Chapter 2: Tutorial

"We want you two to join us, honestly," Kuroo said, "But you're not good enough,"

"Ouch," Yamamoto said under his breath.

"I thought we agreed to sugar coat it," Yaku said.

"I decided just to give them the truth," Kuroo replied. Haiba sulked a bit.

"Enjoy your camp!" Hinata said, "In the meantime I'll work on becoming the best that I can be!"

The next day arrived and the rest of the team left for their golden week training camp in Miyagi. Both Haiba and Hinata had been given keys to the gym for the week so that they could keep practising so that they could play in their first tournament of the year. It was before school on a Monday and Hinata unlocked the gym. He grabbed a ball and worked on his receives like Yaku had told him to, "Hello short one!" Haiba greeted Hinata cheerully.

"Who're you calling short!" Hinata jumped up at him in protest, although he knew that it was Haiba being childish because the two shared classes.

"You didn't set up?"

"I didn't know that you'd be here, and I'm just working on my receives,"

"I don't get why they didn't allow you to come. You and Kenma have that freak quick that you've worked on, it's like a trump card,"

"But I only have the freak quick, the rest of my skills suck, and I'm gonna need skills if I'm going to be our ace one day!"

"I'm going to be the ace! I'm Nekoma's future ace!"

"No! I'M Nekoma's future ace!"

"Eh? But you're more of a decoy, aren't you?"

"Decoy? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well whenever we're in practise doing match play, you always dodge blockers and stuff, and everyone's naturally drawn to block you. Kenma uses that to his team's advantage when you play together. He'll make you run for that freak quick whilst he tosses a regular quick for someone else, and no-one expects him to not toss to you because why else would you run that fast. See, decoy,"

"Wow! That's really cool! I'll be the best decoy in the world! AND Nekoma's future ace!"

"Hey! You can't have both titles!"

"Yes I can!"

"Well I'll just have to work extra hard to improve my skills so that I become the ace,"

"Pfft! You wish! I'll improve more than you Haiba!" the two practised their receives together until it was almost time for class.

In class Hinata reflected on Haiba's decoy idea, even if I am the best decoy in the world, I'll never be put on the court if I don't gain the basic skills. Blocking, receiving and serving. Nekoma's a defensive team, our rivals, Karasuno, are the offensive ones, but maybe, just maybe, I could become Nekoma's offence specialist! Yeah! I'm going to improve all my basic skills so that I can become our offence specialist! Later that day Hinata returned to the gym and practised his serving, he didn't need a good serve, just one that would get over the net.

After even more practise Hinata locked up the gym and headed home. He got onto his train just in time and stood for the quick journey, he then made his way to the bike racks to collect his bike which had been locked with two locks because his mother said that you could never be too safe. Whilst he was unlocking his bike he saw a poster advertising volleyball classes in the local gym, Hinata made a mental note to check it out the next day before getting on his bike and cycling home.

The next day passed and Hinata made his way to the local gym to check out their volleyball classes, "Hello," Hinata greeted the receptionist, "Do you know where the volleyball classes are being held?"

"In gym A, straight ahead and on your left, classes are ¥1350 per person," the receptionist replied.

"Thank you, do I pay here or in the gym?" Hinata asked.

"Here," the receptionist answered, Hinata opened his bag and paid for the class before heading to the changing room to get his knee pads on. Securing all his items in a locker Hinata headed to gym A. Hinata entered and was relieved when he saw volleyballs everywhere.

"Is this the volleyball class?" Hinata asked, of course it was but he needed to start the conversation somehow.

"No, this is the swimming class," the coach replied sarcastically.

"Really?" Hinata asked, thinking that the coach was being genuine, "But there's no pool,"

"I was being sarcastic kid, this is the volleyball class," the coach replied, "Name's coach Nishimura. What's your name?"

"Hinata Shouyou," Hinata answered.

"And how good would you say that you are?" coach Nishimura asked him.

"Well I just joined my high school team - Nekoma - but it's my first team because my junior high didn't have one, but I practised for those three years. I wouldn't say that I'm that good because I wasn't invited onto our team's training camp, which is why I want to take extra classes! But my friend who also didn't get invited to the camp said that I'd make a good decoy," Hinata explained.

"Nekoma, they're a good team,"

"I know! I joined because of our rivalry with Karasuno. I wanted to join Karasuno but I don't live in Miygai,"

"Let's see where your abilities lie. Can I have a couple of helpers - five would be a good number," five members from the class ran over, "Okay we'll have a three v three to end your session. Everyone else continue with you drills or end early, don't forget to stretch after!" The three versus three was hard for Hinata as he didn't have Kozume with him who could toss his freak quick, and so he couldn't show off his abilities much. However he did get a chance when he saw the other team go in for a quick attack. Hinata ran up and jumped to block them. Soon the match ended and Hinata was on the loosing side.

"That quick block was cool," one of them said, "You're really fast,"

"Thanks," Hinata smiled, it felt nice to be complimented even though he lost, "Hey you! You were really good with all of your receiving! Do you play... What's the position name? You know, the one that only plays in the back row - defence only,"

"Libero?" the person suggested.

"Yeah! Are you a libero? My school team's libero is teaching me to receive, I didn't even know that the libero was a position until this year!"

"Yeah, I'm my college team's libero, Kanda Hikaru, and you?"

"Hinata Shouyou,"

"Ah Kanda. Are you doubling again tonight?" coach Nishimura asked the libero.

"Yep coach!" Kanda replied, "Don't worry I'll take a quick break now,"

"As long as you do rest," coach Nishimura let Kanda go, "Onto you Hinata, you have potential,"

"Really? Great!" Hinata smiled at the praise.

"But it's a very specific potential, and with your current abilities that potential cannot be fully harboured in additional classes,"


"But I have a solution. You can learn a lot from watching. Keep up with your school practise and come along to the session that's about to start - boys one, either before it or after it I can do a brief one on one session with you on basic skills. Once your skills get better then I'll decide how we approach the next challenge,"

"Okay! I'll work really hard!"

"And feel free to pop along to this class if you want any practise," coach Nishimura gave Hinata a flyer with all the class timings, "And I'll give you this," he handed Hinata a small card, "Don't lose it. It'll allow you to only pay half the class price, since you won't be participating in the same way it's unfair to charge you the same amount, feel free to stay tonight if you want to, or just head home for tonight,"

"Thank you coach Nishimura!" Hinata sat down on the bench and studied the flyer.

Local Volleyball Classes


Girls 2: 17:30 - 18:45, for those between 14 and 19 (final year of junior high through to the first year of college), all abilities welcome

Girls 1: 19:00 - 20:30, for those between 19 and 25 (college students), all abilities welcome


Boys 2: 17:30 - 18:45, for those between 14 and 19 (final year of junior high through to the first year of college), all abilities welcome

Boys 1: 19:00 - 20:30, for those between 19 and 25 (college students), all abilities welcome


Intermediate: 18:15 - 19:45, for anyone who's got the basics nailed and wants to learn some more techniques, stuff that'll give them the push to get onto the starting order, adults only - note that places are obtained either through going to other sessions and being asked to change to the intermediate class or by having proof of a reputable volleyball career (i.e. on/was on a good college team)

Advanced: 20:00 - 22:00, for anyone who is trying to go pro or may even be in the V-League already, aimed at adults but those on the U19s, U21s or the national squad are welcome too - note that places are invite only


Girls 1: 18:30 - 20:00, for those between 19 and 25 (college students), all abilities welcome

Boys 1: 20:00 - 21:30, for those between 19 and 25 (college students), all abilities welcome


Youth: 16:30 - 17:30, for all under the age of 14, all abilities and gender welcome

Beginners: 17:45 - 18:45, for anyone starting out and needing some basic training, aimed at adults but teenagers 15+ are welcome too


Mens: 09:30 - 11:00, for anyone who still wants to play after high school and college. From rookies to pro players, all abilities welcome

Womens: 13:30 - 15:00, for anyone who still wants to play after high school and college. From rookies to pro players, all abilities welcome

Rehabilitation: 15:00-16:00, for anyone who's coming back from injury and needs and/or wants some light practise



Age ranges are approximate, you may be asked to train in the age category above due to ability standards

"Coach Nishimura," Hinata called out, "I don't know if I can do the Thursday night one, it might be too late,"

"Well, then I guess you can watch the girls play instead," coach Nishimura suggested, "It'll be similar, just different people,"

"Do you think that I should come to the beginners?"

"No. You've got a team at school that you can learn on, why pay for classes when your teammates can teach you for free?"

"That makes sense, okay Tuesdays and Thursdays," Hinata then went to the locker room to call his mother to explain the classes, luckily she agreed to it. When Hinata returned to the gym there were more people in there than before, Hinata noticed someone try to sneak in.

"Hisakawa!" coach Nishimura shouted at the person sneaking in, "Is this session going to be useful for you?"

"Yeah!" the person replied.

"Then why are you sneaking in?"

"Because you'd try and stop me,"

"And why do you think that is? You've been training all day probably and knowing you you'll be back tomorrow evening,"

"But coach Nishinishi!"

"Either coach or coach Nishimura,"

"Fine coach! Anyway, I'll take a more coaching based stance today so that you don't get even more annoyed at me,"

"I'm not annoyed, just disappointed,"

"Same difference,"

"Who's that?" Hinata asked Kanda.

"Hisakawa," Kanda replied, "So are you in college?"

"No I'm a first year in high school, what about you?" Hinata answered.

"I'm a first year in college, hence I can go to both classes," Kanda answered.

"Does Hisakawa go to the intermediate or advanced class?" Hinata asked.

"Definitely the advanced class,"

"Wow! So he's really good!"

"Yeah, he's only twenty-two and he's set up a good volleyball career for himself,"

"So what does he do?"

"He's now a V-League player, division 1 as well, he used to be on the under nineteens when he was in high school,"

"That's incredible!"

"He is good, he was one of the older members of the class when I first started all the way back when I was fourteen,"

"Why'd you start taking classes? For Hisakawa I'd assume that's because he needed extra training, when he was just in high school then he must have wanted to get better, and after he made the under nineteens he probably kept coming because they must have to train like crazy!"

"I started taking them because for all of junior high I had been stuck on the bench, other spikers and blockers being chosen before me, and so I wanted to give myself the best chance of making the starting order in my second or third year of high school. During my first year of extra classes I swapped to being a libero because I found it fun,"

"Second or third year? Why not aim for your first year?"

"Because improvements don't come that quickly, besides most first years don't make the starting order unless their filling in vital gaps like the setter and libero positions, or their really good, or the team is small,"

"What school did you go to?"

"It wasn't that big, I really wanted to go to Fukurodani Academy, but I didn't get in. Instead I settled for Kitorakuji High. We used to be known as the lucky tigers, like our banner said, 'Luck branches out to the determined', but no matter how determined we were, luck never seemed to be on our side,"

"Oh, that sucks for your team,"

"Well we did well enough seeing as I got invited onto a college to play, I thought only powerhouses got those luxuries,"

"I think if a college were to offer me a sports scholarship, they'd have to completely ignore my grades,"

"Work on improving them then, always work on your negatives until they become your greatest positives. Turn your weaknesses into strengths. Create a handle for your double edged swords to turn them into single edged ones. Anyway, I should probably stretch a bit after that break, I'll talk to you soon Hinata,"

"Okay Kanda,"

"So this is my little helper!" Hisakawa made his way to Hinata, "A high school first year, so you're just new to volleyball,"

"Not really, but it's my first time playing with a team!" Hinata replied.

"Cool beans! You're shorter than I thought you'd be when coach described you,"

"HEY! I may be short, but I can jump!"

"Okay Little Jumper! Let's hop over to this side of the court,"

"Hisakawa behave!" coach Nishimura yelled at him, "Don't go making a fool of yourself!"

"Sorry coach! Sorry Little Jumper, looks like we'll have to walk like regular people, so boring," Hisakawa pouted. The session began and Hinata watched to try and pick up on any tricks the players had. Soon Hinata's attention was taken to Hisakawa who kept walking onto the court and giving other players tips and correcting their posture and positioning.

"Hisakawa! How about you show me how to do a straight shot then?" someone complained as they got fed up of failing.

"Okay give me a moment to get ready," Hisakawa smiled as he quickly stretched, "Okay! Gimme a toss! Nice and slow though so I can show everyone how to do it," the setter tossed the ball slowly as Hisakawa ran and jumped for it, hitting the ball powerfully and dead straight with it landing just in front of the end line, "OH YEAH! THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY EPIC!" Hisakawa threw his arms up and cheered.

"Hisakawa, behave, it was one spike," coach Nishimura reprimanded him.

"Sorry coach," Hisakawa walked back over to Hinata and quietly said to him, "I'm not sorry though,"

"That was so cool!" Hinata exclaimed, "The way you hit the ball like wham! And it was like it was cutting through the air. Like the air was a block of tofu and your spike was a super sharp knife that easily tore through it. When I spike normally it's like I'm trying to cut an overdone steak with a butter knife,"

"I can see the issue. Butter knives only cut through butter, that is a major world crisis! Someone get the Little Jumper a steak knife for his overdone steak! Okay it's all about hitting the ball in that sweet sweet spot," Hisakawa began to explain.

"But I normally have my eyes closed,"

"Eh? But how do you see the ball?"

"I don't,"

"Woah woah woah! It doesn't matter if you have a steak knife or a butter knife, if you don't look where you cut then you aren't going to cut anything! Work on spiking the ball with your eyes open first and then I can actually help you out on making it more powerful,"


"Let's see how you get on with that Little Jumper,"

The session ended and everyone helped to pack up, "I'll see you on Thursday then Hinata," coach Nishimura said.

"Yeah! See you on Thursday coach Nishimura!" Hinata waved goodbye.

"I like the Little Jumper," Hisakawa said to coach Nishimura with a wide grin, "He reminds me of... well me! We're both energetic!"

"I think he might be more mature than you," coach Nishimura said, "But I can see the same eagerness to become better that I saw in your eyes all those years back,"

"I think Little Jumper is going to take the volleyball world by storm! I'm routing for him!"