Chapter 48 "Difference In Power"

Grey skies decorating the horizon, along with a sudden temperature change, greeted Ioki and his family on their first day of the adventure.

After having almost everyone from the Kobold Cave tagged along with them, they finally move toward their first destination on their journey, Port City of Firan.

With a coat protecting his body against the cold rain pouring from the grey sky, Tirian tries his best to navigate through the muddy road even though it's freezing cold outside.

Although he cast a spell on his coat to protect himself from being wet, the chill air still seeps in through his lungs and skin.

On his side sat Ioki, who tried his best to fight the cold away by humming a melodious tone.

"Milord, I never expected you to have such a soothing voice when singing!" Tirian exclaimed as he navigated the wagon.