Chapter 3

The world around Jason stirred to life in shades of darkness and uncertainty. Gradually, he rose to his feet, casting his gaze upon a scene of bewilderment that mirrored his own. Amid the gloom, others too emerged from the abyss of confusion, their expressions marked by questions without answers.

Fingers probing his pockets, Jason's hope wavered as his pistols eluded his touch. A sweeping glance revealed his surroundings – a vast, imposing auditorium sprawled before him, adorned with countless doors that seemed to offer an escape from the enigma that held them captive. Above, the ceiling of unyielding aluminum loomed, casting an unsettling aura. Cameras stood as silent sentinels, occupying every corner, their watchful eyes capturing every motion.

The sudden crackle of a microphone pierced the air, a clarion call that demanded the attention of every individual present. Heads turned toward the stage, their focus converging on the man who stood as both host and master of ceremonies.

"Fellow souls," his voice resonated, "I am Murello, architect of this unique realm that now envelopes you." Confusion gave voice to the collective query that hung in the air – where were they? A response emerged, calm and unperturbed, "You find yourselves here, enveloped in the grandeur of our creation."

The revelation unfolded – they had been selected, their diverse talents for ending lives deemed remarkable. They were the chosen participants in a trial that held their lives in the balance, a test of survival that would unveil the quintessential among them, the last five standing, hailed as the embodiment of mastery over mortality. The rest would meet their end beneath the shadow of inevitability.

For those who quivered with uncertainty, Murello offered a reality that brooked no refuge. "There is no escape," he proclaimed, his countenance unmoved, "Embrace the struggle or succumb to the abyss."

The promise of transformation beckoned – a unique attribute, bestowed to elevate their prowess. A whispered admonition hung in the air, a caution to guard their secrets closely.

As the assembly dispersed, destined for the chambers that awaited them, their collective steps mirrored a procession of destiny. Murello's voice lingered, a solemn echo, "Any vital communication shall find you in your sanctuaries."

----From Jason's point of view---

Being led to a room while blindfolded was a mix of annoyance and caution. Seriously, did they think I was an easy mark? Our journey took longer than necessary, igniting suspicions that flickered in the shadows of my mind. The sound of the door handle turning confirmed my destination, and soon I was unceremoniously thrust inside.

With the all-clear signaled by silence, I swiftly unfastened the bonds that bound me, shedding the confining blindfold. The room sprawled before me – spacious, yet windowless. A table, a bed, a refrigerator, and a solitary note graced the corner of the room.

Orange-painted walls lent an unsettling ambiance, interrupted only by a single framed object hanging on a wall. My eyes scanned for hidden threats, drawn toward a security camera perched in the upper corner.

Cautiously, I approached the table, curiosity mingling with a growing sense of unease. The note lay there, a silent messenger bearing my name and my favorite color. Its contents revealed a chilling truth – details of my safe houses, the faces I aligned with, the factions I served.

Fear rippled through me – they knew every detail, every facet of my existence. An uncanny awareness of my true last name, the one etched in the annals of my past, jolted me. Few knew it; I guarded it as a relic of an identity discarded. Yet, here it was, written on that note.

More unsettling was the cryptic message at the note's end – a veiled promise of penalties for insubordination. The room held no blatant clues to the nature of my newfound power, leaving me to my thoughts and the unsettling possibilities that loomed.

Fatigue tugged at my senses, eventually lulling me into restless slumber. Abruptly, the room was shattered by a jarring ring, jerking me awake. I stood at attention as dark-clad men marched in, handcuffs ready. Led into the obscurity of a dim passage, my steps moved toward an uncertain destination.

The distant glow grew into an encompassing light, igniting hope that this journey might offer an escape route. Yet, the luminosity unveiled an arena, its cupped seats gazing upon a formidable expanse of glass.

Seated amidst others, I watched as more were led to their positions. Then, the orchestrator of our captivity emerged, claiming the center of the arena. His voice amplified by the mic, he declared the initiation of a chilling spectacle.

"Ladies and gentlemen," his words resonated, "welcome to the debut event of 'The Hood'. In the arena, you will face one another as adversaries – to win, either force your opponent out of the ring or break their resolve. Understand this – no killing is permitted at this stage. Engage in that, and penalties await."

One voice punctured the air, questioning the extent of cruelty. The answer was a paradox – no immediate death, no prolonged suffering; instead, penalties and punishments awaited those who transgressed. The new event was aptly dubbed the "Battle Game."

Despite the rules and the hubbub of discontent, my attention had been distant, until one figure captivated my focus...