Chapter 36 "Reunion of Hatred"

While the Ceremony Award was still going inside the royal grounds of Ruina's castle, the daily life of Ruina continued at its pace. It doesn't excuse any of the citizens to be lazy or skip a day to live another day to the fullest just because their hero is being awarded.

Some have tried their eyes from the night just to make sure the ceremony would go well without a hitch, while some have woken since dawn to get their own worms to catch the fish in the river. Swift as the river, the punctual messenger of dawn catches the shimmering dewdrops, while the world still slumbers in the arms of night.

These messenger of dawn have their own stories to tend to after their morning routines have been cleared; while some will continue their job after the break, others need to take a rest just so they can enjoy the night. One thing is for sure: they are having the time of their life at Skye's Diner.