Chapter 18: Learn from

Master was in a state of near frenzy as he frantically searched through the books on the bookshelf. There were very few records about the Liangyitian Gang Hammer, and his knowledge of this martial spirit was limited.

 He vaguely remembered that this martial spirit excelled in attack power, but he wondered if it had other unique effects. The fact that this hammer had appeared in a child was baffling.

 Normally, only those who had reached the Title Douluo level had the opportunity to mutate their martial spirits into a complete form. All these mysteries troubled the master, as if a puzzle piece was missing from his years of research. He felt the need to find answers.

While he had reached his level limit in terms of Wuhun mastery, there were no limits to expanding his knowledge. He was determined to thoroughly study the research he had previously neglected, filling in the gaps and perfecting his understanding.

The master stayed up all night working on his research, only finally turning off the lights and going to sleep in the early morning hours.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the college's teaching building, a small figure clung to a hip while observing two other figures approaching.

"Are they coming?" Xiao Wu inquired, glancing at Qin Feng and Tang San as they slowly made their way towards her.

She frowned at them. "Did you two get it wrong? Why are you here on a date without inviting me?"

Qin Feng, who had just woken up and was still a bit sleepy, yawned. He had enjoyed a good night's sleep and was initially confused when he saw Xiao San beckoning him to join him downstairs.

He hadn't expected to find Xiao Wu waiting for them.

"Brother Feng, Xiao Wu wanted to see you, and I…" Tang San started, looking somewhat troubled.

They had planned to get a good night's sleep since they were going to search for soul rings the next day. Little did they expect that Xiao Wu would spend the entire night unable to sleep and would seek their company to pass the time. Furthermore, she had insisted on bringing Qin Feng along.

Qin Feng, still half-asleep, gazed at her with panda-like eyes. "Little Dance, why did you wake me up?"

"Qin Feng, today I want to challenge you to a real duel!" Xiao Wu announced, her ponytail swaying as she pointed at him.

Qin Feng blinked in confusion. "A duel? Sis, who duels at 1 o'clock in the morning?"

After a tiring day, all he wanted was a comfortable bed where he could sleep until daylight.

"Are you feeling sleepy?" Xiao Wu asked as she approached him.

"I'm older, I can't keep up with you young folks," Qin Feng replied, clearly uninterested in staying up late for a duel.

"Very well, if you're sleepy, you can rest. Xiao San, you and I will have the first match tonight. I'll lead, and you're going to lose for sure!" Xiao Wu challenged her fellow teammate.

Tang San, resigned to his fate, gave a helpless shrug. "Me? Alright then, let's do it."

"Then let's begin," Xiao Wu declared, ready to spar with Tang San.

Xiao Wu approached Tang San and whispered softly in his ear. Tang San's face turned bright red, and he warned, "Watch out for her braids!"

As if on cue, Xiao Wu's braid suddenly lunged at Tang San, grabbing him and tossing him into a pole with a resounding crash.

Qin Feng shook his head at Tang San's apparent lack of awareness. He couldn't believe that Tang San had fallen for such a simple trick. It seemed that his experience as a transmigrator didn't grant him much advantage in this situation.

Despite Tang San's mishap, Xiao Wu was no pushover. She was already a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, and her human form seemed to have little trouble handling herself.

Qin Feng was feeling the effects of fatigue setting in, and the sight of the youngsters engaged in such lively activity at night made him realize that he needed rest. He considered lying down on the slate to sleep.

However, his plans were quickly interrupted by a stern voice from behind. Turning around, he saw a plump woman who seemed to be the school's director of politics and education.

"What are you kids doing here?" she inquired sternly.

Startled, Qin Feng stood up, and Tang San and Xiao Wu paused their activities.

The teacher, with a critical look on her face, continued, "You three children are quite grown up now, two boys and a girl, out here on a date in the middle of the night!"

"Teacher, it's not what you think. We were just discussing," Tang San hurriedly explained.

The teacher, however, didn't seem convinced. "Discussing? I clearly saw the little girl hanging onto your arm just now. I can't understand why kids these days are so precocious, even at six years old! I'm going to report this to the office!"

With that, she marched away briskly.

"Teacher, it's really not what you think! Would you like us to prove it to you?" Xiao Wu said, her eyes glittering with a mischievous light.

The teacher, still skeptical, said, "Oh? Then show me."

Xiao Wu nodded with determination, seemingly intent on proving their innocence. She motioned for the teacher to follow her.

As they resumed their playfighting, Qin Feng, feeling the effects of sleepiness, couldn't help but yawn. He realized that since they were already involved in this late-night activity, they might as well include the teacher.

Tang San thanked Qin Feng for handling the situation with the teacher. Qin Feng yawned again, revealing his exhaustion.

Seeing Qin Feng yawn, Tang San said, "You should rest while we continue. She's no match for us."

Qin Feng nodded and decided to use the opportunity to catch some sleep. He didn't have the energy for a late-night duel.

As the two continued their playful battle, the furious teacher looked on.

However, the situation took a surprising turn when Qin Feng suddenly intervened, blocking the teacher's path with his black hammer.

"Teacher, you wanted to learn from us, right?" Qin Feng said casually.

The teacher, annoyed, tried to push Qin Feng's hammer aside. But before she could make any progress, a surge of energy from the hammer sent her flying a meter or two away.

Qin Feng smirked and said, "Teacher, if you still don't reveal your Wuhun, I'll have to teach you a lesson."

The teacher, determined not to back down, released her Wuhun. She was a twelfth-level soul master with a sickle-type soul and a hundred year old-ring soul master.

Qin Feng, with a sly grin, prepared to face her.