Chapter 52: Stupid son of the city Lord

"Damn it! Where are that couple? If I catch them, I swear I'll skin them alive!" the young man fumed as he opened the door and spotted Qin Feng.

The young man's name was Stam, the son of a prominent figure in Soto City. He had his eyes on a girl and was just about to make his move when a man and a woman interrupted him. He had seen them sneak into the café a moment ago, but now they were nowhere to be found.


Stam angrily slammed the door to Qin Feng's private room, clearly frustrated and in no mood to explain himself.

"Kids these days... so hot-headed," Qin Feng muttered with a helpless shrug.

He stepped out of the private room, ready to head back to his hotel.

"Huh? Xiao Wu, Xiao San, what are you two doing here?" Qin Feng asked as he saw them walking down the street.

The Rose Hotel wasn't far from here. What were they doing all the way out here?

"Brother Feng, you won't believe it! We just taught some scumbag a lesson," Xiao Wu said with a gleam in her eyes, proudly displaying her sense of justice.

"What? You taught someone a lesson?" Qin Feng asked, a bit puzzled.

Xiao Wu quickly filled him in on everything that had happened about ten minutes ago.

It turned out that the two had left the hotel and, feeling bored, decided to explore Soto City. While wandering around, they stumbled upon a shop that looked interesting. But the shop owner turned out to be a scammer. For some reason, Xiao San bought a worthless crystal from the shop.

On their way back, they encountered a group of people in a narrow alley, surrounding a couple. Apparently, one of the men wanted to force the woman into a relationship, but she had refused. In retaliation, the thug had his lackeys beat up the woman's boyfriend to pressure her into submission.

Xiao Wu, with her strong sense of justice, couldn't stand by and let that happen, so she stepped in and taught the thugs a lesson.

After listening to Xiao Wu's story, Qin Feng couldn't help but feel like he was caught in some chaotic scene from a cliché novel.

"Wait, were you two hiding out in the café just now?" Qin Feng asked as they walked.

"How did you know, Brother Feng?" Xiao Wu asked, looking at him with surprise.

"That guy you mentioned found me," Qin Feng said with a helpless shrug.

It turned out the commotion was all because of him, on behalf of Xiao Wu and Tang San.

"Haha, looks like we've caused some trouble," Xiao Wu laughed. They had entered the café to throw off their pursuers and had actually slipped out through the back door. They didn't expect the guy would send people in to search for them.

"Oh well, it's over now. Want some fruit?" Qin Feng asked as he moved his wrist, pulling out some fruit from his soul guide. It was the same fruit Flander had given him earlier, along with some local snacks. Qin Feng had originally planned to bring it back for Xiao Wu and Tang San, but since he ran into them, he offered it now.

"Brother Feng, I didn't know you'd buy fruit," Xiao Wu said, looking at him curiously. She rubbed the fruit on her clothes a couple of times before taking a bite.

"Haha…" Qin Feng smiled but didn't respond.

"By the way, Brother Feng, that store we just went to had some rare metals and ores like the ones you gave me before," Tang San mentioned. Since he spent a lot of time crafting hidden weapons, he was familiar with certain metals. When he sensed the familiar feeling of metal from the shop's entrance, he decided to check it out.

"If I'm not mistaken, the shop owner was a middle-aged man with glasses?" Qin Feng asked with a faint smile.

"How do you know, Brother Feng?" Tang San asked in surprise, and Xiao Wu, who was eating fruit, looked equally astonished.

"Well, that shop has been a long-time partner of mine. The crystal you bought earlier, and the fruit you're eating now, both came from that shop," Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Ugh! This fruit came from that scammer?!" Xiao Wu spat out the fruit she was eating.

Earlier, Xiao Wu had been furious when the shop owner tried to charge 500 gold coins for a worthless stone. Fortunately, the owner had a sudden change of heart and decided not to take the money, though Tang San still paid him 200 gold coins.

At the time, Xiao Wu was livid. 200 gold coins could buy a lot of nice things—clothes, food—so spending it on a worthless rock was frustrating.

"Well, well, look who's still enjoying their fruit! It wasn't easy finding you!" A voice interrupted their conversation. They turned to see a red-haired, chubby young man approaching them, followed by a group of lackeys.

A man in his thirties slowly stepped forward from the group as well.

"Huh? You actually found us?" Xiao Wu looked at the young man in disbelief.

Soto City was large, yet somehow this guy managed to track them down. It was almost impressive.

"Hmph, do you even know who I am?" the red-haired youth sneered.

He was the son of one of Soto City's prominent figures, and in this city, he prided himself on being able to find anyone he wanted.

"Are these the ones who hurt you?" a cold voice came from the man who had been standing in the back. His name was Zhu Si, a well-known young talent in Soto City, having reached level 40 by the age of 30.

"Brother Zhu, yes, it's these two!" Stam pointed at Xiao Wu and Tang San.

His lackeys nodded in agreement, as if to confirm Stam's claim.

Qin Feng sighed. He always seemed to run into these kinds of confrontations. He really didn't want to get involved, but if people kept throwing themselves into the fight, what could he do?

"You two, kneel and apologize," Zhu Si ordered coldly, standing tall and imposing.

"Kneel and apologize?" Xiao Wu looked at him in disbelief.She was the big sister of Notting Academy! That was something she told others to do, not something she expected to be told!

"If not?" Zhu Si's voice grew even colder.