Chapter 32 "Brawler's Pride"

"Archers, use your crowd control skills and let the frontliners finish the rest of the mobs!" Reinhardt sternly issued, "Mages, spare your mana and use basic attacks only. We need those if we encounter another Death Spot or Nine Paws."

"Sir, yes, Sir!" The Vermilion Dawn group responded.

Seeing this, Ioki couldn't help but respect the Vermilion Guild itself. Observing the whole team moving strategically as each of the members knows their own roles, not to count Reinhardt's position as a Vice-leader of the Vermilion Dawn is not for show as he barely makes any mistake on issuing commands.

Noticing Ioki's expression while seeing the Vermilion Dawn Guild eradicated the Kobolds made Reinhardt feel proud and put him in a banter with Ioki.

"If any of you make the slightest mistake, you will be exempted from the first raid event by next week! I will discipline you myself before you even see the battlefield again!" Reinhardt shouted while his eyes tailing Ioki to see what kind of expression he made.

"They are perfect, huh?" Reinhardt asked Ioki, "But never tell them I complimented them. They will get too complacent!"

"Well, seeing them move and cover each other as if AI controls them is really satisfying... Precise movements followed with flawless command... This is from my point of view as a stranger. I can't imagine how you feel as their own Commander, Mr. Reinhardt," Ioki retorted.

"Haha!" Reinhardt laughed heartily, "Well, you still have a long way to go before you reach my position. Even though I admire the way you command those Goblins, Vermilion Dawn can only have one Commander. I can't wait for you to join our ranks."

Even though they are walking side by side, Reinhardt's eyes are always fixed on Ioki's expression. He always wanted to see what kind of expression the boy would make if he said this or that. Of course, Ioki, after spending time with him for a while, knew exactly that Reinhardt himself didn't mean any harm and only wanted to banter with him.

Ioki smiled as he said, "Let's see about that, old man."

"Even though I'm old, but this body of mine rivals the like of you young'uns!" Reinhardt replied, followed by a chuckle.

Slowly, while they banter, a large entrance with wooden pillars and torn flags comes to vision. Behind the entrance, a stone throne and a place resembling an arena were laid. Sitting on the throne was a giant Kobold, even bigger than the Warden...

"Hey! What do you mean we can't challenge the boss?"

"We know you are from the Vermilion Dawn, we never take you for one of those Guilds that monopolized hunting grounds!"

"Even though you guys are on the top 10 in this continent..."

Crowds before the entrance filled with Players were arguing with other Players, presumably from the Vermilion Dawn itself, because of their unified colors standing between the other Players.

"As I said earlier! We will compensate all of you as long as you stay here and maintain order!" The voice of a woman could be heard from the Vermilion Dawn group.

The woman has red leather armor covering her body from top to bottom, even her hair is red. A steel bow could be seen carried on her back.

"Ah! Vice-leader!" As she approached the group, the woman shouted, "I've been holding them for far too long, you know? What took you so long?"

The woman could finally be seen clearly as she approached Loki's vision. She stands at the same height as Reinhardt, almost 2 meters long. Her eyes, contrary to her blazing color palette, are violet.

Her massive bust came into contact with Reinhardt's armor as she put her hand over Reinhardt's shoulder. A slender figure could be seen from behind, with her navel visible through the leather armor.

"Lilian, I believe this is not the---" Reinhardt tried to finish his sentence but was cut off by the woman in red.

"Hm? What? You made me wait this long, yet you can't spare some time with me?" The woman in red asked as she tightened her hand around Reinhardt's shoulder, bringing him closer.

Seeing the once dignified Reinhardt looking like a kitten before the woman in red, Ioki could only smile and laugh inside his heart.

The woman in red slowly turned her attention to Ioki, "You must be Ioki, huh? The Leader is head over heels for you, you know? You better not be a hindrance later on when you join our guild. My name is Lilian, and I a---"

"Hello, Ms. Lilian. You must be Mr. Reinhardt's wife, correct?" Ioki cut her as she spoke.

Even covered with ironclad armor, Reinhardt could be seen as getting flustered. If one were to remove his helmet, they would probably see him blush as well.

"AH, YES! AMEN TO THAT!" Lilian screeched, "Say, your name is Ioki, right? I will treat you like my own son from now on."

The Vermilion Dawn guild mood slowly turned festive when they heard the conversation between the three.

"Hopefully, Vice-leader got married as soon as possible, so he is not that grumpy anymore!" A voice from the group could be heard.

"I will personally discipline you for the whole week! I have your name!" Reinhardt shouted.

"Dear, you should say amen to that prayer instead of getting mad at them. We haven't even had any child, yet you will be bald if you keep that negative attitude of yours, Mr. No fun..." Lilian said as she put her palm on Reinhardt's helmet.

As her hand slowly caressed the red helmet, Reinhardt stepped back and held her wrist, "Ahem! I believe we've wasted enough time. Ioki, now would you please fight the Pack Leader?"

"Sure, the adrenaline after fighting Nine Paws started to wear off. Seeing you two lovers is enough of an entertainment," Ioki smugly replied.

As he slowly walked to the gate, the crowds stared at him. The Vermilion Dawn groups opened up a way for Ioki.

"Even though he is the up-and-coming LIVEr, he should know his limit... No way he could solve the Pack Leader alone."

"You think so? I just tuned into his LIVE and found out he defeated Nine Paws alone. I don't know, dude..."

"Wunner much? Are you his fan or something? Comparing an elite to a Dungeon Boss? Let him fight the Pack Leader and get his ass whooped by the second he entered the arena."

All kinds of talks could be heard from the crowds as Ioki walked to the entrance. Ioki paid no attention to this, though. If words like these affected him, he would've broken down so many times before... He'll let his actions speak instead.

"Support group! Buff Ioki, give him the full package!" Lilian commanded from a distance, "Consider this as my thanks for your prayer from before, Ioki!"

Hearing this, Ioki responded, "Ah! No need, Ms. Lilian! Let me enjoy the fight to its fullest! Thank you for the offer, though."

Lilian halted the supports as they tried to cast the buff. She looked at Reinhardt with a confused expression. Who would've rejected buffs from high-level Players for free, especially when they are against a Dungeon Boss solo?

Reinhardt only chuckled as he slowly walked toward the entrance to witness Ioki's fight.

The fight that would break the whole world, the fight that would set Ioki's fate intertwined with Ashen Fantasy as he garnered the attention of millions pair of eyes.

As he enters the arena, the giant Kobold figure becomes more clear. Even though he is standing at the edge of the arena, considering the distance between the two, the Kobold himself is still visibly a giant figure from Loki's perspective.

The side of the room resembles the tribune seating, although there are no seats, and it's just a leveled and chiseled stone with a smooth surface enough for one to sit on top. Truly fitting the name of what the Players called "Arena."

Strangely, no one is there... Not even a single soul...

The Players were standing at the entrance. There was no presence of other Kobolds as well. Only Ioki and the giant Kobold sit on the throne with his eyes closed while one of his hands supports the head.

Unlike the other Kobolds with weapons, this Kobold only has leather gloves covering his hands while his body is covered with grey fur.

Perhaps his body wasn't covered with anything because of the big scar ranging from his right chest down to his lower abdomen. Maybe the scar serves as a trophy itself to him...

As Ioki stepped closer, he could see the Kobold had another scar on his eyelid down to his muzzle. His ears flapped and his snout moved, the scarred lid slowly lifts revealing a sharp beastly gaze as the pupil contracted.

Ioki shivered as the fierce gaze met his eyes as if his soul was torn to pieces when their eyes met. Ioki's heart beats faster, sweats start to appear, and his hands grow cold...

"This is wrong, this is wrong, this is the same case with The Warden..." Ioki murmured, "I know it is wrong. My body is screaming at me to run away. Yet, why do I have the urge to fight him so badly?" Ioki continued as he clutched his fists and smiled.

The Giant Kobold slowly rose from his throne. He looked at Ioki while cracking his knuckles and neck. The pressure changed as he slowly opened his mouth, "Bark!"

The Giant Kobold raised his fists and assumed the stance like Ioki would.

§  Pack Leader

§  Lv: 50 | Dungeon Boss

§  Str: 90

§  Dex: 95

§  Con: 86

§  Int: 57

§  Wis: 45

§  Cha: 72

"There it is, the epitaph of Monks... Good luck, brother! Don't feel bad about it because even a full party of Level 50 is troubled up against him!" Mr. Turtle typed.

After seeing how the Pack Leader raised his fists, all of it clicked on Ioki's head. He suddenly opened his inventory and took the item from earlier.

Now, a string connecting a bunch of fangs and jewels could be seen dangling on his hand. Ioki raised his arm and threw it into the feet of the Pack Leader.

The Pack Leader's attention turned to the item Ioki had just thrown. The Pack Leader bent his long legs as the item touched the ground and picked it up.

The nervous smile on Ioki's face slowly turned into a genuine smile as he saw the expression the Pack Leader was making. The Pack Leader stared at Ioki and grinned, revealing his sharp teeth and glinting his eyes.

"BARK! Awooo!" The Pack Leader's voice echoed through the cave as he barked and howled.

Slowly, the cave was rumbling, and Kobolds appeared in the vicinity... Ranging from normal Kobolds to Death Spots lined up to make their way to the arena.

The Players were surprised upon seeing this. They tried to attack them, but a barrier was protecting all of them as each of the Players attacks was deflected. The Kobolds walked through the Players, paying no attention to them, and entered the arena.

They filled the tribune seats one by one as they started barking and howling, cheering for their Leader.


"Brawler's Throne" | Grade: Unique

You've proven your worth as a Brawler, you managed to catch the Pack Leader's attention. Do you have what it takes to claim his throne?

Rewards: Diamond Chest, EXP, Golds, Honors, and other rewards vary on the result.

Penalty: The Kobolds will expand their territory and reign over the forest, The Kobolds will occasionally raid the towns, Army of Kobolds would spawn on the continent, LVL -10, Honor -100."

Suddenly, the Pack Leader exuded an unbelievable aura that pressured everyone. Even Ioki almost fell on his butt as the shockwaves of the aura swept over the arena.

§  Pack Leader (Brawler's Pride)

§  Lv: 50 | Dungeon Boss

§  Str: 90 (+10%)

§  Dex: 95 (+10%)

§  Con: 86 (+10%)

§  Int: 57

§  Wis: 45

§  Cha: 72

"Fuck... I might lose this fight..." Ioki gulped.