CHAP. 12.—And previous to all these things Enoch was hidden, and not one of the
children of men knew where he was hidden, and where he was, and what had become of him.
2. And all his deeds were with the holy ones and with the watchers in his days. 3. And I,
Enoch, was praising the great Lord and the King of the world, and, behold, the watchers
called to me, Enoch, the scribe, and said to me: 4. "Enoch, thou scribe of justice, go,
announce to the watchers of heaven, who have left the high heaven and the holy, eternal
place, and have contaminated themselves with women, and have done as the children of men
do, and have taken to themselves wives, and are contaminated in great contamination upon
the earth. 5. But upon earth they shall have no peace, nor forgiveness of sin; for they will not
enjoy their children. 6. They will see the murder of their beloved ones, and they will lament
over the destruction of their children, and will petition to eternity, but mercy and peace will
not be unto them."
CHAP. 13.—And Enoch, departing, said to Azâzêl: "Thou wilt have no peace; a great
condemnation has come upon thee, and he [i.e. Rufael, cf. 10:4] will bind thee; 2. and
alleviation and intercession and mercy will not be unto thee, because thou hast taughtoppression, and because of all the deeds of abuse, oppression, and sin which thou hast showed
to the children of men." 3. And then going, I spoke to them all together; and they were all
afraid, fear and trembling seized them. 4. And they asked me to write a memorial petition
for them that they thereby might attain forgiveness, and to carry their memorial petition
before God into heaven. 5. For they could not, from now on, speak with him, nor could they
raise their eyes towards heaven from shame on account of their sins for which they were being
punished. 6. Then I wrote this memorial petition, and prayed with reference to their souls
and for each of their deeds, and for that which they had asked of me, that they thereby might
obtain forgiveness and patience. 7. And going I sat down near the waters of Dan in Dan,
which is to the right [i.e. south] of the evening side [i.e. west] of Hermon, and read their
memorial petition till I fell asleep. 8. And, behold, a dream came to me, and visions fell upon
me, and I saw the vision of chastisement to show to the sons of heaven, and to upbraid them.
9. And having become awake I went to them, and they were all sitting assembled lamenting
at Ublesjâêl, which is between the Lebanon and Sênêsêr, with their faces covered. 10. And
I related before them all the visions that I had seen in my sleep, and commenced to speak
those words of justice and to upbraid the watchmen of heaven.
CHAP. 14.—This writing is the word of justice and the admonition of the watchers, who
are from eternity, as the Holy and Great One commanded it in this vision. 2. I saw in my
sleep what I now will relate with a tongue of flesh and with my breath, which the Great One
has given to the mouth of men that they might converse with it and understand it in their
hearts. 3. As he has created and given to men the power to understand the word of
knowledge, thus also he has created me and given to me the power to upbraid the watchers,
the sons of heaven. 4. "I have written your petition, and in my vision it appeared to me thus,
that your petition will not be granted in all the days of the world, and that judgment has been
passed over you, and nothing will be granted unto you. 5. And from now on ye will not
ascend into heaven to all eternity, and upon earth, it has been decreed, they shall bind you
for all the days of the world. 6. But before this ye will have seen the destruction of your
beloved children, and ye will not be able to possess them, but they shall fall before you by the
sword. 7. Your petition for them will not be granted unto you, nor the one for yourselves; and
while ye are weeping and praying ye cannot speak a single word from the writing which I
have written." 8. And the vision appeared to me thus: behold, clouds in the vision invited
me and a fog invited me; and the course of the stars and lightning drove and pressed me, and
the winds in the vision gave me wings and drove me. 9. And they lifted me up into heaven,
and I went till I approached near a wall which was built of crystals and a tongue of fire
surrounded it; and it began to cause me to fear. 10. And I went into the tongue of fire and
approached near to a large house, which was built of crystals, and the walls of this house were
like a floor inlaid with crystals, and the groundwork was of crystals. 11. The ceiling was like
the course of the stars and of the lightning, and Cherubim of fire were between them, and
their heaven was water. 12. A flaming fire surrounded the walls, and its doors burned with
fire. 13. And I went into this house, and it was hot like fire and cold like ice, and there was
nothing pleasant and no life in it: fear covered me, and trembling seized me. 14. And as I was shaking and trembling, I fell down on my face and saw in a vision. 15. And behold, there was
a second house, larger than the other, all whose doors stood open before me, and it was built
with a tongue of fire. 16. And in all things it excelled in grandeur and magnificence and size,
so that I cannot describe to you its magnificence and its size. 17. Its floor was fire, and above
it was lightning and the course of the stars, and its ceiling was also a flaming fire. 18. And
I looked and saw therein a high throne; its appearance was like the hoar-frost, and its circuit
like a shining sun and voices of the Cherubim. 19. And from under the great throne came
streams of flaming fire, and it was impossible to look at it. 20. And he who is great in majesty
sat thereon; his garment shone more brilliantly than the sun, and was whiter than any hail.
21. None of the angels were able to enter, nor any flesh to look upon the form of the face of
the Majestic and Honored One. 22. Fire of flaming fire was round him, and a great fire stood
before him, and none of those who were around him could approach him; ten thousand times
ten thousand were before him; but he required not any holy counsel. 23. And the holy ones
who were near him did not leave day or night, nor did they depart from him. 24. And I had
had so long a veil upon my face, and I trembled; and the Lord called me with his own voice
and said to me: "Come hither, Enoch, and to my holy word!" 25. And he cause me to arise
and I went to the door; but I bent my face downwards.
CHAP. 15.—And he answered and spoke to me with his word: "Hear, and fear not,
Enoch, thou just man and scribe of justice, approach hither, and hear my words. 2. And go,
say to the watchers of heaven, who have sent thee, that thou shouldst petition for them: 'Ye
should petition for men, and not men for you. 3. Why have ye left the high, holy, and
everlasting heaven, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men,
and taken wives unto yourselves, and acted like the children of earth, and begotten giants
as sons? 4. While ye were spiritual, holy, having eternal life, ye defiled yourselves with
women, and with the blood of flesh have begotten children, and have lusted after the blood
of men, and have produced flesh and blood as they produce who die and are destroyed. 5.
Therefore I have given them wives that they might impregnate them and children be born
by them, as it is done on earth. 6. Ye were formerly spiritual, living an eternal life without
death to all the generations of the world. 7. Therefore I have not made for you any wives,
for spiritual beings have their home in heaven. 8. And now the giants, who have been
begotten from body and flesh, will be called evil spirits on earth, and their dwelling-places will
be upon the earth. 9. Evil spirits proceed from their bodies; because they are created from
above, their beginning and first basis being from the holy watchers, they will be evil spirits
upon the earth, and will be called evil spirits. 10. But the spirits of heaven have their
dwelling-places in heaven, and the spirits of the earth, who were born on the earth, have
their dwelling-places on earth. 11. And the spirits of the giants, who cast themselves upon
the clouds, will be destroyed and fall, and will battle and cause destruction on the earth, and
do evil; they will take no kind of food, nor will they become thirsty, and they will be invisible.
12. And these spirits will not (?) rise up against the children of men and against the women,
because they have proceeded from them. In the days of murder and destruction. CHAP. 16.—and of the death of the giants, when the spirits have proceeded from the
bodies, their flesh shall decay without judgment; thus they shall be destroyed till that day
when the great judgment over all the great world shall be completed over the watchers and
the impious. 2. And now to the watchers who have sent thee that thou shouldst petition for
them who were formerly in heaven say: 3. 'Ye have been in heaven, and though the secrets
were not yet revealed to you, still ye knew illegitimate mysteries, and these ye have, in the
hardness of your hearts, related to the women, and through these mysteries women and men
increase wickedness over the earth.' 4. Tell them therefore: 'Ye have no peace!'"