Chapter 39 "Tomb of The Old Empire"

As Ioki sprinted deeper into the forest, his footsteps echoing through the dense underbrush, he couldn't help but feel adventurous.

The forest had always held surprises for him, and now, with the promise of the Tomb of the Old Empire in the distance, his heart raced with anticipation.

The forest around him began to change as he ventured further Southeast. The trees seemed older, their branches thicker, casting long shadows that danced in the dappled sunlight.

An air of mystery hung about the place, a palpable aura that tinged Ioki's skin. The air was filled with the earthy scent of moss and the distant murmur of a hidden stream.

"Am I even going in the right direction? Are you guys actually telling me to get lost? Seriously? On my last day of playing this game, yet you guys are this cruel?" Ioki playfully said while staring at the sphere.

"Better than your skin crawling with bugs~ (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) mushi mushi!" Ms. Maria typed.

"Yeah, just keep going. You'll see the tomb sooner or later!" Nagao typed.

Suddenly, a voice came from the bush, "Die, Human!"

A Kobold with brown fur came out of the bush with a spear. As he got closer to Ioki, his face changed from his fierce expression to a worried one.

"Kieeek! Are you the new Pack Leader?" The Kobold inquired as he stopped near Ioki.

Ioki smiled and inched closer to the Kobold, "Hmm~ What should I do with you... You almost attacked your new Leader, and for that I will make you work in the mine for the whole week!"

"EEK! Please, anything but that!" The Kobold begged while clutching Ioki's leg.

Seeing the Kobold's expression, Ioki went ahead and teased him more. "I think it would be better if I sent you down to the Elder Kobold. I heard he needs a new striker!"

"AAAHHH! ANYTHING BUT THAT, PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO STAY IN A SEALED ROOM WITH THAT OLD MAN!" The Kobold cried as he grabbed Ioki's leg tighter, "Eh? By the way how did you meet the Elder? He is really picky with whoever should be allowed to enter the forge..." The Kobold asked while staring at Ioki.

"Is he? The old man was a fun guy to be around with," Ioki replied as he put his hand on the Kobold's head. "He even asked me to become his apprentice!" Ioki said as he scratched the kneeling Kobold's head.

"Unghhh... Ahhhh... Yes~ that's the spot..." The Kobold mumbled while enjoying Ioki's scratch. "WHAT?! APPRENTICE?!" The Kobold suddenly jumped in surprise.

After hearing the Elder Kobold offered Ioki to become his apprentice, the Kobold's jaw went open while his tongue slipped out as he stared at Ioki in disbelief.

"Why? Is it that surprising?" Ioki asked.

"Leader! Rumor said that the old man was there when the cave was formed! Others said that the old man was there when the creation of this world takes place!" The Kobold exaggerated, "If he asked you to be his apprentice, that means he will teach you the centuries of knowledge of smithing! You could probably even turn an Iron into a Mithril if you learn from him!"

Hearing the Kobold's tales of exaggerated rumors only made Ioki laugh, "You have a funny bone in you, Mr. Kobold!"

His infectious laughter filled the forest, and it seemed to respond in kind. Birds trilled musical tunes from the treetops, and squirrels scurried playfully along the branches.

Of course, the chats have no clue at all as to why he is laughing. They could only hear the Kobold's bark as a reply after Ioki spoke to him.

"Why are you laughing? Do you understand what the Kobold is saying?" DogChaser typed.

"Yes! I do understand the Kobolds' barks. God Hermes blessed me with the ability to understand other languages, for now I understand what the Goblins and the Kobolds are saying." Ioki replied.

"Leader, who are you talking to?" The Kobold asked.

"Ah, nothing! Pay no attention to it!" Ioki answered as he put his hands on the Kobold's shoulder, "Now, Mr. Kobold. I would ask you a few questions. It would be great if you could answer all of it!"

"Anything, Leader! Ask me anything! I even know the place where the female Humans take their bath!" The Kobold replied eagerly.

Ioki blushed momentarily before he slapped the Kobold lightly in his muzzle, "NOT THAT!"

Ethereal paws could be seen followed slapping the poor Kobold's muzzle.

"What was that! Leader, why do you have a ghost of Nine Paws following you!?" The Kobold asked while he caressed his muzzle with his paws.

"Don't pay attention to that!" Ioki shouted as he put his palms on the Kobold's head, "Focus now! Do you know anything about a place called, the Tomb of the Old Empire?"

The Kobold gasped as his eyes widened, "Don't say that name!"

Ioki perplexed seeing the Kobold's reaction, "I---Is that place that bad?"

"I don't know, but the name itself sounds like a bad omen. I don't even know if such things exist. W---wait, Leader! Put your fist down!" The Kobold begged once again as he slowly retreated.

Ioki could be seen with an annoyed expression under his mask. Not even the mask could hide his veins popping as he keeps hearing the Kobold's bulls--- dogshit.

Ioki then chased the Kobold through the forest, "Come back here! I will discipline you!"

"I was joking, Leader! Please! You'll wake up as old as the Elder tomorrow if you keep being grumpy!" The Kobold cried as he kept running.

Ioki, rather than mad at the Kobold to be honest was enjoying himself in this playful chase between him and this jokester of a Kobold.

As he followed the whimsical twists and turns of the forest while chasing the Kobold, Ioki couldn't help but reflect on how much he had changed since he first entered this virtual realm. He had gone from being a complete novice to a respected player with tens of thousands of followers.

The forest grew thicker, and Ioki's senses heightened. He could hear faint whispers in the wind as if the trees were trying to communicate with him. It was as if the forest held its breath, waiting to reveal its secrets.

As the chase continued, Ioki noticed the terrain changing. The ground became uneven, and ancient stone ruins peeked through the undergrowth. Moss-covered statues and crumbling pillars hinted at a history long forgotten.

"You've arrived at the place!" Nagao typed.

"Hah... Leader... Please... I'm out of... Breath..." The Kobold said wearily, followed by a few coughs.

As Ioki also catches his breath, he can't help but notice the sudden change between the verdant landscapes into a gloomy remnant of what used to be a glorious monument of the past...

His heart raced with excitement as he approached a massive stone archway overgrown with ivy. Beyond it, many eroded stone tombs could be seen lined up perfectly.

Ioki hesitated for a moment, realizing the magnitude of what lay ahead. He turned to the sphere that displayed his LIVE feed, where thousands of viewers awaited his next move. Their anticipation and support fueled his determination.

"Leader... Let's leave this place! I don't feel so good about this. My furs are standing! It would be best if you trust a Kobold's instinct. We are never wrong!" The Kobold said as he tried to escape and leave Ioki alone.

"You are coming with me! From now on, your name is going to be Joki!" Ioki said as he pulled Joki by the neck.

Joki's body was enveloped in a ray of light as Ioki dragged him.

"You've blessed a Kobold with a name!"

"Joki's fate is now intertwined with yours."


 Lvl: 24 | Kobold Soldier

 Str: 25

 Dex: 32

 Con: 19

 Int: 30

 Wis: 20

 Cha: 17

"Hmm? Is it possible for a Level 24 mob to have such stats?" Ioki mumbled.

"What? What stats does the Kobold have?" Planetarzz typed.

"He got an abnormal amount of Intelligence for a Kobold, probably the reason why he is so chatty... His Int is at 30."

"Kobold is not an intelligent mob basically. That is probably a rare spawn. Although not much of a difference, a mob is still mob by the end of the day." Planetarzz typed.

"Leader! What just happened? I feel stronger all of a sudden! If I fight a Death Spot, I am pretty sure about it this time..." Joki said with determination as he clutched his fist.

"Wait, you have fought against a Death Spot? Woah! I have one hell of a follower. You are gonna fight him again after this?" Ioki inquired.

"Of course not! One of his slashes would definitely tear me apart!" Joki playfully said as he pats Ioki's back.

With a deep breath, he took his first step through the ancient archway and dragged Joki with him. The moment he crossed the threshold, the world around him shifted. The forest vanished, replaced by an eerie, subterranean landscape.

Glowing fungi illuminated the way, casting an otherworldly light on the stone walls of the tomb. The air was thick with a musty, ancient scent.

Ioki let go of Joki as he slowly observed the tombs around. One particular tomb attracted his attention. The tomb was placed alone on the front with different motives engraved on it.

While the others could be seen with flowery engraving fused with unknown letters and patterns, that particular one was engraved with a cross motive.

Ioki approached that particular tomb.


Sounds of the tomb cracking as the stone collapsed on the mossy floor could be heard. Ioki turned around and saw Joki put his hands on his back with a wide awkward smile on his face.

Ioki could only palm his own face as he saw Joki and pondered whether going here with him is a right choice or not...

Paying no attention to Joki's shenanigans, Ioki realized there were flight of stairs leading to the unique tomb. He watched his steps as he took the first one.

"God! Going there itself puts a lot of stress in my heart! Nagao, I swear to God... If suddenly a scary boss popped out of his grave while you said there is nothing here. I will take another day off from school tomorrow and log in just to personally kick you in the butt!" Ioki joked as he tried to cover his nervousness.

"I never said anything about there is nothing in there... My babe did. It's been days irl since people discovered this place, and still no one knows its purpose. I recommended this place because you are the Wonderboy himself! Ask Fortuna to incur some miracle and let me enjoy the show!" Nagao typed.

Finally reaching the tomb with cross engravings, Ioki observed it closely to see that the only place not covered by vines and moss was a golden cross right on the head of the tomb.

He circled the tomb, "Chat, there is nothing in here... Perhaps there is something needed to be---"

Walking around it, he found writings on the tomb covered by some vine. It is in another language, but as he touches the vines and reveals it, the writings turn gold.

"Chat, are you seeing this?!" Ioki asked.

"What? Some strange writings?" DarkFlame typed.

"No! It's glowing in gold light! The writings are slowly turning into letters we could read!" Ioki exclaimed.

"Little brother... It's the same writings from moments ago..." Mr. Turtle typed.

Paying no attention to the chat anymore at this point, Ioki studied the new writings on the wall closely.

"May the light of Lumiere bless this corrupted land once more. Follower of Light, if you could see this... Appease the spirit of the once glorious Arwen! May Goddess bless his soul, for the darkness has claimed him."

"What the hell... Seeing this made me remember about Sister Elia." Ioki mumbled.

"Goddess of Fortune urgent you to take the request."

"Goddess of Fortune said Goddess of Light is her close friend."

"What request? There is no one here, nothing here..." Ioki replied.

"Goddess of Light asked you whether you are capable or not of doing such tasks."

"Oh! The Goddess of Light herself! Just so you know, one of your followers harmed me. If yo---"

A deep, soft voice suddenly whispered in Ioki's ears, "Please, young one, help me reclaim that dear child's soul!"

Ioki got goosebumps after hearing the Goddess's sad plead. This is his third time hearing God and Goddesses whisper to him, each carrying their own emotions.

Lumiere in particular carries deep sorrow in her voice... It was enough to move Ioki's heart as he heard it. Divine being like a Goddess pleading to a Human? In the first place, is a Goddess an entity allowed to have emotions?

It was a revelation that defied the very nature of divine beings. Ioki pondered the significance of this encounter as he grappled with a cascade of emotions.