Chapter 62

Qin Feng moved his wrist, and suddenly,Tiangang Hammers appeared in his hands. As his soul power condensed, a bright red flower bloomed into existence. 

Qin Feng intended to use the Tiangang Hammer to heal Tang San. After having helped last time master with the Nine Heart Blood Begonia, he felt confident in his abilities—at least this time he wouldn't resort to something as wild as electrotherapy.

The platinum hammer lightly tapped against Tang San's body, and slowly, the paleness in

Tang San's face began to fade as his color returned.

That night, if anyone had peered through the window, they would have seen what looked like someone brutally hammering away at a patient lying in bed. It would've looked more like a murder than a healing session.

The next morning, the crowing of roosters filled the air.

Tang San slowly awoke, still lying in bed, a puzzled expression crossing his face. He seemed to be trying to remember how exactly he ended up there. In the soft morning light, Tang San glanced over and saw Qin Feng, who appeared to be deeply asleep. He didn't seem to be resting well, either, tossing and turning.

Recalling yesterday's intense challenge against Teacher Zhao Wuji, Tang San instinctively began to run his Mysterious Heaven Skill, intending to heal his injuries. But to his surprise, he found that his body was perfectly fine—completely healed, without a single trace of damage.

"This... what's going on?" Tang San thought, baffled. How had he recovered so quickly? Although Mysterious Heaven Skill did help his body recover faster, the healing usually happened gradually while he slept. But this time, something was different.

"Was it Brother Feng?" Tang San wondered, suddenly realizing what might have happened. He looked over at Qin Feng again and noticed that his soul power seemed significantly depleted, even though Qin Feng hadn't fought against Teacher Zhao yesterday. Could it be that Qin Feng had used the TIANGANG Hammer to heal him?

He remembered the last time he had seen Qin Feng wield that hammer. If it hadn't been for that hammer, their teacher wouldn't have survived. And during their battle with the Golden Haired Titan, it had also been Brother Feng's TIANGANG Hammer that healed them and kept them going.

Tang San was now sure that Qin Feng had healed him during the night. Filled with gratitude, he walked over to Qin Feng, looking at him with appreciative eyes before leaving the room quietly. There was still the poisoned weapon from yesterday to collect, and he wasn't about to leave it behind.

Qin Feng, however, remained fast asleep, blissfully unaware that Tang San had already woken up. He was lost in a vivid dream, reliving memories of his time at the Spirit Hall—the humiliation he endured, being treated like a lowly servant under someone else's roof. In his dream, Qin Feng saw himself stomping through mountains, crushing the Spirit Hall underfoot, and even being alongside a graceful figure...

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, wake up…"

Qin Feng felt a soft warmth spreading across his body, and someone's voice calling out

to him.

"Huh? What time is it?" he asked, rubbing his sleepy eyes. He was utterly exhausted from the night before, and he had no idea how long he had slept.

"Brother Qin Feng, it's almost noon. If Teacher Zhao hadn't taken the day off, you'd be in real trouble!" Tang San said, grinning.

Qin Feng found himself surrounded by Tang San, Oscar, and Dai Mubai.

"My God, did I really sleep that long?" Qin Feng exclaimed in surprise, jumping up from the bed in a swift movement.

"Tang San brought you breakfast, but since you didn't wake up, Oscar ended up eating it," Tang San shrugged helplessly. He hadn't expected Qin Feng to sleep so soundly. If they hadn't woken him, he might still be sleeping even now.

"Tang San you're incredible. You even managed to convince Teacher Zhao to take a day off. We haven't seen him take leave in ages!" Oscar chimed in, visibly relaxed now that Qin Feng was awake.

"I don't think it's that impressive," Tang San responded, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Teacher Zhao only suffered some minor injuries yesterday."

Tang San was well aware of the damage he had caused. There was no way it was severe enough for Zhao Wuji to need time off. It was more likely that Zhao Wuji had just found an excuse for a break.

"Well, whatever the reason, we get to relax today! It's rare for the teacher to take a day off, so let's enjoy it," Oscar said, reclining comfortably.

"The one who really has it easy is Brother Qin Feng," Oscar said, turning his focus to him.

"Oh? Why's that?" Tang San asked, a curious look in his eyes.

"You don't know? When you passed out yesterday, Brother Qin Feng came over to help you. Afterward, Teacher Zhao insisted that he would test him the next morning," Oscar explained, mimicking the events with a playful expression, which made everyone burst into laughter.

"I had no idea something like that happened," Tang San chuckled, amusement in his eyes. "But Brother Feng is much stronger than me. A challenge between him and Teacher Zhao would be something to see."

"Brother Qin Feng is that strong?" Oscar asked, staring at Qin Feng in amazement.

At that moment, a loud rumbling sound came from Qin Feng's stomach.

It turned out that he hadn't eaten breakfast, and by now, his stomach was practically revolting.

"No, no," Qin Feng said, waving off the compliments. "You heard what Tang San said. I'm just a weakling."

But his self-deprecating response only drew skeptical glances from both Dai Mubai and Tang San. If Qin Feng was weak, what did that make them?

Oscar, however, seemed to believe Qin Feng's modesty and kept reassuring him. "It's no big deal. Right now, we're only a bit stronger. But one day, we'll surpass the old waves on the shore and become legends ourselves."

The conversation dragged on for another ten minutes, during which Qin Feng's stomach began to shrink with hunger.

"Yeah, yeah, we're the future of the Douluo Continent, the pride of Shrek Academy! But you guys keep chatting—I haven't eaten breakfast yet, so I'm going to grab something to eat first. I'll be back later to continue," Qin Feng said, patting Oscar on the shoulder before turning to Tang San and Dai Mubai, getting ready to leave.

"Brother Feng, I think we're kindred spirits! How about I offer you one of my sausages? It's free, no charge—just a token of friendship from one brother to another. Then we can keep talking for the rest of the afternoon!" Oscar called out to Qin Feng just as he was about to walk out the door.

Qin Feng froze, his mind instantly going blank. Did I just hear that right? "Brother Feng? Eat my sausage?"

The words had him completely petrified. Why did it sound so... awkward?

"No, no, I think I'll just head outside and get some porridge," Qin Feng replied quickly, shaking his head as he bolted out of the room.

As he hurried away, Qin Feng tried to convince himself that Oscar's comment had been completely innocent. Surely, he was being too sensitive. After all, Oscar was a pure soul... and Qin Feng, of course, was equally pure.