Chapter 4 "Restless"

"Are you ready, Ioki?" Sasagawa shouted as he put his gloves on.

The corner of Kichiro's lips slightly raised while he checked his head guard.

Students and even teachers were brought together in the boxing club practice room. After all classes had ended, they came to witness the sparring between Sasagawa and Kichiro.

"Look at Iori-san arms... those muscles..."

"I told you! Iori-san has all of those things going for him! The look, body, even his head. It's a shame he is not that sociable."

"A shame he always covers his body with that damned jacket in P.E. and UGHHH! IORI-SAN DO YOUR BEST!"

Hearing the other students whispering and keep saying his name, filling the crowded room, made Kichiro blush. His face slowly reddened as his name kept echoing throughout the practice room.

Kichiro had already put his uniform away and changed into red boxing pants. The others finally could steal a look at how his body looked.

The student that's famous for his mysterious facade. Considering that he only does studying, studying, and studying... So how could someone be considered a nerd standing before them with a chiseled body?

It all stems from how he uses his morning time right after waking up. He would always finish his "circuit" of sets consisting of Calisthenics moves and light dumbbell training, finished with a little bit of cardio of jump ropes.

The reason for all that? Maybe for another story...

"Senpai, go all out on me. I will hate you for the rest of my life and wish for your career to drop down the drain if you actually hold back!" Kichiro exclaimed with a mysterious smile, pointing his fist covered with red gloves toward Sasagawa.

Sasagawa laughed at his taunt before finally nodding.

A referee entered the ring and performed a check on the two fighter's gloves. Even though this is a simple sparring, they want the best result out of it.

Right after the gloves check, the referee stood in the middle while looking at both fighters and asked. "Are both fighters ready?"

Sasagawa and Kichiro nodded in unison as they raised their fists and got into stance.

"FIGHT!" The referee shouted, followed by the bell's ring.

The once crowded and loud room is now silent as they witness the two fighters approaching each other and circling around, looking for an opportunity to strike.

"If you ain't gonna hit, then let this senpai of yours grace you with a present!" Sasagawa exclaimed as he stepped forward with his right leg and pivoted all his weight on the right foot.

A fast and precise left straight was launched in Kichiro's direction. Strangely enough, rather than dodging it or putting a guard on it. Kichiro smiled and lowered his guard a bit.

As the straight landed on his face, Kichiro jumped a bit, making it seem like his body was sent flying by the straight from Sasagawa's left. He closed his eyes and let his body hit the ring.


Right after his back landed in the ring, Kichiro never opened his eyes, and he put out his tongue from the side of his mouth while lying there lifelessly.

Everyone was confused by the outcome of the match. Even Sasagawa himself was frozen with his left hand still in the air with his jaw dropped as he saw Kichiro's body go flying.

The referee counted to 10 before declaring Sasagawa Ryohei as the winner of the match.


Toshiro could be seen laughing ecstatically, with tears coming out of his eyes while he held his stomach.

Kichiro slowly got up before he opened the strap on the glove with his teeth and then opened another one with his now gloveless hand.

He stood up, bowed to the other side and the audience before exiting the ring, and changed to his uniform again in the locker room.

After packing everything up, Kichiro made his way out of the boxing club.

"IOKI, YOU BASTARD! I SWEAR! I WILL RUIN YOUR LIVE! ARGHH!" Sasagawa once again roared as he saw Kichiro make his way out of the boxing club.

Kichiro walked through the school, his thoughts racing. The unexpected outcome of the sparring match had left everyone in shock, especially Sasagawa, who couldn't believe what had just transpired.

All the plans he had made to live a peaceful life in school all of them went to dust...

Everyone now knows that Ioki is him, and the newfound attention caused by Sasagawa himself is another thing he doesn't need currently...

He didn't pay attention much to it, though, because Toshiro's words kept ringing inside his head.

World Wide Scale Raid? If they didn't win the coin flip, Ruina would be in ruin?

Kichiro never thought much about it cause he never thought of playing Ashen Fantasy again... but how are people's lives or creatures he had known while playing AFO? Did they actually remember Ioki?

How many days have passed inside the game since his log out? How much has changed in that span of time? Would those people still remember anything about him if he logged in again?

"Ah, I hate this..." He let out a soft voice as the noisy scrambles filled his head

He took a deep breath while looking at the wet road, navigating through the slippery road and avoiding the puddles.


Kichiro was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling while his head always flashed back to when he had those encounters inside Ashen Fantasy...

"I will regret it if I don't act, but..." A contemplative yet soft voice went out as he covered his face with his hands.

His hands slowly slipped, revealing his eye. Slowly, his gaze shifted to the screen of his idle laptop. The laptop could be seen to have a browser open with many tabs. One thing that stayed as the active tab was the forum of Ashen Fantasy Online.

Ioki is screaming inside Toshiro's head. With each second passing, his voice gets louder...

Kichiro finally got up and rushed to the door. He opened the door roughly and ran through the stairs. He entered the living room, where he saw his parents were watching a movie with Popcorn in a bowl before them.

"I need to talk with the two of you," Kichiro exclaimed as he stared at his parents with a serious expression.

His Father picked up the remote and paused the movie, "What is it? Come here, let's talk." He said with a smile on his face.

Kichiro looked at his Mother's expression as well before continuing.

Seeing his stare, she could only take a deep breath and nodded as she signed for him to sit next to them.

Ignoring all those, Kichiro lowered his head and prostrated before his parents.

"Let me skip school again for tomorrow! I want to play that game again!" Kichiro exclaimed while his head was still on the floor.

While his Mother could only stare at him in disbelief again, his Father laughed while he caressed her thigh.