Chapter 30 "Nine Paws"

Ioki threw his first jab, followed by a straight; such simple combos were, of course, blocked by the Nine Paws as he raised his hands.

Ioki jumped to the right as he launched a hook, "This is it!" He shouted.

The Nine Paws ducked and launched another sweep kick, but Ioki didn't dodge his attack this time. He jumped and launched a jump kick toward the Nine Paws.

"If it's a kick, then I know a kick or two as well!" He shouted as he was in the air.

The Nine Paws eyes widened upon seeing Ioki's decision to counterattack instead of dodging. As the kick was getting close to his muzzle, he parried it to the side with his abruptly formed fist.

"You should have taken the kick, you bastard!" Ioki screamed as his trajectory of kick changed because of the parry.

Ioki lost his balance as he landed wrongly. As he tried to balance himself again, the sounds of steps running could be heard from behind. All of a sudden, the running steps were gone...

Ioki rolled as soon as he didn't hear the steps anymore.


A deadly jump-knee kick was executed with a terrifying speed from the Nine Paws. As if watching a bike at a high speed just went flying before him, he stared at the flying Kobold with awe.

Because of their morphology, the Kobolds have a more potent jumping power, using the potential energy stored in their bipedal legs as a spring to launch them forward.

"If that hits me, I would be a goner. I swear to God..." Ioki grumbled.

As the fight got more heated, crowds were forming around these two, including the party that had just finished their hunt from before.

"Are you crazy, kid? Trying to get yourself killed by going against a Nine Paws alone?"

"Shhh, don't disturb him! He is an equal match to the Nine Paws alone! Don't disturb the fight; this is fun to watch!"

"What the?! Have you guys seen his level?"

The crowds were suddenly checking the status bar above Ioki's head.

"LEVEL 23?"


"Even a party of 5 would have a hard time against Nine Paws, not to count the first kick that hit him is enough to put a Level 40 Archers and Mages in a critical condition..."

As the discussions between the observers got more heated, suddenly, some of them could be heard cheering as well.


The crowds went wild as they heard someone scream Ioki's name.

"Is that the rumored Wonderkid?"

"Yes, that kid is indeed the Wonderkid," A man with red gallant armor came forward with a group following him.

The group the men were with had all red equipment decorating their bodies from head to toe. No matter what Jobs they were, they were all covered in red.

"Vermilion Dawn! Why are they here?" A voice from the crowd could be heard.

"Our leader tasked us. We are to observe and protect him if any of you try to get your hands on him or disturb his solo fight against the Pack Leader," The man in red armor answered proudly with a dignified voice.

The pressure the man's voice exudes as he finishes his sentence is enough to make one kneel.

"Soloing Pack Leader? Are you out of your mind?!" A surprised voice from the crowd could be heard.

Followed by the surprised voice, the crowds started getting louder as they asked each other whether what they just heard was correct.


The crowds went silent as they heard Ioki scream.

Ioki could be seen in bad condition as half of his HP was gone, and bruises and scratches could be seen on his arms and body... The Nine Paws is no exception, as he spits blood while wiping his bloody muzzle with his arm.

The Nine Paws smiled at Ioki as he finished wiping his muzzle; the once-white fur in his muzzle was now smeared with red blood mixed with saliva along his whiskers.

Seeing Ioki's expression change sour, the Nine Paws shrugged at him.

"You bastard, that was definitely another taunt!" Ioki shouted as he rushed in.

As if learning nothing from his fight against the Nine Paws, Ioki launched a simple jab-straight with a right lead combo again... The Nine Paws easily deflected it.

Somehow, even though his fists were deflected, Ioki was smiling.

"This is what I've been waiting for!" Ioki shouted.

As the Nine Paws deflected his left straight, Ioki used the momentum while his body was unstable to shift his weight by taking another short right step and bending his knees to the right.

A left uppercut was loaded. Destination? Nine Paws chin.

Seeing Ioki's smile widen as his fist approached him, the Nine Paws laughed and stared sinisterly at Ioki. He put his left leg behind him and put his paws on top of each other, trying to block Ioki's uppercut.

"You cheeky dog..." Ioki muttered sluggishly as he saw the Nine Paws expression as if saying, "I'll take your hit!"

Kobolds were designed with Dogs as their base model. While the base design of Kobolds themselves is already decent enough to act as something similar to a Warrior Dog mob, Nine Paws is a grade above...

Maybe even two grades above other Kobolds. He had lived all this long because of his reflexes and instincts that had been honed over his lifetime; he trusted them better than the Death Spot to keep him alive.

Dogs were known for their good-smelling sense, combined with their fighting instinct. Nine Paws is a natural-born brawler.

As Ioki's uppercut approached his paws, his expression changed.

"This is dangerous! Something is wrong!" The Nine Paws thought inwardly.

The sinister smile is broken and now changed to a worried expression. He tried to retreat and retract his paws back, but it was too late... Ioki's uppercut had touched his paws.


*Critical Hit!*

The Nine Paws was indeed right... If his enemy was anyone other than Ioki, then he might could have done such a thing...

His nose was right on the money. He smelled bullshit as Ioki's fist approached him.

Alas, he is already flying in the air as he realizes his mistake...

As his body reached the ground, his back made a loud sound. Few cracks could be heard as blood spurred from his mouth.

He tried to stand, he put his paws against the ground to support him... But he couldn't feel its strength; he saw his trusted weapons sway lifelessly like a broken twig before him...

"KIEEEEEEK!" The Nine Paws screeched, staring his arms broken in disbelief; despair washed over his face. The proud expression of the furry brawler is now gone...

He retreated with his legs desperately as he saw Ioki approached him.

Strangely, without his usual stance, Ioki approached the Nine Paws. He could be seen taking some items from his inventory.


A sound of glass could be heard before the Nine Paws.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot your arms were broken..." Ioki said with a concerned tone.

He walked closer to the Nine Paws; seeing this, the Nine Paws kept retreating until a rock stopped his retreat.

Ioki picked up the item he had just thrown, and after that, he raised his hands in the air and slowly walked toward the Nine Paws.

"Hey, this will help you," Ioki said as he crouched before the whimpering Kobold.


Ioki poured the contents of the item in his hand to the Nine Paws. It was an Advanced-Grade Health Potion...

Everyone seeing this was confused, why would Ioki heal the Nine Paws instead of finishing him off? Even the chats were confused about Ioki's actions.

Ioki retreated as he saw the Nine Paws arms slowly heal; he also took a Potion and drank it.

"You know, I enjoy fighting with you... A shame a critical hit popped up and sent you flying instead," Ioki said with a smile as he pointed at the Nine Paws.

The Nine Paws are baffled by what's just happened. He raised his arms again and checked it; it was back to normal again. He touched his muzzle; it's healed back to its normal state... Every single wounds and bruises on his body have been healed.

He stared at Ioki; Ioki made the taunting sign this time with his palm open. He moved his fingers as a sign for the Nine Paws to come this time.

Seeing this, the Nine Paws was dumbfounded. He finally smiled genuinely as a wide smile formed on his face, and his mouth opened slowly while his tongue slowly slipped out and raised his paws. While his right paw formed a fist, his left paw covered it.

The Nine Paws made a Palm Salute...

Upon thousands, maybe even ten thousand of encounters against the other Nine Paws, this is the first time anyone saw him doing such a thing.

A salute to express one's eagerness to learn or ask for guidance on someone one's respect.

A blue window popped up before Ioki.

"Nine Paws has honored you."

"Nine Paws' Respect | Grade: Unique

Nine Paws, known for their pride, have deemed you worthy to walk the path of a fist.

Bonus: Flowing Water Fist (Passive), +5 Str, +5 Dex, The Kobolds now respect you."

"God of Destruction has shown interest in you."

Seeing all the blue windows popping before him, the chats went wild while the crowds could only guess what just appeared before Ioki.

After he swiped the windows, he stared at the Nine Paws and returned his Palm Salute followed with a bright smile.

The two rushed at each other while screaming.