Chapter 11 "Fortunate Encounter"

"That darned old Kobold!" Joki muttered while he tried to catch his breath. "I swear to God, I will inherit that cursed forge out of despise!"

"You! Stop talking that way about our Elder!" A Death Spot scolded Joki while following him from behind.

"How can I not curse that old Kobold? He didn't even give us the best weapon his armory had... sure, I might survive with this weapon given from Leader, but the other Kobolds?!" Joki replied angrily while still running through the forest.

Groups of Kobolds could be seen running following Joki's lead through the forest.

The Kobolds have distributed their forces. While the other stayed to guard the cave, the other followed Joki to find their Leader. Each of their paw prints marked the forest's wet ground as they kept running to aid their Leader.


"Halt!" Joki raised his hand to stop the marching Kobolds.

"What is it, big brother?"