Chapter 21: Old Witch Being Blasted

"We'll continue our fun at dawn," Qin Feng declared.

From below, shouts were heard, and it was clear that the commotion had reached three floors down. Their room was located in a remote corner on the highest floor, so they were safe for the moment. However, they knew it was only a matter of time before it reached them.

"Okay..." Xiao Wu had originally contemplated sneaking back to their room while the situation was contained, but both Qin Feng and Tang San dissuaded her. They couldn't risk someone waking up and possibly revealing their late-night escapade.

So, they retreated to the rooftop, planning to wait until the early morning or until things settled down before returning to their room. If questioned, they'd claim they went downstairs to investigate when they heard the commotion, a plausible excuse that would keep them out of trouble.

It wasn't that they didn't trust their roommates, but it was always better to be on the side of caution.

"But I'm so sleepy," Xiao Wu yawned and rubbed her eyes. After a night of adventure, she felt like a regular tired little girl.

"Speaking of which, Xiaowu, the teacher mentioned taking us out last night," Tang San said, finally getting a chance to inform her of the plan they had missed earlier.

"Going out? Aren't we supposed to attend the opening ceremony?" a groggy Xiao Wu asked, her eyes half-closed from sleepiness.

"Nah, we won't be attending," Qin Feng replied.

"In that case, you're leaving the entire playground behind for me to clean up? It's such a huge area, and you're leaving it all to a girl like me?" Xiao Wu pouted, clearly displeased.

Tang San scratched his head, feeling a bit awkward. He realized that leaving all the cleaning work to Xiao Wu might not have been fair. After all, they were the ones who had dragged her into this situation.

"Well, you do deserve some compensation," Qin Feng chimed in, holding out a golden card.

"This is a VIP card for the second-floor cafeteria. With the balance on it, you can eat there for at least a month. How about i'll give you this card?" Qin Feng suggested with a smile, extending the tempting offer to Xiao Wu.

Initially, Xiao Wu had been hesitant, not wanting to give in too easily. After all, they had not only dragged her into their late-night antics but also left her with all the cleaning duties. However, when she saw the VIP card, her big eyes lit up.

"Alright, you have a deal!" Xiao Wu agreed, thinking of the delicious meals awaiting her on the second floor of the cafeteria. She didn't want Qin Feng to change his mind, so she nodded enthusiastically.

"Well, I guess that settles it..." Tang San was rather surprised by how readily Xiao Wu had agreed to the deal. He couldn't help but admire Qin Feng's persuasiveness, even though Xiao Wu was just a six-year-old girl.

Today, at dinner in the second-floor cafeteria, Xiao Wu had enjoyed her meal as if she were dining at a five-star restaurant.

A hour passed, and it was nearly six o'clock in the morning, almost time for their day to begin. The early morning sun cast a warm, orange-red glow as their small shadows gradually stretched away from the rooftop.

From their vantage point, they spotted a man in black slowly making his way below. Many disciples around were talking about this mysterious figure, but he seemed oblivious to their chatter.

"The teacher's here; we should get moving!" Tang San urged as he spotted the figure.

The three of them descended from the rooftop to the courtyard below. Most of the students in the courtyard were already awake, and no one questioned the trio's disappearance during the night.

News had apparently spread about the "old witch" getting a taste of her own medicine, and many of their fellow students had rushed out to witness the spectacle. It was clear that her tyranny had left quite an impression.

"Brother Feng, Third Brother, Little Sister, you're too sneaky! How could you slip out to watch the show without waking us up?" Wang Sheng and a few others had just returned and greeted Qin Feng with mock complaints.

"Yeah, Brother Feng, we didn't see anything! We just saw the old witch being carried out like a mummy," another student chimed in, offering his apologies.

"Well, we heard some commotion before we went down, but we weren't sure what was happening," Qin Feng said with a sheepish smile, shrugging.

"Oh? Did you see how badly the old witch got beaten?" Wang Sheng asked with keen interest.

Back when they had first enrolled, Wen Sheng had a close friend who had been bullied by noble children. The old witch had handled the situation, but it had taken a dark turn. The noble family paid a hundred gold coins, and the old witch, on behalf of the school, had claimed it as an accident during cultivation. Afterward, she returned a mere ten gold soul coins to the grieving parents.

Embezzling ten or twenty gold soul coins could be understood, considering the old witch's role in the matter. But this was an extreme case of misappropriation—90% of the funds were kept, leaving the parents in the dark about the truth. For ordinary families, ten gold soul coins were a significant sum, especially since one gold soul coin per month was a standard allowance for a soul master. It could take a long time to accumulate ten gold soul coins.

On the Douluo Continent, Great Soul Masters were revered everywhere they went, and the incident had left a sour taste in the mouths of many.

"If Wang Sheng hadn't held onto this matter, he would've never discovered how twisted the old witch's heart truly is," Qin Feng remarked, feigning deep thought.

Tang San and Xiao Wu exchanged bemused glances. This was the person who had administered the beating with a hammer just hours ago, and now he was pretending to recall the incident with the demeanor of an impartial observer. His acting skills were on par with an award-winning actor. Were they really dealing with a six-year-old child here?

Tang San took a seat on the bed, watching Qin Feng's embarrassed act. If he hadn't been with Qin Feng, he might have been swayed by his convincing performance, just like Wang Sheng.

Qin Feng's flawless performance left no room for suspicion; it was more real than reality itself. It was as if Qin Feng had a thirty-year-old soul in that young body, a feat that seemed impossible to achieve.

Were all the children at Notting College this exceptional? As Tang San pondered this, he realized that the other students, despite their young age, didn't exhibit anything quite like Qin Feng's extraordinary abilities.

Suddenly, a raspy voice interrupted their thoughts. "Why are you up so early?"