Chapter 55 "The God of Dark"

Seeing the stats of the newly spawned boss, Ioki was confused with little to no information regarding on what is the meaning of those "Adjusting" words inside the brackets. He looked toward the chat and asked, "Chat, do any of you have any idea what I am currently facing right now? Why are the stats written like that?"

[Like the notification before just explained, you are going to fight against an enemy where the current patch power level for Players was deemed under the minimum requirement for the said boss… from the start of the game, only a Chinese Guild managed to beat such boss. I suggest you run from it while it's still adjusting. They are really strong once the allocated adjusting time is over.] Absusbsj typed.

Reading the explanations from the chat, especially Absusbsj's info, only made Ioki's heart palpitating as his expression showed excitement.