In front of me was an object that looked like a huge pillar. The thing that was said to bring changes to the world and how the entire world saw the Peacon Kingdom as the strongest kingdom.
Of course, it was Transwarp!
Slowly, mysterious rune-like writings appeared one after another, surrounding the Transwarp with pale yellow light. The closed door slowly opened. People who saw this for the first time were so amazed that they couldn't stop saying "Woah!" every time they saw the Transwarp.
But unfortunately, the Transwarp is unstable for ordinary people, so churches have been established near the Transwarp used by ordinary people. One of them is a church that serves Deus Mamon, which symbolizes greed.
There is a terrible story about the Transwarp that spreads among the lower classes, namely the story of a young man whose head and body were separated while riding the Transwarp.
The young man, who was riding for the first time, experienced a strange death where half of his body was sent to another place, leaving only his head, which fell off immediately. This traumatized some of the people who rode the Transwarp with the young man, to the point that some did not dare to set foot on the Transwarp again.
Except for those who have world influence or are famous. Because the Transwarp they use is the safest!
Even more luxurious, they have seats made of gold!
One of the officers there was looking around to see if there were any suspicious people, but with his appearance that looked like he had just woken up, it seemed like a joke. Eriu, seeing him, already recognized the officer, he was the same one who had been fooled by the small illusion of the magic stone.
It seemed as if Eros' burning face was imprinted in his memory, so that he unconsciously looked at Eros with a look of disgust in it. Ariadne and Louise didn't know about the magic stone illusion, and seeing such a look directed at Eros made Ariadne instantly upset, so she stared back at the officer with a threatening look that would kill him if he stared at Eros again.
"What the hell is this officer, so disrespectful! "
Louise could only chuckle, while Eriu felt a sense of dejavu when he heard that sentence. It was like a comic where the heroine was being bullied by her own mother, and the mother of her future husband came and helped the heroine and insulted the heroine's mother by showing her money.
Perhaps his mother could play the role of the mother who paid her son's lover to stay away from her son...
Eros looked at Eriu and chuckled as if he knew what he was thinking. With his mouth close to Eriu's ear, Eros whispered: "What qualifications do you have to dare to approach my son, huh!"
Eros moved away and smiled triumphantly, just looking at his cherry lips, Eriu was even sure that if the hood was removed, everyone would turn around to take a look at the smiling angel and they would all fall in love with him instantly.
But not me, whose heart is controlled by someone else!
"W-where did you learn these words?"
"Of course, because I can tell what you're thinking."
"Really!?" Eriu stared at Eros in disbelief and held his head as if to block the sound from his brain from reaching Eros' ears.
"Pftt, just kidding." Eros replied clearly to Eriu, who was still suspicious of this little joke, "You yourself suggested to your mother to say that to the mother who wanted to mate me and her son."
Did I?
Noticing that the first row had disappeared, Louise tapped Eriu and Eros on the shoulder. As usual, Eros was the one who first held Eriu's hand without his consent.
Eriu could already guess why he felt comfortable with the grip. It was probably because 'Eriu Grith' was used to it. Even for him, it was the first time that his hand was held by someone.
Just a feeling of comfort and joy in the heart.
Slowly, the crowd standing in front of the Transwarp entered it, its doors already wide open.
The officer who had seen the people enter immediately gave the signal to a group of mages who were standing neatly. They tapped their wands on the ground, and slowly a spell unfolded beneath them.
The officer also tried to give another warning to those already inside the Transwarp: "Don't go near the door if you don't want to die! At his warning, several people quickly retreated, making the place instantly crowded. Ariadne and Louise immediately surrounded the two, making Eriu and Eros not feel cramped, let alone squeezed in between adults.
Soon the countdown sounded in everyone's ears: "Five!
Eros lifted the hood that covered his eyes slightly so that he could see Eriu standing in front of him.
"Eri, do you want to bet?" Eriu made a confused face, "? All of a sudden?" Even though he was full of questions, he felt a sense of curiosity about the bet Eros was making.
Eriu nodded slowly, "What's the bet?" Eros smiled and raised his hand, taking out his index and middle fingers, "Two.
The pale yellow light slowly brightened. The Transwarp runes slowly appeared one by one until they formed a holy white sword like the sharpest and dullest sword.
"Three!" The wands held by the mages immediately emitted a bright yellow light that seemed to be trying to overwhelm the blue color of the sky.
"Only two?"
"Two!!!" The flash of yellow light immediately shot towards Transwarp, causing a shock to Transwarp.
"Yes, only two."
"If you can answer that, I will grant you a request."
"Except the one about death."
"One!!!!" The big door closed as soon as the last scream was heard. The bright white color that suddenly appeared made him close his eyes. The feeling of stepping on the ground disappeared, like floating but with life as the price.
Because of the bright light that suddenly appeared, he immediately used his hands to block the light. He could even feel the people around him tense up in fear that the young man's terrifying story was true.
After more than 5 minutes, the blinding light slowly faded before disappearing. The surroundings became pitch black before the sound of the door moving and the vibration of the door opening could be heard. Seeing the light from the open door, almost everyone in the Transwarp looked around and screamed in excitement and awe as they seemed to float for a few minutes.
Ariadne and Louise were among those surprised and amazed at their first time.
The door opened immediately and a breath of fresh air was felt.
Even he, who had been in this new world for 10 years, was immediately mesmerized by the beautiful sight before him.
Silver and purple trees made everything look very fantastic, and large animals that looked very beautiful like moving pictures roamed and flew freely, singing the arrival of the newcomer.
The sky was a tri-color mix of purple, yellow, and light green with a white flicker that took away from the light blue sky that humans often saw. It's like mocking those who can only make blue, yellow, and dark blue skies.
Another amazing thing was the fact that all the beautifully carved pillars and statues were so large that they towered over the Transwarp, as if to say that larger beings had once lived here.
Huge statues that seemed to surround people.
Everyone could not take their eyes off the sight of a place that seemed to exist only in some old story they had heard. Without realizing it, their feet immediately stepped out, trying to capture the beauty through their memories.
Even he immediately followed the others outside, as if trying to find something. A strange tightness made him stop breathing.
Unconsciously, he increased his pace until he was running to a place he did not even know. His ears were ringing as pain squeezed his heart.
Eros froze before finally catching up to Eriu. The many gathered adults made it difficult for Louise and Ariande to chase after Eriu, so when they saw Eros chasing after Eriu, they thought of taking another path to catch up.
The hood that covered Eros' face came off as he ran at the same speed as the people in front of him. The strong wind sent his golden wheat hair flying.
Several people suddenly looked in the direction of the running boy, as if they saw the angel himself.
"Eri, stop!" Eros grabbed Eriu's hand and deliberately kicked his knee to stop Eriu.
Eriu just fell silent as if confused by what he had just done and his eyes stared at Eros as if trying to find an answer. Eros crouched down in front of him and moved closer until their foreheads touched. The sweet scent slowly calmed him.
"Listen to me, things have changed and you'd better forget it." Without knowing the meaning of the words, Eros said. It was as if he felt as if the memory of that night was repeating itself.
Like a broken clock that had stopped.
His mouth opened as if he wanted to say something before he closed it again.
"Eri, what are you doing!?" Ariadne and Louise caught up and immediately Ariande scolded Eriu. Louise adjusted Eros' hood and covered his face again. Some people were already looking at Eros like a hypnotized person.
Those who stared at him also belonged to the upper class.
Ariadne quickly picked up Eriu, who was as silent as a dead person. No sound and only breathing without being able to move his limbs.
Before those people could get close to them, Louise quietly dropped a gold coin that immediately turned into white smoke that covered them and like magic, they all disappeared in a puff of smoke that only lasted for 10 seconds.
"How pretty..."
"Woah, isn't that boy standing next to us?"
"So pretty! I think it's a god disguised as a child."
"Look over there, they must be thinking of taking the child by force."
"Shh, shut up, you'll get your mouth sewn shut!"
The boy with the arrogant face just stared silently at the place where the golden-haired boy was. Behind him, a boy the same height as him wearing a robe also fell silent as if he understood the boy's feelings.
"No way..."
"It's Ramiel!" Cleon turned his head and accidentally looked into Neville's mad eyes.
"Are you out of your mind? How can Deus come down here when everyone else is having trouble choosing an incarnation?"
Why even bother with this ceremony if any of the 14 gods could come down at will?
"I'm not making this up!" Cleon showed his left eye, which was completely red.
"If I hadn't blocked the view of that 'gift' eye, I'm sure it would have burst right there!"
As if replaying the footage in his mind, Neville recalled the moment those pink diamond eyes looked at him, and in an instant he felt his God-given 'eyes' tremble in pain before the smoke appeared.
He seemed to fall for the temptation of the God of Love, but at the same time he feared the terrible power behind it.
I want him so much...
No, he must be mine!
Cleon, who was standing next to him, just sighed as if he was embarrassed by the existence of this person laughing like crazy. Still, it was impossible to say that he was not interested in the boy. For him, this was the first time that his heart was beating just by looking at the boy.
"Hm?" Dressed in the typical blue robes of mages, the white-haired boy fixed his dropped glasses before turning to his friend, who suddenly muttered to himself. Behind him, the other mages were still surprised by the appearance of the mysterious, beautiful child, but unfortunately, his glasses prevented him from seeing the child in question.
His black hair covered part of his eyes and he soon shook his head.
Those who wore elegant eastern clothes looked as if they didn't care, except for those who were protected by many people. Their faces were tense.
Meeting each other after hundreds of years was like remembering the pleasure of a meal served.
One of them put his hand on the shoulder of the boy next to him, who even had scratches on his eyes.
"You need to find that."
"Elder Lin?"
"We can win..."
"If you find the elixir, we can defeat them!"
Several adults were talking to each other, and their conversation was not far from the boy who had suddenly appeared. As if waiting for their conversations to end, the boy just stayed silent and stared at the empty place.
"How jealous..." His black eyes stared at the empty space.
"Even this ugly boy is so taken care of by this beautiful boy that he could make several kingdoms go to war for him."
"Lycan, let's go." The adult who had been chatting immediately called to his youngest child. If you paid attention, you would notice that the child was almost forgotten, almost left behind by the person he called family.
"Okay, Mother." He walked after her with a glum face.
Questioning his whereabouts.
With an angry face, the boy pulled the chain in his hand, causing the 5 people standing in front of him to fall due to the sudden force.
As soon as the angel-like boy came into view, he immediately wanted him. His eyes immediately looked full of desire. But before he could grab the boy, a disturbance occurred, and he was unable to make this person his item.
He was now angry.
"YOU USELESS BASTARD!" The boy viciously beat the slaves until there was blood everywhere. Some people tried to stop him, but when they saw that he was of the Shadow race, they quickly abandoned the thought as if they had seen nothing.
Suddenly a flicker descended from the sky and surrounded the boy and the slaves with him. Every time the flicker hit the boy's skin, a scratch could be seen that made him scream in pain.
Everyone knew that there were guardians that could frighten even the gods, but this child of the shadow race had forgotten that fact.
Forgotten that he was now in a place where no one was allowed to break the rules. Everyone just closed their eyes and ears, even if someone screamed in fear of the horrible thing that suddenly appeared.
In an instant, the little boy and his slaves disappeared without a trace, not even leaving a single bone behind.
"Pftt..." The two children with similar faces laughed, "Even the Guardian hates that brute already."
Hearing her brother's statement, the younger sister was unhappy with her brother's words, "If you say that, you'll soon feel the wrath of the guards as well!"
The older brother just shrugged his shoulders, as if he ignored his younger sister's warning. Twins who couldn't even be told apart. No one could guess who was the White Swan and who was the Black Swan.
No one ever knows what the future holds, even the author who writes the story itself is confused by the desire for an ending.
Though your eyes see the future, is it really the future?
Like the forgotten mark of human sin and the story of friendship lost in the flames.
You used to say this to me when you asked me if the decision you had made was right or not.
Humans are just weak creatures who only have someone to blame. That's why they only have two choices for their future.
Kill the Demon for the sake of life;
Kill an Angel for freedom.
I'm not human anymore, so I don't know what the right choice is.
Normally, if you saw me wondering which answer I would choose, you would come up to me and smile cheerfully while saying, let's open the old book that smells of wood, like the singing that echoes in the church hall.
Wouldn't you, Uriel?
That may still be a question for me, so I'll leave you with a short message.
From your friend in arms, Ramiel.