Chapter 9 "Stormy Sky"

"Wh---what?" Ioki asked with a puzzled expression, "I'm sorry, the rain... I can't hear you well..."

"Hehe, you could hear it clearly, Ioki." Elia replied while wiping her tears, "Arwen is my Grandfather," She continued.

Like hearing his name called on TV, Ioki's jaw dropped to the floor upon hearing the revelation. "Skye, do you know anything about this?" He asked.

Skye stared at Elia momentarily before she replied, "Elia never told it directly to me, but I already know about it."

Hearing Skye's answer surprised Elia this time, "What? How did you even know? Don't lie to me Skye, it's not even funny!" out of frustration, she tried to push Skye's body.

Skye grabbed her arm by the time she was about to push her, "Oh! Someone is energetic again. Care for round two?" Skye teased with her hand, making the groping motion.

"Umm, Skye, can you please answer the question?" Ioki begged with a pitiful expression.

Seeing Ioki's expression made her lose the will to tease Elia further, "Let's just say everything about Elia that's not known to the public is a high-value information people would be willing to trade even their lands for." She explained while leaving the bed.

Skye slowly walked over to the window and viewed Ruina from above through her window. She closed her eyes and let the raging wind dance violently on her body, along with the drops of rain washing her fatigues away.

She winked at the distance and gave a mysterious smile before turning her back against the window, "That's why I couldn't care less about Ruina turning to ruins as long Elia is safe."

Her brunette hair was dancing beautifully along the violent rhythm. Some of her hair was stitched together because of the rain. Still, it won't wash her beauty away...


The sound of thunder, along with the flash casting shadows all over the window, truly highlighted Skye's monologue...

Abandoning Ruina? Is that what Skye is implying? Considering that is the most logical choice to be made, Ioki thought Skye would rather fight to the bitter end alongside the citizens of Ruina.

A perplexed expression could be seen clearly on Ioki's face as he stared at Skye in disbelief.

"Don't think too much about it. One day, you'll know the reason why Skye is like this..." Elia spoke softly while placing her hand on Ioki's back.

Hearing Elia's words, Skye voiced her concern while closing the window to stop more rain from wetting her body and bedroom, "Oh, you need to think much about it! You need to think about everything in fact! If you think it's that easy to take Elia away from me, then she would be long gone from Ruina."

"What makes you think I will only take Elia with me?" Ioki asked with a serious tone as he looked in Skye's direction.

Somehow, Elia's touch on his back gave him the courage he didn't know he needed. Perhaps the touch from his bride is what he needs to solve the problems that await him in the near future.

"What do you mean?" Skye asked.

"If you despise Lumiere that bad, then I'll ask from other Gods for blessings of our relationship," Ioki answered with a convincing look on his face.


Elia slapped the back of Ioki's head while shaking her head hopelessly.

Skye's jaw went wide open with a confused smile. Her eyes blinked rapidly a few times while looking at Ioki. She approached the bed once again and sat beside them, staring at Ioki intensely.

"Did you know what you just implied, young Mister?" Skye asked with a sly smile.

Ioki nodded, "Yes, I fully know what is the meaning behind my words. And, young Mister? Is that all I amount to after you moaned my name like a dog in heat?" He answered with a teasing smile.

Hearing his answer briefly made them doubt their ears before Skye finally started laughing.

"I like you! I love your confidence! I never regretted the time I offered you that bet. Even though I know you would've lost the bet, but somehow you managed to turn the table on me and bring unexpected results." Skye exclaimed while her face slowly closing in on Ioki's.

Skye put her hands on Ioki's thigh and hand, "You know what though?" She asked while she moved her hand into Ioki's inner thigh.

Ioki was shivering from her touch and let out a little moan, "Wh---what is it?" He asked while trying his hardest not to let the pleasure consume him again.

"You don't use my words against me, you little brat!" Skye grabbed all of Ioki's manhood with her hand.

"Hw---hwaah! Skhyeee... pweasee..." Ioki begged once again.

"Where did that bravado of yours go, huh Ioki?" Skye teased while playing with Ioki's balls.

"You know, you probably brought a new meaning to wetting your bed... at least go wipe those rains from your body first," Elia spoke softly while letting her fingers dance on Ioki's chest.

"I know you are already married, but please ma'am don't get ahead of yourself," Skye replied in a sarcastic manner.

Elia blushed hearing what Skye just said... the Sister who's famous for her façade, her radiant smile that brings joy and tranquility to one's heart upon seeing it. She is now naked with all her walls down, away from the prying eyes of others.

Unconsciously, her fingers were on Ioki's nipples and she started pinching it.

"E---Eliaaa! Not youwuuu too... Umhh... Ah!" Ioki started moaning wildly after Elia started pinching and teasing it consciously.

"What? Am I not allowed to at least do this? Someone else get to play with my husband, but not me? Wow! What a devoted husband you are!" Elia teased as her hands finally started dancing wildly again on Ioki's body.

"So I'm only someone to you, huh? Perhaps I should indeed just leave Ruina by tomorrow." Skye chimed in as she pushed Elia's hands and hopped on top of Ioki.

Seeing how everything unravels before him, Ioki could only hope for the best... He wished that every single word he just said would bring the best results where everyone could be happy.

[7 Deadly Sins of Lust has granted you "Fiery Charm."]

[Fiery Charm

Have you felt the burning desire to love?

Charm the target; a successful Charm will inflict the target with Burn status.

(The effectiveness of this Skill scales with Charm and the level of your Lust.)

Cooldown: 7 Hours]

[7 Deadly Sins of Lust has cursed you with "Curse of Charm (Major)"]

[7 Deadly Sins of Lust is satisfied with your show.]

[Goddess of Light has negated the negative effect of the Curse.]



A Kobold with a black spear on his right paw was seen with his snout moving while sleeping.

As if waking up from a nightmare, he jumped up and grasped his spear tightly with his paws with a fierce look.

The other Kobolds seemed alerted by his sudden movement and woke up as well.

"What is it... big brother?" A Kobold asked while she rubbed her eyes with her paws.

"Enter the forge and ask the Elder to arm us. I smell something bad." He replied while staring toward the entrance of the cave.

"But the Elder..." She tried to argue, but she ran away after seeing him glaring at her with bloodshot eyes.

Another Kobold finally voiced his concern, "Big brother... what is it? You scared little Sister away..."

"The Leader's scent, I could smell it. Along with it, the scent of Chaos lingers in the air..." His firm voice echoed in the air for a while.

After hearing his words, they finally woke up and grabbed their equipment. They scattered inside the cave hurriedly with a mix of panic and joy expressions.

The storm gathers the army of Fortuna. Their presence will alter the battlefield to come.