maintaining his stance.


*Critical Hit!*

With an uppercut straight to the Goblin's neck, a loud mix of crack and slushy sound could be heard as the Goblin's mouth spewed green blood.

Before he could take a breather, an axe was thrown and grazed his arm.

A bit of Ioki's HP was gone; if people were watching this, they would be bewildered by the damage of a Level 17 mob barely reduced a Level 3 Player's HP.

Ioki groaned before finally putting up his fist again; the next Raider was already charging at Ioki following the thrown axe.

"RAAAAGGGGHH!" The Goblin Raider screamed with his sabre in the air.

Its face turned red, with veins bulging out of its face as if it was mad because of the sudden death of its friend.

Ioki tried to sidestep again, but his feet were caught by something... A rock...

Ioki fell to the side... As he put up his fist, trying to block the incoming attack, the sabre found its way to slice Ioki's back.


"Ackh!" Ioki screamed in pain as his back felt the cold steel slice open his back; a chunk of his HP was taken this time.

The burning sensation in his back slowly turned numb as his adrenaline peaked; once again, Ioki started seeing everything in his peripheral.

As if having an eye behind his head, Ioki is fully aware of the other Raider behind him.

While all of this was happening, the ground still rumbled while sounds of unknown chants were getting closer.

Without wasting the chance its friend had given, the other Raider rushed into Ioki. The wolf had its jaw open as it leaped forward; before Ioki could move, he saw the other one follow.

The one with a sabre readies its attack, while the other Raider seems to command its wolf to mow down on Ioki.

As they got near, their screech got louder. Ioki won't lose to their spirit, so Ioki replied to their screech with his own scream.


An unexpected loud scream made the enemies stagger for a bit; seems like they were not expecting a loud voice from Ioki's small figure.

Still, it doesn't stop them... As they drew closer, the one in front leaped to Ioki while the one holding the sabre charged.

Ioki didn't sidestep this time. Instead, he ran in the direction of the one holding the sabre.

He jumped toward the sabre; the Raider had no choice but to swing it.


"Awooooo!" The wolf screamed in pain.

The sabre found its way into the charging Raider's wolf's head after Ioki dodged the slash by the width of a hair.

The wolf tripped, throwing the Goblin on top of it into a tree.

The other Raider, still trying to process what just happened; stands there while its wolf is furiously barking.

As if it didn't know what to do after seeing one of its friends die and the other gets injured because of him...

Wasting no chance, Ioki jumped in and gave the Raider a flying kick. Throwing away its body quite far from the wolf, once again, while the wolf is lost after losing its Raider, Ioki made his move right away and gave the wolf a heavy hook right on its neck.

*Critical Hit!*


The loud sound of Ioki's punch could be heard, followed by a loud crack. The wolf's body flew into a tree before it disintegrated...

While the Goblin tried to stand after receiving Ioki's jump kick, Ioki rushed in and delivered a fiery uppercut right into its lower jaw.

*Critical Hit!*


The Goblin's body flew into the air as its mouth burst green blood; before reaching the ground, its body disintegrated.

A chest dropped from where the Goblin just died; Ioki paid no attention to it and then walked toward the injured wolf.

The wolf's head is injured, and blood falls, covering its gray fur.

The wolf simply lay there looking at Ioki as if saying, "Just kill me already."

Looking at the wolf's expression and how it's been doing, an expression of bitterness and empathy could be seen on Ioki's face...

He took a step forward, but as he got closer, his steps felt heavy for a reason...

Ioki turned his back on the wolf, "Ah... Seriously I don't know what to do with you..."

Ioki went to the chest and opened it; he found some silver and 3 vials with a red substance in them.

"Medium-Grade Healing Potion | Grade: Uncommon

An advanced minor potion with an altered dose of each ingredient, consuming this would restore 25% of your HP."

Ioki opened a vial and then drank it.

"Ughhh, I thought it's supposed to taste like strawberry or watermelon based on its color and how they describe it in anime or manga... It tastes like herbal tea, with a medicine scent, and most of all, it's bitter... ughh," Ioki complained with his tongue out.

He could feel himself rejuvenated right after drinking the potion; he could feel the burning sensation on his body slowly heal.

Ioki looked at the 2 potions; he stored 1 in his inventory while he kept the other in his hand.

He makes his way to the injured wolf.

Looking at the wolf lying in its own pool of blood, the once gray fur was painted dark red.

The once furious wolf is now shivering, looking at Ioki without even having the energy to whimper anymore...

Ioki opened the potion in his hand and poured half of it on top of the wolf; he then slowly crouched, approaching the wolf's head.

The wolf recovered a bit of its energy as it seemed to be on guard when Ioki crouched before him.

Ioki stuck out his hand; the wolf sniffed Ioki's hand while it tried to bare its fang, but it stopped... seems like the wolf could feel Ioki's warmness, and he didn't mean any harm to it...

Ioki patted the wolf's head, his hand dancing wildly from the wolf's crown to its shivering back.

Slowly the wolf's tail raised; it followed the rhythm of Ioki's hand. The wolf slowly put out its tongue.

"Got you!" Ioki grabbed the wolf's mouth while its tongue was out.

Ioki then made the wolf drink the rest of the potion forcefully. While some were spilled, most of it went without a problem, considering how the wolf's mouth looks.

The wolf stands up once again, shaking its whole body, removing some of the wet blood covering it.

It started to circle around Ioki, wagging its tail while licking him.

"Good boy, who is the good boy? Yes, you, you are the good boy, hehe," Ioki scrubbed the wolf's head.

While fighting the Goblin Raiders from before, Ioki didn't pay any attention to the new notifications or chats coming in nonstop.

One thing caught his attention, but before he discussed it...

A sound of a horn could be heard, a bizarre horn sound so loud it could rupture your eardrum.

Suddenly the ground shook violently, and green figures appeared from the forest. Tight formation as if they are soldiers.

After around 20 appeared from the forest, a palanquin made of leather and skulls followed from behind, carried by the exhausted servants.

"Chat... I guess this is the right time to tell you how much sensitivity I play with. I set mine on 100%," Ioki said while he kept observing the army of Goblins that just came.