Chapter 24 "Bet Against The Heaven"

As the people inside the diner slowly stopped laughing and continued eating, the three said goodbye to Ioki.

"Ah, by the way. Don't forget to turn on your LIVE!" Nagao shouted as they left the diner.

Now, Ioki is left alone with Skye.

Ioki couldn't bring to lift his face up...

While Skye is smiling and chuckling occasionally as she cleaned up the table they just had their meals on.

"Follow me to the counter," Skye said as she stacked up the glasses and plates.

"A---ah yes, ma'am," Ioki replied while stuttering.

Skye chuckled again as she heard Ioki stuttering. She looked at Ioki, but because Ioki was staring at everywhere else but her, she couldn't do much and just walked toward the counter.

Ioki followed from behind.

Skye then went behind the counter and pushed the wooden door on the wall to the kitchen, where she disappeared with the dishes.

Looking at the empty wooden stool on the edge of the counter, Ioki sat there waiting for her.

The wooden door opened again shortly, and she emerged from inside.

She approached Ioki with a sweet smile, "So what can I help you with, young mister?"

Ioki looked at her; the once far away beautiful woman who made Ioki's heart skip a beat is now right in front of him.

Her brown hair with a hint of blonde strips on her head, the way she tied it all to the back, highlighting her small face.

Her beautiful blue eyes resembling the finest sapphire with beautiful long eye lashes swaying up and down as she blinks. Upon seeing her eyes, one couldn't help but be allured, like watching the waves at sea.

Sweats could be occasionally seen running down her face as they slowly descended to her bright red cheek and finally made their way to her chin, passing her plump red lips.

"Umm, hello?" Skye waved her hand in front of Ioki's face.

Ioki suddenly snapped out of it, "Ah, I'm sorry, miss!"

"Now, that's the first time I've heard someone give me two nicknames a day!" She said while chuckling again.

Every time she chuckled, cute dimples appeared on her cheeks.

"Ah, I'm sorry! Umm... U---umm Skye?" Ioki tried to call her with her name with a tone of doubt.

"Yes, just call me Skye like everyone else," Skye replied.

"I don't know... Feels weird when addressing someone older than me with only their name..." Ioki said while scratching his head.

"Just call me whatever you want then," She said while taking a glass from under the counter, "Or should I call you Ioki as well?"

"You can call me anything you want, Miss Skye!" Ioki answered with a crack in his voice.

"Just call me Miss Skye if that's what is comfortable for you. I will call you young master then, how about that?" Miss Skye said as she poured milk on the glass before Ioki.

"Don't call me young master! Just call me Ioki. Why would you even call me by that name?" Ioki asked with a hint of frustration on his face as Miss Skye kept teasing him.

"Oh, is the young master mad?" Miss Skye asked with a teasing tone followed by a small laugh.

Ioki realized that the more he tried to resist her teasing, the more he would get teased instead.

"No, I'm not mad," Ioki said with a loud voice.

Miss Skye then passed the glass of milk to Ioki, "It's on the house. Young Master should drink this nutritious milk and grow up to be a healthy man, okay? Don't be mad."

Ioki tried to ignore her teasing and drank the milk.

"Mmm, it's unexpectedly delicious!" Ioki exclaimed.

"I'm sorry if the meal from before is not as delicious as this milk," Miss Skye said while looking at Ioki with one of her hands on the chin against the counter.

Ioki's eyes widened as he realized she could actually hear his critic from before.

He proceeded to take another sip of the milk to wash away his nervousness.

"What can I say? Of course, it's delicious. It's from me after all~" Miss Skye whispered, then winked at Ioki.

Ioki choked and burst out the milk inside his mouth.

Skye's Diner's once clean wooden counter is now a mess filled with Ioki's milk. Some of it even got into Miss Skye's face and clothing.

The people inside the diner laughed again at Ioki.

"Laughter Is The Best Medicine! | Grade: Unique

You've lightened the mood of the others; parts of their sorrow have been healed thanks to you.

Bonus: Laugh It Off (Active), Chr +5"

"What did you even think of that made you wasted the milk? I simply said it's from my farm!" Skye said while laughing in disbelief .

Ioki tried to clean the mess he just made on the counter while wiping it with his hands.

"Don't you think you ought to clean a part of me as well? I don't mind cleaning the other white stuff coming out of you, though," Miss Skye teased Ioki yet again while pointing to a part of her cloth in the chest area with a wet spot.

"MISS SKYE! PLEASE STOP!" Ioki yelled at Miss Skye while covering his eyes.

"Skye's affinity with you has leveled up."

A blue window popped up.

Miss Skye could be seen having a blast with her relentless teasing against Ioki.

Her face was turning red, and she couldn't stop laughing. The sweet voice of her laughter filled the whole diner.

"I never seen her laugh so heartily like that!"

"This is the first time she genuinely laughed."

"Fortune upon Ruina!"

This is an auspicious day on Ruina, one that could be celebrated as a national celebration.

This is the first blessing of many blessings to come, with none other than Ioki himself being the reason for such blessings to be possible.

Miss Skye could finally be seen as having calmed herself.

"Excuse me there, it's been a while since I had myself go like that," Miss Skye explained while wiping tears from her eyes, "So, you wanted information about a suitable place for your next hunting ground."

Miss Skye then took a black leather book from under the counter.

She opened the book, and Ioki could catch a glimpse of detailed drawings and descriptions in the book on her hands.

"Hmm, what's your Level?" Miss Skye asked while turning the pages of the book.

"21," Ioki replied.

"Hmm, let's see... Poisonous Marsh on the South near the Kolia Village? Hmm, it would be dangerous because you only use fists..." Miss Skye then turned another page.

"This one fits you, but there are around 20 Levels difference. Not to count the Boss itself is at Level 50," Miss Skye explained as she turned another page.

"Let's just go with that! I'm fine with the level difference; I'm pretty strong, you know!" Ioki raised his right arm and flexed it.

"Looking at your equipment, you truly looked strong. Especially with how some of the customs in the West used the same thing like you, covering their manliness with just a piece of cloth to boast how strong they are," Miss Skye explained as she leaned forward with a teasing smile.

"Let's make a bet! If you can conquer the dungeon, then you will win the bet. You Guided Souls won't have to worry the slightest things about dying because you can reincarnate at the Church," Miss Skye said while she raised her index finger.

"Sure, let's go with that! So what do I get if I win?" Ioki asked her.

"Anything~" She whispered to Ioki's ear.

"I don't want to do this anymore..." Ioki then stood up from his seat and walked away.

"Wait, wait! I was joking!" Miss Skye called Ioki while trying to hold her laughter.

"No, I'll just look for it by exploring... Sorry for bothering you Miss," Ioki said as he walked away.

"You will get free meals and room to stay for the whole month, how about that?" Miss Skye tried to negotiate.

"Those included and access to your information. As well, another wish for you to grant," Ioki countered her offer.

Caught by surprise, she lost her teaseful expression for a second before smiling again while glinting her eyes.

"You little devil! Deal! Just so you know, if you lose the bet, I'll work you to the bone!" Miss Skye replied as she came out from behind the counter.

She walked toward Ioki and then extended her right hand.

"Deal!" Ioki replied as he took Miss Skye's hand.


"Bet Against Skye" | Grade : Epic

Skye had put her eyes on you! She offered you a losing bet, she never made a bet with 50% chance of winning. Prove your worth and turn the tables on her!

Rewards: EXP, Affinity Level will be raised, Skye's Network, Skye's Favor,  Access to Skye's Diner restricted area

Penalty: Skye will made you an employee of Skye Diner without paying you for an unknown range of time, Affinity with Ruina's citizen will drop if you don't work at Skye's Diner."