Extra 1 "Mr. Black"

"Teacher... We are going to be fine, right?" A kid in ragged clothing with tears in his eyes asked while clinging tight to the man's glowing robe before him.

Taking a deep breath, the man wiped the blood from the tip of his halberd. He looked at the boy and smiled warmly while giving him a pat. "Don't worry, not a single one of those brutes will get to harm you!"

His voice held a soothing quality, a sonorous richness that vibrated with an innate understanding. The man's voice resonated with a deep, low, and heavy timbre, akin to a warm, crackling fireplace on a cold winter's night.

Hearing his voice made the anxiety in the boy's heart gone. Bit by bit, he became more relaxed simply by the presence of this mysterious man covered in a mystical ashen robe billowing with ethereal energy.