Chapter 12 "The Shadow Whiskers"

With the tension inside Aether Voyager at an all time high, Ioki asked a nearby Goblin to fetch Tirian, "Hey, can you please get Tirian here? Tell him to park the wagon somewhere safe, we are going to have an emergency meeting."

"Yes, Chief!" The Goblin replied before he hurried off to the exit, calling for Tirian.

Some of the Kobolds did not say a single word after coming in. They just stayed still in their corner, with their ears and tails down. The mood around them was really bleak; no matter who approached them, they did not talk or pay attention.

"Now, before we continue with anything… Can anyone here please explain to me what's currently happening?" Ioki asked as he crossed his arms, closing his eyes and shaking his head. Slowly, the thought of taking care of all his friends is slipping as he realizes how much of a burden it is for a single boy to handle.