Chapter 59: It's night

Feeling Zhao Wuji's gaze, Oscar immediately shut his mouth. At Shrek Academy, the most terrifying thing was being under the watchful eyes of Teacher Zhao Wuji—it was like living in hell.

"Qin Feng, come with me," Dai Mubai said, carrying the unconscious Tang San on his back.

"Alright," Qin Feng nodded.

As they walked, Dai Mubai explained, "I'm not sure what's gotten into Teacher Zhao today. He's usually quite good-natured. I don't want you to get the wrong idea—he's not malicious. It's just, having freshmen pass out from the teacher's test on the first day sounds a bit... intense."

Qin Feng chuckled knowingly. "Oh, I like Teacher Zhao's style. If it had been anyone else, they might have lost it by now. But Teacher Zhao? He's really tough."

Dai Mubai felt relieved that Qin Feng wasn't offended. "Yeah... listening to you, I realize Teacher Zhao really is quite resilient," Dai Mubai replied, understanding Qin Feng's subtle humor.

Oscar, leaning closer, chimed in, "Brother Qin Feng, Teacher Zhao told you to prepare for tomorrow's test. Don't be fooled by his brutish appearance—his memory is sharp!"

Dai Mubai added, "Oscar's right. You're strong, but Teacher Zhao might still be holding a grudge after today. Be cautious—he could take it out on you tomorrow."

Both Dai Mubai and Oscar continued to advise Qin Feng on Zhao Wuji's strengths and weaknesses as they walked. While Qin Feng had remarkable soul rings, a thousand-year and a ten-thousand-year soul ring, his level was still only 29. In contrast, Zhao Wuji was a Soul Sage, and they were not on the same playing field.

Before long, they reached the dormitory. Qin Feng helped clean up their new room and stepped out into the night. By then, it was already getting dark.

After having dinner at Shrek Academy's cafeteria, the full moon hung high in the sky. Qin Feng donned a black suit, along with a cloak, and disappeared into the shadows.

At the attic of Shrek's office building, Zhao Wuji sat with a warm towel pressed against his swollen face."That little hedgehog... so ruthless. I'll have to grind him down in the future," he muttered, still feeling the sting of his wounds.

Suddenly, a deep voice echoed from outside. "Zhao Wuji."

Startled, Zhao Wuji immediately stood up, his senses on high alert."Who's there?" he barked, eyes scanning the darkness beyond the window.

"Zhao Wuji," the voice repeated after a pause.

"Who's playing tricks?!"Zhao Wuji shouted angrily, leaping out the window. As soon as he landed outside, a black-clad figure appeared in front of him.

"Who are you? Stop right there!" Zhao Wuji demanded, his voice echoing through the night.

Someone dared to mock the Immovable King Zhao Wuji? They must have a death wish! Despite his bulky frame, Zhao Wuji moved quickly and was on the shadowy figure in an instant.

The figure stopped suddenly, speaking in a taunting tone, "Stop there."

Zhao Wuji scowled. "Who are you, and what do you want at Shrek Academy?"

The figure smirked. "I've come to challenge the Immovable King."

At that moment, a massive hammer materialized before Zhao Wuji. Its appearance was strange—the head of the hammer was black and gold on top, with white and gold on the bottom, radiating a faint purple glow from the black gold and a red glow from the white gold.

"A purple soul ring? And a black soul ring? A Spirit Grandmaster?" Zhao Wuji was stunned. Two soul rings revolved around the hammer—the first was a millennium ring, and the second was a ten-thousand-year ring.

"The first soul ring is a millennium ring, and the second is a ten-thousand-year ring?! How is this even possible?" Zhao Wuji had never seen such a configuration in all his years.

"Thunder Burst Hammer!" the figure shouted.

Thunder roared and crackled as electric bolts illuminated the dark night, lighting up the mountainside with violent blasts.

"2nd Spirit Skill: Vigorous Vajra Palm!" Zhao Wuji, who had been struck twice by the hammer, roared in anger. He didn't care who this person was—they were now an enemy!

"Soul Bone: Broken Wind Golden Phoenix!" Qin Feng's voice rang out as his right leg lifted. Moving like a ghost, he dodged Zhao Wuji's Vigorous Vajra Palm with ease.

Qin Feng had gained this ten-thousand-year soul bone from his second treasure chest. The original owner of this soul bone had been the Wind Golden Phoenix, an extremely rare speed-type soul beast.

Zhao Wuji grunted, enraged. "Running away, huh? Whether friend or foe, anyone who challenges me will be beaten!"

With a loud roar, Zhao Wuji unleashed his fifth soul skill, Gravity Crush.

Suddenly, Zhao Wuji felt the weight of a heavy blow as a black hammer struck the back of his head. Qin Feng, moving like a phantom, darted in and out of Zhao Wuji's reach.

Zhao Wuji was furious. No matter how hard he tried, the figure was too fast—his attacks couldn't land. His soul skills were wasted, and even his Gravity Crush, designed to restrict speed, had no effect. Zhao Wuji exploded in frustration.

"Who are you?! Fight me properly if you have the guts!" Zhao Wuji bellowed, activating his seventh soul skill, summoning his martial spirit in full.

"We are fighting right now," Qin Feng said with a mischievous smile.

With the force of his second soul ring, Qin Feng enhanced his Liangyi Tiangang Hammer, delivering another crushing blow. Even with his seventh soul skill active, Zhao Wuji felt the pain. His body was covered in welts, and his face was horribly swollen from the repeated blows.

Zhao Wuji had no chance to fight back. Every time he tried to strike, Qin Feng evaded his attacks and retaliated with the hammer. More than thirty minutes passed, and Zhao Wuji hadn't even managed to touch Qin Feng's clothes.

"I'm going to kill you!" Zhao Wuji roared, his voice booming through the forest as trees fell under the force of his sweeping attacks.

Despite his power, Zhao Wuji still couldn't land a hit, and Qin Feng hammered him a few more times for good measure.

A normal attack wouldn't usually hurt Zhao Wuji's thick-skinned body, but Qin Feng's strikes seemed to bypass Zhao Wuji's defenses completely. Each blow hit its mark, leaving Zhao Wuji winded and covered in injuries.

Frustrated beyond belief, Zhao Wuji felt his anger rise. He was close to spitting blood from the humiliation.