Chapter 6: The Return to the Grind

The return to my room was almost jarring, the familiar surroundings starkly contrasting with the otherworldly dimension I had just left. The sense of urgency and purpose instilled by the Book still thrummed through my veins. The weight of the knowledge and its responsibility was immense, but I felt a newfound resolve to embrace my destiny.

As I sat down on my meditation mat, the events of the evening replayed in my mind. The artifacts, the ancient knowledge, and the warning about the Insectoids all merged into a singular mission. The training at the dojo, my cultivation, and even the upcoming university exam now seemed like mere preludes to a far greater journey.

I took a deep breath, centering myself. I needed a plan. The Book mentioned that the dimension was both a source of immense power and a strategic asset in the ongoing struggle against the forces of the apocalypse. My first step would be to use the orbs I had found and raise my cultivation level higher because even the Gods could not stop the apocalypse with their incredible might.

My mission for the foreseeable future will be to strengthen myself and use the resources at my disposal, be it the dimension and its orbs or the resources of the martial universities.

After a short while, I fell into a state of deep cultivation, focusing solely on using the red orbs to charge to the 6th stage of the martial student realm.

Deep in the Night: Victor's Room

It must have already been one or two in the morning before I barely reached the state of my organs refined to a clear crystal color. An unprecedented amount of Qi was coursing through my body, signifying my imminent breakthrough.

A few minutes later...


A small amount of red and purple pressure left my body as I finally broke through to the 6th Martial Student realm. I felt a cool sensation enveloping my organs, giving me a significant stamina upgrade.

Unfortunately, I used up all my remaining red orbs and would have to hunt more monsters in the dimension to replenish my stock.

"Storage," I whispered, activating the vortex again. I made my way over to the dimension, noticing something peculiar yet beneficial—time spent in the dimension did not carry over to the real world. This realization opened a world of possibilities, allowing me to farm orbs without losing precious time in my world.


The transition was smooth and I found myself back before the chest where I sealed the Book and the artifacts. Using the artifacts now will make me reliant on them, they are divine artifacts after all.

After one look back at the chest I made my way to the door where I came in and out of it. 

The outside was still adorned with that bloody sky and lush environment. I made my way along the path I came from and straight from there into the forest to find the owner of the calls I heard the first time I came here.

15 minutes later...

I crouched low, my body hidden in the shadows of the dense underbrush, observing a group of seven-horned white rabbits. They were about half a meter tall, each one equipped with sharp claws that gleamed menacingly in the dim light. These creatures were dangerous, and taking them on directly would be foolhardy. Instead, I planned to use the environment to my advantage and rely on my martial arts skills, particularly the "Blurr Step" and "Swift Shadows" Palm.

Attacking without a sneak attack is not feasible, because of great risk, one to three enemies maybe. More and I would risk incurring injuries which would require time to heal. Time with I had not because I needed to become as close to a peak Martial Student as possible before the entrance exam. 

The rabbits were gathered in a small clearing, seemingly oblivious to my presence. One of the rabbits had a golden accent on its horn seemingly the leader of the group. They were sniffing the ground, likely searching for food. I took a deep breath, calming my mind and focusing on the task at hand. The key to a successful ambush was patience and precision.

I scanned the area, noting the layout and potential resources. Several sturdy branches were hanging low from nearby trees, perfect for setting traps. The ground was covered in thick, dry leaves that could muffle my movements. A fallen log lay to the side, creating a natural barrier that I could use for cover.

Carefully, I crept forward, gathering a handful of sturdy, flexible vines. I quickly fashioned them into a makeshift snare, tying one end to a branch and creating a loop that I could tighten with a swift pull. I positioned the snare near the edge of the clearing, ensuring it was well-concealed by the underbrush.

Next, I moved to the fallen log, using it as cover while I prepared my attack. The rabbits were still unaware of my presence, their attention focused on the ground. I took a deep breath, centering myself and visualizing the sequence of movements I would need to execute flawlessly.

I activated "Blurr Step", my body becoming a blurr of motion as I darted from cover to cover, positioning myself strategically around the clearing. Trying to conserve my qi as much as possible. The rabbits began to sense something amiss, their ears twitching and eyes scanning the area, but it was too late. I was already in position.

With a sudden burst of speed, I sprang from the shadows, aiming directly at the nearest rabbit. My "Swift Shadows" Palm struck with precision, delivering a powerful, focused blow that sent the creature sprawling. Before the others could react, I blurred again, moving to the next target.

The second rabbit turned just in time to see me materialize in front of it. Its claws lashed out, but I was quicker. I sidestepped the attack and struck with another "Swift Shadows" Palm, the force blowing up the rabbit's head and scattering two red orbs on the ground. The others were now fully alert, their claws extended and eyes glowing with hostility.

I retreated, drawing them towards the snare. The first rabbit to reach it triggered the trap, the vine snapping tight around its leg and hoisting it into the air. Its frantic struggles served as a distraction, giving me the opening I needed to take down another rabbit with a swift, precise strike.

The remaining four rabbits circled warily, their movements synchronized as they prepared to attack. I knew I couldn't afford to let them surround me. Using the "Blurr Step", I moved unpredictably, keeping them off balance. I picked up a sturdy branch from the ground, using it to deflect their attacks while looking for an opportunity to strike.

One rabbit lunged at me, its claws aimed at my chest. I parried with the branch, which snapped, twisting my body to avoid the attack, and countered with a "Swift Shadows" Palm that sent it crashing into a tree. Another rabbit took advantage of my momentary distraction, slashing at my leg. I felt a sharp pain but ignored it, using "Blurr Step" to gain distance and reorganize.

I realized I needed to end the fight quickly. Summoning all my focus, I activated "Blurr Step" one last time, moving so quickly that I seemed to vanish from sight. I reappeared in the midst of the remaining rabbits, striking with a flurry of "Swift Shadows" Palm attacks. Each blow was precise and powerful, incapacitating the rabbits one by one.

In the end, only one rabbit remained. It hesitated, clearly wary of my abilities. I locked eyes with it, channeling my determination and resolve filled with killing intent. With a final, swift movement, I closed the distance and struck with a decisive Swift Shadows Palm. The rabbit explodes in a burst of blood, and the fight is over.

I took a moment to catch my breath, the adrenaline slowly ebbing away. The clearing was now littered with the dead, headless forms of the horned rabbits. I checked my leg wound it was superficial, nothing that would impede my training. It took a moment to gather all the orbs. I now had 13 red orbs again. The drop chance for the orbs seemed to vary from rabbit to rabbit. Sometimes I got three from them, other times less.

I climbed into a tree and settled on a sturdy branch, closing my eyes and focusing inward. Using the "Stellar Body Forging Technique," I began to replenish my Qi reserves. The technique involved letting the black hole draw in the ambient energy of the surroundings refining it and distributing it within my body. I felt the familiar warmth spread through me as my Qi reserves steadily filled which meant the black hole increasing in size. Its original size looked like a tennis ball. After an hour of replenishment, my reserves were back to full again. I was ready to hunt some more.

The forest was alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and distant animal calls. I scanned the area, searching for more targets. It wasn't long before I spotted another group of horned rabbits, this time only four. With my reserves fully replenished and confidence bolstered by my previous success, I prepared to engage them.

I descended from the tree silently, activating "Blurr Step" to move quickly and quietly into position. The rabbits were scattered, making it easier to isolate them one by one. I targeted the nearest rabbit, striking with Swift Shadows Palm and ending its life before it could react. The others turned towards me, alerted by the sudden attack, but I was already moving. With Blurr Step, I darted between them, delivering precise strikes and evading their claws. Within moments, all four lay dead, their orbs collected and added to my growing stash.

I paused to catch my breath again, feeling the thrill of victory coursing through me. But my triumph was short-lived. A low growl echoed through the forest, sending a chill down my spine. I turned towards the sound, my senses heightened and alert.

Emerging from the shadows was a Flameing Ferocious Tiger I called it Flame Tiger, its fur a brilliant orange with streaks of red that flickered like flames. Its eyes glowed with an intense heat, and its claws dug into the ground as it stalked towards me. This was a far more formidable opponent than the rabbits. I could feel its killing intent surrounding me.

The Flame Tiger roared, a burst of fire emanating from its mouth. I barely dodged the attack, feeling the searing heat as the flames scorched the ground where I had stood. This was not a creature I could afford to take lightly. I activated "Blurr Step", moving to the side and striking with my "Swift Shadows" Palm. My blow connected, but the tiger's fiery aura burned my hand, forcing me to retreat.

I needed a new strategy. The Flame Tiger was fast and powerful, but it was also predictable. It looked like it relied on its strength and fire to overpower its enemies. I decided to use its aggression against it. I moved towards a nearby thicket, drawing the tiger away from the open clearing. The dense foliage would limit its movements and provide me with cover.

The tiger followed, its eyes locked on me with a predatory focus. As it lunged, I used "Blurr Step" to evade, darting behind a tree and striking from the side. The tiger roared in frustration, its flames scorching the underbrush. I continued this hit-and-run tactic, wearing it down while avoiding its fiery attacks.

Finally, I saw an opening. The tiger was momentarily disoriented, having overextended itself in its last attack. I gathered my Qi, channeling it into a single, powerful "Swift Shadows" Palm. I struck with all my might, my hand connecting with the tiger's side and sending a shockwave through its body. The tiger let out a final, agonized roar before collapsing to the ground, its flames extinguished.

I stood over the fallen beast, breathing heavily but triumphant. The fight had been intense, but I had prevailed. I collected the orbs from the tiger, noting that they were larger and more potent than those from the rabbits.

Not only that, there was a new crystal orb that was filled with pulsing orange-red flames.

The larger red orbs would be invaluable for my cultivation.

With my reserves once again low, I climbed back into the tree and resumed my meditation. The "Stellar Body Forging Technique" worked its magic, replenishing my Qi and restoring my strength.

As I meditated, I reflected on the battles I had fought and the progress I had made. The horned rabbits had fallen to my ambushes, and the Flame Tiger's defeat was a testament to my growing strength and skill. The forest was both a challenge and a teacher, pushing me to new heights of martial prowess.

I decided to use the remaining purple orb. This orb increased my soul energy again and held the promise of significantly advancing my techniques.

I focused on my movement technique, "Blurr Step", and my palm technique, "Swift Shadows" Palm I also tried to create a new technique which I failed. As I absorbed the energy from the purple orb, I felt a surge of power coursing through me, refining and enhancing my abilities. My techniques advanced to the flowing stage, a significant milestone that increased my survival chances drastically although that's the peak my current techniques could be upgraded to.

Movements became smoother and more intuitive, and my strikes were more precise and powerful.

(Note: Technique stages are categorized into beginner, adept, flowing, control, master and grandmaster.)

The entrance exam loomed ever closer, but with each victory, I felt more prepared. The forest had become my training ground, each encounter sharpening my skills and fortifying my resolve.

As night began to fall, I descended from the tree, ready for whatever challenges awaited me next. The burn in my hand had reduced to a small itching, a minor discomfort that reminded me of the Flame Tiger's ferocity.

The forest was vast, and I knew more dangers were lurking in its depths.

I moved silently through the forest, my senses heightened and alert. The air was cooler now, and the sounds of nocturnal creatures beginning to emerge. My enhanced techniques allowed me to navigate the underbrush with ease, avoiding detection and seeking out new opponents.

I was determined to make the most of my time in this dimension, to push myself to the limits.

However, as I ventured deeper into the forest, I felt a strange sensation. It was as if the very fabric of the dimension was shifting around me. A faint, almost imperceptible hum filled the air, growing steadily louder. I stopped and looked around, trying to pinpoint the source of the disturbance.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through my head, and I staggered, clutching my temples. The world around me began to blur and distort. I realized with a sinking feeling that my time in this dimension was running out. The vortex, it seemed, had a time limit—24 hours—and that limit was now up.

The forest around me began to dissolve, the trees and underbrush fading into a swirling vortex of colors. I felt myself being pulled towards it, the familiar sensation of being drawn through the vortex returning. I tried to resist, but the pull was too strong. My vision darkened, and I felt the ground disappear beneath my feet.

Moments later, I found myself back in my room, the quiet surroundings a stark contrast to the chaotic dimension I had just left. The familiar shelves lined with books and memorabilia, and the meditation mat all were as I had left them.

I took a deep breath, grounding myself in the reality of my room. The time limit had caught me off guard, but it was a valuable lesson. My training in the other dimension was intense, but the constraints reminded me that I had to make every moment count.

Despite the abrupt return, I felt a sense of accomplishment. The purple orb had significantly bolstered my abilities, and the progress I had made would be invaluable for the upcoming entrance exam. The forest and its challenges were a crucible that had forged me into a more capable and determined martial artist.

With the knowledge and power I had gained, I knew I was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead in the real world. The echoes of the ancient war and the legacy of the dimension were now a part of me, guiding my steps and fortifying my resolve as I prepared for the trials to come.

After a quick, refreshing shower, I lay down on my bed, feeling the comforting embrace of the familiar.

The weight of the knowledge and the responsibility still lingered, but for now, I allowed myself a moment of respite.

Closing my eyes, I drifted into a deep, restful sleep, the echoes of my victories and the promise of the future guiding my dreams.