Chapter 14 "Constant Anxiety"

As the tense situation slowly settled, each of them started to learn more about Mr. Grimsby's past. They listened attentively, trying to piece together and figure out his mysterious upbringing on their own.

The more he unravels about his past, the more emotion started to surface and slowly shown on the once monotonous smile of his. Every word spoken from his mouth retold them the exact memories that he had decided to bury deep within with the hope of carrying it to his grave.

Yet, unexpected circumstances brought him here… the invisible thread of fate which had already weaved itself on his body, the one that tailored the story of his life, has once again decided he needed to wear new clothing of their choosing in this arduous journey ahead.

[Your understanding of Arthur Grimsby's character is slowly growing as you listen to his story. The level of affinity between you and Arthur has been raised by +1]