Chapter 9: Multiplayer Mode

"Finally," Kuroo rolled his eyes when Hinata made it onto the court, "We get it, you wanted to go to Karasuno,"

"Hinata?" Yaku asked due to Hinata hiding behind Kozume, "What's the issue?"

"Jeez Chibi-chan, how many times do I have to tell you that Bokuto ain't scary," Kuroo laughed.

"Yeah, I'm the kindest person in existence," Bokuto added, overhearing the conversation.

"Why're you scared of Bokuto?" Kozume asked.

"Because he gives off a really powerful aura," Hinata explained, slowly coming forwards, "And it's intimidating. Not to mention that he's a powerhouse ace,"

"Hey! I'll have you know that I'm a top five ace nationally!" Bokuto pouted, by this point the other teams had come to watch the commotion.

"Waaaaah?" Hinata exclaimed, "Kyaaah! He's super powerful! I'm so sorry Bokuto-senpai, I didn't mean to offend you, yourejustsointimidatingcauseyourereallytall,"

"I bet Häagen-Dazs on Hinata freaking out when he learns about Sakusa," Yamamoto said.

"Oh definitely," Inuoka agreed, "I bet Häagen-Dazs on Hinata freaking out too,"

"Well I bet some that he doesn't, because I'm hoping that he's learnt to overcome his nerves by the time we may have to play them," Yaku said.

"I didn't get included in the betting this time?" Shibayama asked.

"Sorry, but Yaku got in first," Yamamoto said, "Unless you want to join us,"

"Sure, I'll bet that Hinata freaks out," Shibayama said.

The match was played and Fukurodani won, Nekoma did their lap of diving drills and the next set of matches began. And that was how the rest of the day played out until the coaches told them to stop and pack up. Soon the five teams at the camp went to eat dinner. Hinata got his tray of food and sat down next to Kozume and Kuroo, "I still can't believe that I got to meet THE Karasuno today! Are you sure that I can't transfer Kuroo-senpai?" Hinata began to ramble on about Karasuno.

"Yes, I am sure that you are staying at Nekoma," Kuroo replied, teasingly grabbing Hinata by the collar of his top.

"Anyway Karasuno are really good! They're tall middle blocker needs to lend me his height, their setter has that really quick toss, their libero is really good, their captain's super duper good at receiving, their ace is powerful and their no.5 is really good too, and that's just their starting order," Hinata rambled on.

"Hinata! Don't eat too much! We have extra practise after this!" Kuroo lectured, "And you need to eat instead of gaming Pudding Head," Kuroo promptly took away Kozume's PSP.

Dinner passed and after some time to rest the extra practise began, Hinata immediately ran over to the gym that Nekoma were supposed to be in, "Actually Hinata," Yaku said, "Kuroo wants you to practise with him,"

"Okay!" Hinata replied before running to the other gym, "Kuroo-senpai! What're we practising tonight?"

"I still need to whip you and Haiba into shape," Kuroo smirked, "You're receiving is still sub par,"

"I'm working on it!" Hinata whined. After a fair bit of just receiving Kuroo decided to end the session.

"Haiba you can go," Kuroo said, "Chibi-chan, we need a word,"

"Am I in trouble?" Hinata gulped.

"Depends on what your definition of trouble is. I want to talk about that block thing you did in the middle of the tournament, when you went for a different spiker to the rest of us," Kuroo said, "Tell me what was going through your mind,"

"Well, um, I was watching the ball and saw it go to the other spiker and so I ran for the ball," Hinata explained.

"So it was all instinct in a way,"

"Coach Nishimura said that I had a slight knack for reading tosses, he even suggested that I took read blocking seriously. But all the good read blockers are tall, I can't get into the block in time,"

"Read blocking? I never thought that you'd be the one to try it out,"

"I've only ever tried it once or twice, and I'm not quick nor accurate,"

"But you're working on it. It's instinctual at the moment; so work on thinking about it. Once you get good at thinking about it, make the thought process become habit and then make the habit your new and improved instincts,"

"Hmm, that sounds really clever Kuroo-senpai,"

"Of course it is, I came up with it. Well this'll have double the usefulness now. Hey owl with frosted tips!"

"Bleh!" Bokuto stuck his tongue out at Kuroo, "What?"

"Two on two," Kuroo said.

"Kuroo-senpai! But he's a top five ace!" Hinata protested.

"Part one is to get you over your fear of Bokuto. Part two is for you to work on that thought process whilst also knowing who the spiker will be," Kuroo explained, "Cats v owls, not quite the same as the cats v crows,"

The two v two went well, "Bokuto-senpai!" Hinata called out, "What was that move when you hit the ball straight down?"

"That my dear pupil, is called: A FEINT!" Bokuto answered dramatically.

"Wow! Can you teach me? Pleeeeeeaaaase!"

"Of course," Kuroo and Akaashi watched as Bokuto taught Hinata the feint. After the practise Kuroo and Hinata returned to the room that Nekoma were staying in.

"Kuroo-senpai, Bokuto-senpai's the best ace in the world!" Hinata gushed.

"And you were terrified of him earlier today," Kuroo teased, "Make up your mind," Kuroo ruffled his hair, "Just don't go transferring to Fukurodani now,"

"Of course not!" Hinata's face lit up, "Race you to the dorm!" Hinata began to run as Kuroo stood still and laughed at him.

"How are you friends with Pudding Head?"

The next day went the same way and once again Hinata was practising with Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi and Haiba, "Tsukki!" Kuroo called out the the tall middle blocker from Karasuno, "Aren't you going to practise with us?"

"No and don't call me that," the middle blocker replied before continuing to walk back to the dorms.

"Jeez, what's his problem?" Bokuto whined.

"Yeah! What's his problem!" Hinata added, "Bokuto-senpai! You have a cool top on! Where can I get one?"

"First you need to make it to nationals - but no beating Fukurodani to get there - then you go to a T-Shirt stall and then you buy the WAY OF THE ACE top," Bokuto answered.

"Make it to nationals and crush Fukurodani, go to a T-shirt stall and get the way of the ace top in my size," Hinata said to himself.

"No you don't crush Fukurodani! You lose to us if you play us!" Bokuto shouted in protest, "Do I need to teach this to my favourite pupil again?"

"I think he's got it right," Kuroo commented.

"What do you know?" Bokuto stuck his tongue out causing Hinata to laugh.

"Come on! We don't need a tall Tsukki to practise!" Hinata said as he ran to get a ball.