Chapter 21 "Finishing Business At Firan"

"Ah, please! I can't do this anymore, I beg you!" Marca's daughter yelled out of frustration.

The girl that Komar met from his stroll on their day off was apparently Marca's one and only daughter. The daughter that she wished would be born as a son instead…

Looking at her pitifully, Komar couldn't do anything due to Skye's command of wanting to keep her captive until Ioki returned, "I am sorry… there is nothing I can do, Maria… They would kill me on the spot if I helped you a bit."

Her name is Maria. She is a poor girl who looks disheveled. Once they captured her, she never once had a proper bath or meal.

"Please, Komar. Just help me a bit here. This is my father's problem. So why would they drag me into this?" Maria begged while scratching her arm through the clothing. I don't know when the last time I had fresh water on my skin was. At this rate, I would be having rashes!"