Chapter 16 "Chieftain Ioki"

"Onward! Break the formation and split into groups of 4!" Ioki commanded.

The Goblins rushed at their opponents in six groups.

Mr. Kross followed Ioki right from behind.

"If two rows of your underlings are struggling to hold me back, do you think 4 of them is enough?" Ms. Maria shouted as she stroked the group, going in her direction.


The sound of the wooden sword and the shields clashing marked the start of the fight.

Ioki paid no attention to the first group fighting with Ms. Maria; he rushed in and charged in Rosaria's direction because he knew her presence on the battlefield was crucial...


A big sword swung past by Ioki as he rolled to the side.

The Warrior readies her swing again by pivoting her weight to the other half of her body.

"Mr. Kross! Attack her!" Ioki pointed at the Warrior.

Without having the chance to swing her follow-up attack, Mr. Kross leaped and bit her leg.

The nearby Goblin group rushed in and ganged up on her.

"RRRAAAAAAGHHHH!" The Warrior shouted.

Suddenly, the battlefield froze, and only she and her party were able to move.

The Warrior had just used her Warcry, which stuns everyone but her party.


An arrow pierced a Goblin's foot.

Followed by the arrow hitting, the Warrior swung her bastard sword upward from her low position.

"You are annoying!" Ioki said.

Ioki raised his fists and assumed his usual stance when the Warcry effect was gone.

He stepped in with his right foot and delivered a straight punch to the Warrior's abdomen.


*Critical Hit!*

A loud sound could be heard as the Warrior got thrown with a massive force backward, leaving her sword in place because she couldn't hold it.

"**** I'm sorry! Please don't die!" Ioki shouted in panic.

"Pay attention to your own safety!" Ms. Maria yelled from above as she cut her way downward to Ioki.

Seeing this happening, the Goblins with a spear attacked one side of the wooden sword to change the trajectory of her cut.

The Goblins with shield then parried her cut simultaneously to the side; instead of the sword piercing through Ioki's body, it simply grazed a bit of Ioki's shoulder thanks to the last-minute save.

Ioki stepped backward and crouched a bit, loading his fist.

He stepped forward and launched an uppercut.

"Ah, ****." Ms. Maria muttered.

As Ioki's fist approached her chin, his fist stopped in the air.

Chains are now holding his fist and his legs.

"You are not gonna win easily this time!" Rosaria yelled as she fended off the Goblins approaching her with a knife, focusing her chains on Ioki.

"Forbidden Skill: Hellfire!" Ioki shouted.

The opponents were in shock upon hearing him shout.

They readied their guards and watched their grounds.

The chains on Ioki's feet were slowly loosening.

"Take this!" After getting free from the chains, Ioki raised his leg to kick Ms. Maria without wasting his chance.

*Critical Hit!*

The kick sent Ms. Maria to the air with her red kimono wavering.

"Just wait till I reach the ground! I will hit that mouth of yours!" Ms. Maria shouted in the air.

"I can't believe it; we fall for that brat's tricks again!" Sweet Lily shouted in frustration.

"The two of you with shield, put your shield upwards and plant your feet on the ground!" Ioki commanded the Goblins with a shield.

They followed his command.

Ioki then charged at them and jumped on top of them, launching himself into the air.

He extended his hand to the side, readying for a lariat swing.

While seeing this, Ms. Maria could only smile.

"That's why you are the best..." She murmured as she fell down.


*Critical Hit!*

As his right arm hit Ms. Maria, her body spun in the air before falling to the ground, incapacitated.

The Goblins, wasting no time as well, went ahead and attacked their targets.

Confused whether to focus on Ioki or the Goblins in front of her, Rosaria defeated none...

Ioki charged in her direction while the Goblins were holding her back. She tried to reposition herself, but a barrage of the Goblin's attacks was proven to be annoying when Ioki himself was running around on the battlefield.

The casters in the backline were having their own problems as well.

"Just a little more! Can you please cover for me while I finish this 4 layer spell?" Sweet Lily asked the other Mage.

"Firebolt!" The Mage conjured a ball-sized flame and sent it to the incoming Goblins.

The Goblins tried to dodge the spell, but some of them suffered from the explosion of the ball of flame just caused.

Seeing some of the Goblins were burned, the Priest took his chance and hit one of them.

Another arrow followed from behind.

Because of the frontline crushing defeat, the Goblins that were attacking them now rushed towards the backline.

"Triple Tempo! Vermilion Chains!" Rosaria shouted as her chains picked up speed and turned red, becoming more ferocious.

She knocked the Goblins in front of her away; she tried to cover the backline where the Mages, Priest, and Archer were.


Spears and knives were thrown in her direction. She blocked all of them, but she needed to choose whether she wanted to focus on helping the backline or the approaching Ioki, who was soon joined by Mr. Kross.

"I will teach you a lesson! After that, the three of us will have fun with you!" Rosaria turned her attention to Ioki.

"Mr. Kross! Help the Goblins in the back. Leave her to me!" Ioki shouted.

Mr. Kross then parted ways with Ioki as he charged Rosaria head-on. Rosaria tried to look at Mr. Kross, but she decided that she needed to focus on Ioki that's approaching her.

The chains are making their way into Ioki; the once-silver chains are now crimson. Because of her skill from before, her chain power has been amplified.

Ioki jumped in the air as he neared Rosaria and shouted, "Mr. Kross, attack her now!"

Rosaria tried to discern whether the shout just now was a bluff or not.

Even if it's a bluff, Ioki still managed to waver her attention...

"You!" Rosaria shouted back.

Suddenly, Rosaria could feel her left calf had been bitten.

Confused about how to react, suddenly, a blue window popped up before her.

"You have been inflicted with Bleeding! You will lose HP each second!"

As she looked past the window notification, she caught a glimpse of Loki's feet in the air.

As the chains slowly lost their speed and precision because the user had lost her concentration, Ioki slipped through and only suffered minor damage from the chains.


*Critical Hit!*

Ioki's feet landed on Rosaria's chest. Throwing her right into the tree behind.

Seeing how the last line of defense have been obliterated, the backline's expression slowly turns into desperation...

"Don't lose your spirit! I only have the 3rd lay---" A knife went through Sweet Lily's abdomen as she spoke.


Shaken by the knife making its way through her abdomen even though the Priest and the Archer were covering for her from the Goblins.

She looked at the front to see Ioki putting out his tongue at her.

"Frozen Gu---" The mage tried to cast another spell.

Alas, a Goblin slashed her before getting the chance to finish her spell. Seeing her staggered, another Goblin with shield rushed and bashed the shield against her.

After seeing their Chieftain had made an opportunity for them to strike, the Goblins slashed the back of the Priest, who turned his back out of panic, trying to heal Sweet Lily.

Not long after, they incapacitated the whole backline...

This is the strength of Fortune Squad with Ioki as its Chieftain.

"What's your order, Sir? | Grade: Mythic

A group under your command won triumphantly against stronger opponents.

Bonus: Leadership (Passive), +5 Cha."