Warning: The content of this chapter may be harmful or traumatizing.
With firm steps, the woman with the long black hair walked up one of the circular staircases that led to each of the 7 doors that symbolized each of the fairies that still chose to guard the Immortal Tree.
The building inside looked like it was inside a giant flower that closed with stained glass decorating the entire hall.
Therefore, the fairies who chose friendship created this place and were given the name Under the Name of Chastity, which symbolizes unity even though they actually dislike each other.
Each door also has a guardian symbolizing the characteristics of the fairies.
On one of the doors is a knight in black armor. It is said that they chose black armor because they are a form of death itself, and there are also those who say that the black color comes from a proverb that says that any color mixed will end up black, so they chose a color that means sameness, they will never take off their armor because it hides their rotten bodies.
The Spirits of Death, Skeletons, living to protect the people and dead to protect the king.
The door next to the Black Knight was a purple door with gold decorating the large door. Just by looking at the purple color, everyone can guess the meaning, nobility. There was a disgusting secret about them, it was said that they were actually humans, but killed fairies to become fairies. Although they denied it, it was undeniable that they often made strange potions that could even kill fairies.
That's why they were called Mad Alchemists of the Light, Mayres, Purple Blood is Everything.
Pure white robes with flying books follow them wherever they go. Their race is highly respected for their truly useful powers and are very sacred in the eyes of other fairies, related to the Dryads and Nymphs, but unlike their friends, they have a broad mind and a great curiosity about disease and medicine. That's why humans and other races try to make a good impression on them in order to gain that vast knowledge.
The Book of Knowledge, Oreads, the bright light of the mountain.
The small body with the unique 4-eyed stature looked skeptically at the other 6 guards with their disliking faces. Perhaps they didn't want to stand in the same place with people they considered stupid. Unlike the Oreads, they were science itself, no need to search for it, they had already come up with amazingly brilliant ideas and created masterpieces that were beyond reason. Those who discovered month and time made machines similar to golems. Unfortunately, although they are very clever, they are also very stingy.
Hands of Steel, Dwarves, Blessed Creators.
Unlike the four-eyed scholar, in front of the dwarf door is a door surrounded by tree roots, leaves, and flowers. Those who see the Knight of the Door will say that they must be a good person because of their gentle gaze and charm, which looks like a person who is easy to befriend. Normally, people wouldn't believe their appearance, right? But believe me, they are really very nice people similar to the appearance shown. These people are a different race, but because they were chosen by the spirits of the Pholoe Arc Forest to become a race by leaving their old identity. They have a special power, the power of the spirit, which is so extraordinarily strong that it is said they can wipe out the entire realm if they want to, but unfortunately there is a very high fee for having this power. Their tongues, memories, and futures disappear after they are chosen.
Loyalty to The Dancing Forest, Pentaur, The Name of The Forest Fairy.
A beautiful appearance with a melodious voice. Don't let them sing to you, or you'll be mad enough to fall off the cliff and give them your soul and your name. It is said that they are lonely creatures that live in the cliffs. Loneliness drove them mad, and eventually they jumped, died, and repeated the same thing until they became the symbol of the wind from the southeast.
Singing on The Wind, Zefiros, The Instigator of Life.
An earlobe similar to a leaf, their appearance is no less than that of the other Zefiros. The black-haired woman also had these unique earlobes. Unlike other fairies, who symbolize their uniqueness and characteristics, they instead wear white clothes covered like a religion, but unfortunately, the scales they hold are stranger than their clothes. The Immortal Tree alone blessed their race, and they were the most superior race of all.
The Punisher of Immortality, Elf, Died in The Name of Purity and Fell Upon Sin.
Higher and higher the woman climbed the stairs until she reached the door of her destination. The guard with the scale in his hand greeted her and stood respectfully without bowing his head in the slightest, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Amiley, what business do you have here?"
Although it seemed very polite, to Amiley the greeting was full of sharp barbs that insulted her.
To Amiley, it was like, "What are you doing here.
He used subtle words to drive her away.
Her chin lifted, and with a firm voice, Amiley turned what she thought was an oppressive atmosphere toward her back into an oppressive one toward the guard, "I want to see Cardinal Monarel."
"Right now."
The guard smiled as he replied to Amiley's words, "Sorry, but the Cardinal is not in the mood to see anyone."
"Ah, is that so?"
Amiley raised her hand and told the servant following her to come closer, and immediately the sound of slapping could be heard repeatedly. The guard who saw this was surprised, because of the white hood covering the servant's face, the guard did not recognize her, but not now.
The servant was his own daughter, whom he had thrown away.
The others who saw this didn't even turn their heads, because this had become a daily habit for these elves. Although it's a pity, what else can you do, this is the consequence of the woman who wants to be with dirty grass.
In the past there was a tragedy that was very controversial and was an absurd elf tragedy, sometimes even this tragedy became a joke for humans. The tragedy began with a pregnant woman who suddenly entered the courtroom and said that she was carrying the child of the Goddess of Chastity, Uriel.
Even with her own mouth, she said that the children she was carrying would lead the elves to the right path.
Cardinal Monarel was one of the four cardinals present at the time. Everyone who heard the woman's babbling must have thought she was crazy, but Cardinal Monarel immediately believed her. Unfortunately, the others refused and decided to sentence the woman to life imprisonment, but Monarel said to bring everything to the truth itself.
Of course, there were those who refused, but because of the woman's nonsense, those in the lower and middle classes believed in this woman, which finally made them choose the method that Monarel said.
Take them directly to the truth, to the eternal tree guarded by the fairies.
5 months passed and everyone gathered to learn the truth.
Soon chants began to greet the visitors, the sound of the lyre came from the sky, and a pale golden light surrounded the Eternal Tree. Slowly a fruit would grow on the trunk of the tree.
Take one of the fruits and eat it.
For that fruit contains what is called the truth.
If what the woman said was a lie, the woman would experience the same as the lie. Pregnant forever without ever being able to get the baby out of her womb.
On the other hand, if it was the truth, the woman would slowly come to know the truth. Of course, the woman would definitely be exalted and praised for giving birth to her Goddess-given child.
The Day of Truth began, but there was one absentee that day, Cardinal Monarel and his wife. Before that day there were rumors that Cardinal Monarel had beaten his wife many times.
The wife was not silent either, she took a knife and cut off one of the cardinal's two fingers, and because of that the cardinal hit his wife in the stomach, almost killing the baby she was carrying.
Cardinal Monarel himself wanted to take his wife to court and punish her for cutting off two of his fingers, but unfortunately she was not an ordinary person he could treat arbitrarily; she was the granddaughter of the previous pope and also the daughter of Cardinal Sinisluss, who was even more powerful than he was.
His actions eventually backfired. It was Monarel who was dragged into the courtroom, and there was evidence that shocked almost everyone.
Evidence that Monarel visited the pregnant woman almost every day and that Monarel's excuse was to help the outcast woman.
Everyone knew it was bullshit.
After all, his wife was also pregnant, so why didn't he pay attention to her?
A golden fruit appeared, and the guardian of the Tree of Eternity immediately took the fruit and told the woman to eat it. That day, the woman ate the fruit in front of everyone, and in a second, blood poured out of her eyes, nose, and mouth.
The woman was locked up and Monarel was punished. For 100,000 years the woman had to be in prison where people could throw dirt at her and for 100,000 years Monarel was condemned to be a slave.
The wife gave birth to the child she was carrying, but after a few months the child died.
700 years later, it is said that the pregnant woman finally gave birth, and the woman once again asked the Eternal Tree to be the place where the truth would be revealed.
But unlike before, the woman spoke the truth.
The two twins she was carrying were children given to her by the Goddess.
It was ridiculous and did not make sense.
Nevertheless, they had to release the woman from punishment, and she asked them to release Monarel. They didn't even seem to know the meaning of pubic, so Monarel went to his ex-wife and apologized for his sin. Follow the woman and ask for forgiveness.
His wife rejected the idea, but stupidly got pregnant again by the same person.
Stupid and ironic.
From slave to cardinal.
Cardinal Monarel came to his wife with the woman and the twins. He said that this woman would be his second wife.
The second time he left his wife.
The guard immediately bowed and with a trembling voice he stepped aside from the doorway, "...you may enter."
The servant behind her put on her fallen veil. Without turning back to the guard, the servant walked after Amiley. The servant's reasoning was that she preferred to be with her master, Amiley, rather than with the old man who adored her brother.
It was Mrs. Amiley who rescued her and made her the protagonist of her present life.
The knight who had followed Amiley came forward and immediately opened the door. Cardinal Monarel noticed the door was open and clicked his tongue, "I told you no one could enter!"
Amiley was silent as she saw the indecent scene before her, his second wife, Jaquem, sitting on his lap with her breasts exposed.
"Stop your indecent behavior before the world mocks you again..."
"Hik...!" Jaquem was startled and immediately stood up, covering her breasts with her hands before running out.
The people in the hall naturally whispered disgusted looks at the two shameless people. Some even laughed at Jaquem, who fell as she ran down the stairs.
"You crazy bitch, get out of here, I don't want to see you again!"
"Why don't you go help the other bitch?"
"Tsk, how dare you, get out now!"
Monarel slapped the table angrily and pointed at the wide open door. There was no mistaking that she had done it on purpose to humiliate these two again.
Her husband couldn't get away with it either, all eyes were on them.
"Huh? Aren't you more daring? Doing indecent things here, don't you have a home?"
Heh, the two of them were kicked out, so they both slept in this hall. No money, no food. Just hope for those who threw food at them.
The door was deliberately held back by the knights so that everyone could see it.
Cardinal Monarel immediately chuckled in annoyance, "Tsk, then close the door and let's talk." Amiley rolled her eyes, and even the servants behind her laughed at Monarel's nonsense.
"My grandfather told me to."
"Don't try to lie, close the door quickly!"
Amiley dropped a small object and a sound came from it. The sound of the thing called a recording was heard. Intimidating everyone who heard it, "Let the door be opened.
"If you insult my granddaughter one more time, look, you and them will not hesitate to be punished.
"You think I don't know what dirty tricks you're up to?
Cardinal Monarel bit his lip and clenched his fist, "What do you want to talk about?" Amiley smiled and threw the photos in his hand. Everyone in the back tried to see what the pictures were, after all a drama was about to begin, who wouldn't want to see that.
There were even those who approached the servant Amiley had brought and asked her about their curiosity.
"Why did you let those two scum take part in the Anestasi ceremony, hmm? What about Noah, why are you holding him back?"
"Tell me!" Amiely shouted, stomping on the photo, "Noah is your son! Why do you expect these two scum to be in the Holy Land instead!?"Cardinal Monarel, who certainly had a violent streak, couldn't help it if someone shouted at him, "Don't shout at me, bitch!"
"You want me to hit you again, ha!"
"! Ukh, Keugh!!!"
The Cardinal, who had looked very angry, slowly turned pale and held his neck as if to remove something from there.
"Watch the way you talk to your wife." Everyone turned their heads to the voice. Green eyes with mint hair, Zefiros, who was said to be the most callous, was the one who acted. The man walked backwards and entered the door.
Several people were silent, but not the dwarf, who approached several people with a smile on his face, "You know, that little thing that was used is something we made. If you want, we can sell it for 1000 gold coins, with a 10% discount of course!"
The people approached were confused and even had emoticon-like expressions on their faces, "Ehh..."
"That's it too! That photo is of the thing we call a camera! If you buy a recording, we'll give you a 15% discount!"
The person immediately stomped his foot vigorously while laughing, "Hahaha, sorry I broke my leg, I can't go around taking pictures, let alone revealing secrets. Hahaha."
Amiley paused before walking over to where her husband was sitting in pain. She kicked him hard and stomped on his leg with the heels of her feet. Despite the pain, Monarel could only hold his stomach and his eyes looked at Amiley with hatred.
"If you let those two twins in there again, I will not hesitate to remove your position and make you a slave again."
Amiley walked straight out of the room.
The little girl stared at the glass in front of her, her eyes filled with tears as she slowly touched her melting skin. The sight of her skin peeling off gave her goosebumps and fear.
Although her skin was melting, the child felt no pain.
Fighting back tears, the girl looked beside her. Her eyes stared fearfully at the sight of the potion in front of her.
Though she did not want to drink it, her mother forced her to, she said, because she was seriously ill.
She wanted to have long hair, but her mother always cut it. She wanted to wear beautiful clothes, but her mother stopped her. She was always afraid of being in a cage.
For the first time, the girl thought about breaking her promise by not drinking the potions. It must be the potions that made her skin melt!
The door to her room opened. Amiley, who had just returned, walked over to the cupboard and opened it, ignoring her daughter who was staring at her.
"You haven't taken your medicine yet?" Her submerged voice filled with anger, her innocent daughter immediately nodded and showed her melted face, "But Mum, if I drink this, my face will melt!" Amiley held the black potion in her hand and threw it, almost hitting her daughter, "I told you to drink it!"
"Your melted face is your sickness!" Amiley snapped, making the little girl tremble in fear, "If you want to live, take the medicine I gave you!"
"You're sick because you didn't take it!"
"Ha..." Amiley took the medicine and placed it in front of the little girl, "Open your mouth."
The girl looked down sadly before opening her eyes, deliberately closing them tightly so as not to see the potions going into her mouth.
So what's your secret?