Chapter 13: Balancing Shadows and Light

The morning sun cast a warm glow on the suburban streets as I walked to school, my thoughts still tangled with the strange events of the morning. The impurities and the warning from the Impartial Goddess echoed in my mind, but I pushed them aside, focusing instead on the day ahead. Today was going to be challenging enough without adding more worries to the mix.

As I approached the school, the familiar sounds of chatter and laughter filled the air, providing a comforting sense of normalcy. My friends greeted me with the usual enthusiasm, and for a brief moment, I felt that the pressure on my shoulders, the dimension (the ancient battlefield of the Gods), and my mission from said dimension felt not so soul-crushing.

"Hey, Victor!" my friend Mark called out, slapping me on the back. "You ready for Father's class today? I heard he's got something special planned."

I forced a smile. "Yeah, should be interesting."

Mr. Anderson, our Advanced Ferocious Beasts instructor, was a former military lieutenant renowned for his no-nonsense approach and deep knowledge of the beasts that roamed our world. His classes were always intense, and today promised to be no different.

We filed into the classroom, where Mr. Anderson stood at the front, his imposing figure and stern expression commanding immediate attention. The walls were adorned with charts and diagrams of various beasts, each more terrifying than the last.

"Take your seats," Mr. Anderson barked, his voice carrying the authority of his military background. "Today, we delve deeper into the world of ferocious beasts, specifically the advanced classification and combat strategies. Last time was a little warm-up for those that always slack off."

He pressed a button on his remote, and the screen behind him lit up with an image of a massive, hulking creature with razor-sharp claws and a row of spines along its back.

"This," he began, pointing to the screen, "is a Razorback Behemoth. Classified as a Class 3 ferocious beast, it's one of the most dangerous creatures you could encounter in the wild. They are most commonly found on Planet Kyryo, take notes for your exam! Its primary habitat is dense forests, but they've been known to venture into human territories during mating season."

The room was silent, every student hanging on Mr. Anderson's words. He clicked to the next slide, showing a detailed anatomy of the Razorback Behemoth.

"Their spines are highly toxic," he continued, "and a single scratch can be fatal if not treated immediately. Their muscle structure is incredibly dense, providing both strength and durability. Notice the reinforced bone structure, particularly around the limbs and spine. This makes conventional attacks largely ineffective."

He moved to the next slide, displaying combat strategies.

"Engaging a Razorback Behemoth requires a combination of agility and precision. Direct confrontation is suicide unless you're exceptionally skilled or have a death wish. Instead, focus on evasion and exploiting their slower turning speed. Aim for the joints and eyes, the few weak points they have."

Mr. Anderson then demonstrated various combat techniques, using a holographic simulation to show us the exact movements and strikes needed to take down such a beast. His movements were fluid and precise, a testament to his extensive training and experience.

"Remember," he emphasized, "knowledge and preparation are your best weapons. Understand your enemy, and you'll have a fighting chance."

The class was captivated, absorbing every detail. I took meticulous notes, knowing that this knowledge could one day mean the difference between life and death.

As the lesson drew to a close, Mr. Anderson gave us a stern look. "For your assignment, I want a detailed report on a Class 2 or higher ferocious beast, including habitat, behavior, and effective combat strategies. Due next week. Dismissed."

We gathered our things, the weight of the assignment already settling in. As I headed out of the classroom, Mark caught up to me.

"Man, Father doesn't mess around," he said, shaking his head. "You think you'll survive the homework?"

I chuckled, but my mind was elsewhere. "Of course, it's just homework, it's not like I have to fight the beasts, to know their habitat and behavior."

I said my goodbye to Mark because our classes were in different places and made my way over to the usual school gym where Emily and I, with the rest of the class, trained.

But what I didn't expect was that someone else would also be there. I heard him yelling from a distance as soon as I stepped inside the gym.

"Hey, Victor! Over here!" yelled Mark.

"Hey, Mark. What's up? Why are you here? Didn't we just finish talking?"

"Our teacher thought it would be a good idea to come here and learn more about combat, instead of reading text all day. Thought I'd stick around and see how the great Victor does his sparring. Heard you've been killing it lately."

I chuckled at that. "Yeah, something like that. Been working on a few new techniques."

"Oh, the mysterious techniques of the martial arts prodigy. Do share, master."

"Cut it out, man. It's just the basics with a bit of a twist." I had to resist laughing at Mark's poor attempt to sound like a disciple seeking guidance.

"Right, basics with a twist. Like how you twisted poor Emily into a sweating mess last week?"

"Hey, Emily wanted to go all out. I just... helped her out a bit." I said as I scratched the back of my neck.

"And what about Kenji? Dude, you practically mopped the floor with him. I'm surprised he didn't quit on the spot."

"Nah, Kenji's tough. He'll be back for more. And I didn't mop the floor with him, it was just friendly sparring."

"Friendly, huh? Remind me to stay on your good side. So, what's your secret? Extra training sessions with the Impartial Goddess?"

"Something like that. She's been helping me optimize my training routines and keep track of my progress. You know how it is."

"Oh yeah, totally. I have my own personal AI at home too... it's called a mirror. Very advanced, lets me see myself getting my butt kicked every day."

"Come on, Mark. You're doing fine. Besides, the Impartial Goddess is just a tool. It's all about how you use it."

"Spoken like a true martial arts master. Next, you'll be telling me it's all about balance and inner peace."

"Actually, yeah. Balance is pretty important. And staying calm under pressure."

"Master Victor, impart your wisdom upon me. How do I achieve this mystical balance and calmness?" he said, mockingly serious.

I answered while smirking. "Start by not teasing your friends while they're trying to be serious."

He flashed a happy grin. "Never! Teasing you is the highlight of my day. Seriously though, you've changed. There's this... confidence about you now."

I nodded. "Thanks, Mark. I guess it's just about feeling more in tune with myself and my training. And maybe a bit of that comes from the breakthroughs I've been having."

"Breakthroughs, huh? How the times have changed," said Mark, seeming in thought.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Do you remember, the time when we were kids, our dream, our promise?"

After thinking for a moment I answered him.

"You mean our dream of fighting for the innocent, and promising to becoming great Military Men?"

"Yeah. Man, you are steadily stepping one step closer to that goal, whereas I am still far away."

I shook my head, smiling. "You will definitely come after me. We will stand side by side like the old times."

"Thanks, man. That means a lot." He sounded relieved.

"Anyway, ready to show me some of those new moves? Or are you saving them for another surprise attack on Emily?" I felt his eagerness to grow.

I could not help but smirk. "You'll just have to wait and see. But sure, let's hit the mats. Time to show you how it's done."

"Bring it on, Swamp Monster."

"You're going to regret saying that." He hit the nail on the head with that one. I still vividly remember that pungent smell.

The bell at the end of class released us from our school activities.

With an unsteady breath, I said, "Man, that was a good session."

Mark, busy wiping sweat from his forehead, replied, "Yeah, you really pushed me today. Those new moves are no joke."

"Told you they're just basics with a twist." It felt nice to spend time with friends like this.

"Basics, my butt. You've definitely leveled up. What do you say we head to my place and chill for a bit? Maybe play some games?"

"Sounds perfect. Let me just grab my stuff."

We gathered our gear and headed out, chatting and laughing about the sparring session as we walked to Mark's house. Once we arrived, Mark led me to his room, where a gaming console was set up.

"Welcome to the ultimate gaming den. Ready to get your butt kicked in something that's not martial arts?"

I liked his confidence. "We'll see about that. What are we playing?"

"How about some Galactic Warriors? It's been a while since we played that," Mark suggested, talking about a strategy-based game where you command galactic fleets.

"Perfect. Let's do it."

We settled in, controllers in hand, and started the game. The room filled with the sounds of battle as we, the "Generals," dove into the virtual world.

"So, did the Impartial Goddess help you with these new moves, too?" asked Mark, despite being laser-focused on the game.

"Yeah, she's been great. Helps me track my progress and gives me tips on improving my techniques." I told a little lie.

"Must be nice having such an advanced AI. All I've got is my dad's old fitness tracker."

"Hey, it's not just the tech. It's about how you use it, remember?"

"Oh, right. Balance and inner peace, Master Victor."

That had me rolling my eyes. "Exactly. Now, are you going to focus on the game, or are you just going to keep talking?"

"Alright, alright," he said in an over-the-top manner. "Prepare to be defeated."

We dove back into the game, the room filled with laughter and the sound of our countless virtual battles. As the evening turned into night, our bond strengthened, reminding me of the importance of balance not just in training, but in life and friendships.

The next couple of days went nearly the same. I went to class on time, had my intimate sparrings with Emily, and for a change, went to the dimension to hunt some rabbits. They weren't a huge problem anymore. As long as I remained cautious, I won the fights without big injuries.

And afterwards cultivated with the help of the orbs reaching the peak of the 7th stage of the Martial Student realm in the process.

Everything went well Until It didn't...