Chapter 37 "Gaia's Smith"

As Death Spot led them deeper into the heart of the Kobolds' cave, they couldn't help but marvel at the intricacies of this hidden world. The cave wasn't just a haven for the Kobolds but a marvel of ingenuity and nature combined.

Bioluminescent moss cast an ethereal glow over the cave's interior, illuminating the way. The walls of the cave sparkled with minerals of various colors, reflecting the light in a mesmerizing dance of hues.

They arrived at what looked like a dead end. As far as they looked around the path, they saw nothing but stone walls... The Death Spot approached the wall before them and closed his eyes before he brought his paws together.

"Oh, Goddess Terra, may the sound of our pickaxes reach your ears, just as the vibrations of each swing reach the earthen core!" The Death Spot prayed.

Suddenly, as if a lever has been pulled to activate a hidden mechanism within the rocky walls, the ground vibrates as the rocky wall slowly descends.

Heatwaves hit their face as they slowly started hearing the rhythmic clanging of metal, accompanied by Kobold voices, emanated from within.

The Kobolds led them to a massive chamber, its ceiling high and adorned with natural formations that resembled stars in the night sky.

In the center of this chamber stood a colossal tree, its trunk twisted and gnarled. Its roots stretched deep into the earth, and its branches reached for the ceiling where the leaves beautifully glow with the reflection of the minerals.

Upon closer inspection, Ioki's companions realized the tree was a testament to the Kobolds' craftsmanship. They had hollowed out its interior and transformed it into a blacksmith's forge, replete with anvils, hammers, and a roaring furnace that burned with an otherworldly fire.

Surrounding the forge were Kobold artisans and blacksmiths, each working diligently on their craft. They wore protective goggles and clothing to shield themselves from the intense heat. The clanging of hammers on metal and the hiss of cooling metal filled the air.

"Who are they?" A Kobold with long whiskers and white fur with signs of coals smeared all over it approached them.

"That is the new Leader, Elder!"

"Ah! The Elder didn't come to the Feast last night!"

"Ahahaha! I truly have seen everything in life to the point we are now led by a Human!" the Elder laughed.

Ioki laughed, following the Kobold Elder's laugh. Now, they stand side by side, laughing.

Seeing Ioki standing by his side laughing, the Elder said, "Even though he looks like a fool, he has a big heart! If the Elder laughs, then the youngsters should appreciate it. For the Elder laugh itself is a blessing!"

"Whatever you say, old man..."

"We should have brought the bones from yesterday and given it to Elder to shut his mouth." One of the Kobold replied.

The Elder Kobold raised his hand and scolded the other Kobolds while chasing them.

"What kind of blessing do I get from hearing an old Kobold, I wonder?" Ioki mumbled as he put his finger on his chin.

The chase went to a halt as the Elder Kobold's ear perked up and his eyes went wide as he glared at Ioki, "Th---this Human understand what I just said?"

"Of course he understands us, you old man! He is our Leader!" A Kobold replied.

The Death Spot stepped forward and explained to Elder Kobold, "Elder, our leader has been blessed by Goddess Terra himself!"

"No, no, no... I am blessed by God Hermes, to be exact," Ioki corrected, "The reason I understand all your barks is thanks to Him."

"Well, I'll be damned for I only know the Goddess Terra and Mother Gaia! God damn boy! Praise Hermes for giving me another chance in life to make it more exciting!" The Elder shouted as he laughed again.

The Kobolds' eyes sparkled with pride as they showcased their creations to Ioki and his companions.

Their weapons and armor were works of art, forged with a level of detail and precision that rivaled the most skilled blacksmiths.

"This is incredible," Reinhardt murmured in awe, his gaze fixed on the craftsmanship.

Lilian, who had an eye for detail, marveled at the fine engravings and intricate designs etched onto the armor sets. "I've never seen anything like this in the game."

Ioki, beaming with pride, turned to his companions. "This is where the Kobolds forge their equipment, and it's all thanks to Goddess Terra's blessing. I'm honored to be able to share it with you."

Mr. Turtle, who had remained quiet, finally spoke up. "I must admit, Ioki, you've introduced us to something truly extraordinary."

The Kobolds, pleased with the admiration of their guests, presented Ioki with a magnificent set of armor adorned with the image of the Death Spot. Clearly, they regarded Ioki as their Leader and protector, and they had poured their hearts into creating this gift.

o The Death Spot's Plate

o Grade: Unique

o Lvl: 45

o Req: Con 65

o Con: 58

o HP + 15%

o Def + 10%

o Chance of nullifying an incoming damage by 10%

o Description: Proud craft of the Kobolds for the most robust breed of Death Spot.

"This! This is a different kind of Plate! Death Spot drops different kinds of loot... What is this..." Mr. Turtle stared at the equipment in awe.

"You can have it if you want, big brother!" Ioki said as he put his hand on Mr. Turtle's back.

"Maybe if you said that to me a few levels ago, I would gladly take it..." Mr. Turtle replied with an awkward smile.

Ioki looked into the armor and then scanned around the room. He looked at Reinhardt and Lilian, but Ioki thought it would be useless to give it to them because their Level must be much higher than the equipment itself...

Even though the whole Plate itself is unique, the stats wouldn't fare well with their Levels.

Ioki then donned the Death Spot with the armor after a long consideration, "May Goddess Fortuna and Terra bless you as you watch over the Kobold Cave," A Sense of unity enveloped the whole space as the Kobolds started howling.

It was clear this newly forged bond between them is more than just a game...

"Leader! They will have to piss over my dead body first before there will be any disturbance in Kobold Cave!" The Death Spot exclaimed proudly as he admired the armor he had just received.

The Elder Kobold approached, "You see... All of the Pack Leaders before you always prioritize themselves first. Sure, they deserve it because they protect the whole pack. They are responsible for each mineral mined. If they laze off then Goddess Terra will smite their arse. But, you... You know what you just gave away?"

Ioki shook his head, "What is it, old man?"

The Elder moved closer to Ioki, holding a smithing hammer in his left arm. "It's one-in-a-hundred results that these fools might produce, if the stars aligned that is."

"And? Can you please just get to the point? Are you saying you are better than the other Kobolds, old man?" Ioki asked with a confused expression.

"One, it is what you could say their masterpiece. Two, Yes I am better than them," The Elder then raised his left arm slowly to the air, "Three, Stop calling me old man!" The Elder shouted as he hit Ioki's head with the hammer.

No one saw it coming, they could only open their mouth as they saw Ioki's body lying on the ground with a big bump on his head right on the spot where the Elder just hit him...

"Warning! An enormous amount of HP dropped suddenly; your body is now in a state of shock!"

A blue window popped up before Ioki's body.

Not even the Pack Leader is enough to bring this boy down, yet a single hit from this elderly Kobold is enough to make him fall?

"Ah... Ah... L---look! Look at his Level!" Lilian pointed at the Elder Kobold while slowly taking small steps backward.

"I'm Level 120... Yet his Level is..." Reinhardt said in disbelief as his eyes widened.

Hearing the chatter and the voices of his companions, Ioki slowly dragged his body up standing again. He touched the bump on his head and proceeded to take a Healing Potion. He drank half of it and poured half of it on the bump. Slowly, the bump on his head miraculously healed.

"Aww... Jeez! You know that hit could have killed me!" Ioki shouted.

"Bah! What kind of Leader would you be if you can't withstand an attack from me? I didn't even use my smithing arm to show some respect to you." The Elder replied.

"Little brother... never anger that Kobold again. Look at his Level," Mr. Turtle whispered as he helped Ioki up.

Ioki focused on the Elder Kobold. He looked above the Elder's head where the status bar and Level could be seen.

Elder Kobold | Level: ???

-Gaia's Witness

"What does that even mean? Why is his Level shown in question marks!?" Ioki inquired.

"It's because there is too much of a gap between our Level and his," Reinhardt explained.

"What?" Ioki needed clarification after hearing the new information.

Ioki then approached the Elder and observed him in circle, "Hmm... Tell me Ol--- Elder, if you are so strong, then why are you letting yourself rot in this place?"

Hearing Ioki's remark the Elder laughed, "Ahahaha! Y'know kid? The more I see you, the more I like ya'!"

After pouring his heart out on the laugh, the Elder put his hammer down and sat down, "Y'see, even if this decrepit body of mine would step outside to the world..." The Elder took a long breath before he continued, "What good would it do? I got my fellas here. I am doing the things I love. Why would I go and chase the thrill of the unknown? It's you young'uns job, not mine!"

"You've listened to the teaching of a wise one, +1 Wis."

A blue window popped up before Ioki, "What the... So listening to an old man rambling truly is a blessing," Ioki thought to himself.

"Decrepit my ass... Even if a Golem came out of those rocky walls, you would break them apart with a swing. Better yet, once you've swung your hammer the Golem would probably turn into a piece of legendary equipment," Ioki replied with a wide smile.

"Ahahaha! I truly love this new Leader of ours!" The Elder laughed before his expression changed to a serious one.

"Your Affinity with Elder Kobold has leveled up!"

"Tell me kid, do you want to learn a thing or two about smithing from this old man?" The Elder Kobold said in a low voice as he stared into Ioki's eyes.


"Gaia's Smith" | Grade: Divine

The Elder Kobold deemed you worthy of an apprentice. He wants to impart his knowledge of hundreds of years of smithing to you.

Rewards: Job change to "Gaia's Smith," Blacksmith NPCs would respect you, Mother Gaia would be favorable towards you.

Penalty: Gaia's Smith might be locked permanently, Affinity with Elder Kobold will drop to zero."

The Kobolds have their jaws open as they hear the offer the Elder just said. They are in disbelief... The stern and proud Elder wants to take an apprentice? It's not even a Kobold, but a Human on top of it?

"Hey, pinch me... Am I dreaming?"

"Yes, this is a dream. You will give me your bones."

"Is the new Leader the long-lost son of the Elder?"

Ioki, of course was surprised with all of the things happening before him... The Elder had a different affinity level? Gaia's Smith? Job change? Hundred years? What is all this nonsense?

"Woah, wow wow! Hold your horses, old man! You see, even though I am strong, but I lack the delicacy you Blacksmiths have. I don't have the patience for hitting, blowing, and other Blacksmith shenanigans you do... So, I'll respectfully decline it. I am truly sorry!" Ioki replied as he bowed toward the Elder.

While the Elder's offer was surprising enough, their Leader's reply was on another level...

"Ughhh, this is too cruel of a dream..." A Kobold fainted upon hearing Ioki's reply.


"Goddess of Nature is confused with your reply."

"God of Destruction is laughing his ass off."

From what used to be a forced laugh from the Elder, he finally let a hearty laugh out. His laughter echoed throughout the forge. He laughed for a few minutes before finally stopping.


The Elder slowly stood up while supporting his body using the hammer in his hand. The ground around the hammer could be seen slowly cracking and crushing under the Elder's inkobold Strength.

"Now, I'll excuse myself if there is nothing else you're going to blabber," The Elder said as he turned his back and slowly made his way to the forge.

"Even though he was the one that's been blabbering his muzzle all this time," A Kobold whispered.

Suddenly, the Elder stopped in his steps and turned around, "I could hear that you rascal!" The Elder then chased the Kobold.

Once again, the blazing forge is filled with lively laughs.

With the tour complete and the gift received, Ioki, Reinhardt, Lilian, and Mr. Turtle bid farewell to the Kobolds and made their way back to the entrance of the cave.

As they stepped out into the open air, Ioki couldn't help but reflect on his extraordinary journey. From a bloody brawl to uncovering the secrets of their hidden forge, his adventures had taken him to unexpected places.

"Ahh!!! Fresh air! It's so hard to breathe down there!" Lilian exclaimed as she raised her hands.

Ioki pulled his cowl and removed his mask to enjoy the pristine air blowing on his face as he sat down.

"Hey... I need to ask a favor," Ioki slowly voiced.

The three turned their attention to Ioki after they finished equipping themselves again.

"What is it, little brother?" Mr. Turtle asked.

"I don't know if you could fulfill it, sorry big brother. I'm asking the Vermilion Dawn, but if you can help, I would be grateful! Ioki never forgets a favor. His father taught him always to repay the favor twofold, hehe!" Ioki finished his sentence as he referred to himself in third person.

"Vermilion Dawn will assist you to their best. What do you need?" Reinhardt asked in a low voice.

"This is my last day in here... I don't know whether I'll return here or not. Hopefully I will get the chance to," Ioki said while staring off into the distance.

Hearing the boy saying such words made their hearts prick with emotions they tried their hardest to condemn. Melancholic feelings enveloped them as the wind whispers.

"Tell KumaKuma his other half of the bet would be to guard the Kobold Cave," Ioki said while standing up, "Now, if you excuse me, I would enjoy my last day here."


With his heart full of gratitude and anticipation for the adventures that awaited him on his last day, Ioki ventured into the wilderness again while turning around and waving his hands to the three.


"Hey, any of you had any idea about what they talked about back then?" Lilian asked the two.

Reinhardt shrugged and shook his head.

"Ahaha, all I can hear is barks after Ioki finished talking!" Mr. Turtle replied.

"Right? By the way, have you joined any Guild yet? Why don't you join the Vermilion Dawn? Vengeful Paladin like you would fit right in with Reinhardt, you know?" Lilian asked Mr. Turtle as she slowly closed in her face.

Mr. Turtle put up his hands, rejecting Lilian's advance, "I don't have any Guild yet right now, but I would love to join little brother's Guild if he ever made one!"

Mr. Turtle then used a teleportation scroll as he said his goodbye.